Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

You are like 30 ilvl below the seasons end… Stop crying and wait while practicing …

Good bait.

To be clear it’s a slow and a dot, if you can remove slows you can remove it before it does damage and don’t need to kick it. Same spiel as the DoT from Ulduman last boss.

You need a 30s~ kick to get every heal. Which shadow just about has.

I don’t even think a melee kick lets you get every heal and every dot though.

The problem I’m having is getting rid of cocoons consistently. You can MC the spider they spawn and try to get zekvir to kill them but it’s really finnicky and the timing changes after 50% to where I’m not 100% sure it’s feasible. Strat might be to slowroll the first 50% and burn the last 50% with all cds but that’s a pretty gruelling first half with a lot of things that aren’t 100% under your control that have to go right.

It 623 realistic for a player doing delves and world content? (and, no, not in a week, but after a few weeks of play) I don’t know if the delves will drop the higher level gear and crests necessary to get up there. And delves gear stops at T8, right? T9+ are all “challenge” modes?

With the rewads we’ve seen from delves, and what we know the vault can award. 620 feels roughly the absolute maximum a delve only player can reach by the end of the season.


Fundamentally, I have no real problem with this (I honestly don’t know where 620 falls in the big picture, but no matter). However, a fundamental aspect of the game is that folks can accomplish what the confluence of their skill and gear allow them to.

And by this, I mean simply that the more gear you have, the less skill you need. The absurd example is walking into an old raid and one shotting a boss. All gear, no skill.

But as players strive to complete content, it’s done on this continuum when they finally reach that threshold where there combined skill and gear are enough to defeat the content. (And this level is different for everyone, I am certainly not a high skill player.)

So, I can only hope that the Delve track will let us eventually conquer these challenges without having to be an elite player. It would be fine to be able to get “delve only” bonuses. Like, if I cap out Brann, will that be the last straw and pushed me to success? That’d be fine.

But the path should be there, within the framework of what a dedicate Delve player would do.

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Agree to an extent with this, competency should absolutely be required regardless of the strength of the handicaps in place though.


I don’t disagree with you. As someone who has mained Resto Shaman for 4 expansions, its frustrating that it is literally impossible to defeat even at the ? difficulty for me. At ilvl 602, my DPS is just way to low to compete with the eggs 13m health pool and it isnt even close. And people will tell me to pick another spec… okay, so 1 less healer in the game now. This boss will deter people from playing healers and tanks because DPS will be too low to beat the main boss of season 1. Really quite frustrating… (Im just venting at this point, dont take me too serious). But I do think health pools should change (atleast for the egg), depending on what role you choose going into the fight.

Haven’t people already done ? on resto. Post nerf even.

Zekvir has not been done since the hotfixes. On any class or spec. The closest anyone has gotten to my knowledge is 28% and that was me.


But it is doable.

Its not impossible, its just difficult. Why are you worried about completing a seasonal challenge one week into the season? This is why all our content keeps getting nerfed

Because the particular aspects of the encounter that make it impossible for XYZ spec are not improved by more brann ilvl or more gear as things currently stand. Some specs are only gated by their output in order to defeat Zekvir, others very much are not.


my BM hunter pets get 1 shot by the boss please tell me how waiting further into the season is going to fix this outside of blizzard making changes :slight_smile:

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I mean Zekvir ?, not ??.

Zekvir ?/?? Achievement should be for each individual class/spec for starters.

I haven’t tried ?? yet but was disappointed to see doing nemisis on one class unlocked it and it didnt appear to have a section there listing what class/spec you did it on.

Unless I’m blind.

Ah, then ye. ? is doable at 600~ or so it feels like. No special tricks involved.

Yes, it’s well-known that I’m all about M+ and pushing high rating.

Spoken like someone who hasn’t even tried ?? tier.
Sorry but 30 ilvls wont make you not get oneshot

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The Kanretad challenger right in 5.3 is probably the 3rd or 4rt best well made thing of all times in wow

No, it is impossible. At least for the big majority of the specs.

I’ll not say this again, i’m tired of this non-sense from people who didn’t even tried the challenge by themselves. For now on, I’ll just re-quote the same reply for anyone who tries to argue the same thing:

The fight is supposed to have a duration of 3 to 4 minutes, even if you have a big **** DPS. Most specs (actually we can only take blood dk apart) can’t stand 30 seconds against the ?? difficulty. Some get one shot by 2 meele attacks, so even less. Brann can’t stand the fight either, and no, he doesn’t scale with your ilvl.

The jump from 605 (ilvl tested) to 630 (avg. of mythic ilvl) is only about 17% more power, and this case is the best expected value possible.

17% more power isn’t going to make you endure the next 2 minutes in the fight.

And a bonus: This fight is a bad design. A challenge is supposed to be about your skill and mastery of the class your playing, not item level. This “not supposed to be beaten this early” is a lazy-dev excuse. Again, and again, and again: We had better, REAL CHALLENGES before. This is just a mistake made by Blizzard and it is time for you guys to confess this.