Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Idk, work on reading comprehension.

“I haven’t gone beyond Tier 8 / I haven’t gotten to Tier 10, but I think these are the actual reasons you can’t do it. (Usually ilvl)”

It’s been said and it’s not really a surprise, but I’m still surprised at the amount of people coming in here having done no pulls of ?? and trying to explain why it’s actually this, that, or the other that’s the problem.

I can’t even imagine what people without a 15 second interrupt are doing, because if you don’t hit the heal, he will just heal himself to full every… 20 or so seconds. And he has that heal from the start. You use the interrupt on the heal, which means you need some way to handle the poison/slow cause Brann is near useless and doesn’t have the cooldown to interrupt it regularly. Then. If you don’t have the million dps minimum to kill the egg before it hatches, the add has a cast it will immediately try to get off that will stun you for 5 seconds if it does.


I’ll throw this out here: The heal in phase 1 is only ~10%, which lets you focus on the dot at first if you have a heal reduction. Once you hit phase 2, though, that heal goes through the roof, I think it was either 20 or 30% after Mortal Strike, which if you don’t kick that I cannot see it ever being out-damaged this season

Item level was also irrelevant in the mage tower as stats scaled. This is not the case in delves. Even if you do only delves, you can get geared out in heroic path gear by the end of the season. No one currently has much beyond champion, and none of that has been even upgraded to Max yet.

Delves are a seasonal content which means the content is intended to take a good portion of the season to complete. Expecting to have cleared it prior to the season starting is a bit naive.

You guys again at the argument that +20 item levels will make you outstand half of your life in meele hits. This is now starting to get funny.

Defending a poor designed fight that the only challenge is finding more gear is a real gamer move.

I want to die 500 times because I need to work on the mechanic correctly. I want a fight that looks like i’m solving a puzzle. This happened in World of Warcraft many, MANY times before. The fight has 4 mechanics total, and the only barrier for a player to complete is standing against 2.5mi meele hits, why can’t just all of you confess this was a terrible design by blizzard?

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So what your saying basically is blizzard released solo content, for solo players but not for the vast majority of casual players. This is still a club thing and casual players are not invited.

Actually, it is more as “some specs are invited, maybe” kinda thing.


Expecting to clear content meant for a much higher item level that isnt even possible to obtain is ludicrous. Is it possible? Absolutely. Should it be easy? No. Give it a couple of weeks and get better gear. Then you can come back in here and tell us it’s too easy.

Are you a bot? Did you read the topic at all? Any of the replys?

I still can’t understand. I’m getting hit for 2.5mi physical damage (NON-FREAKING-CRIT, WHICH CAN CRIT) and getting rekt in 4 hits or less, even if I self-heal.

How can you guys use the argument of “Get Better Gear!”? How much do you think that going from 606 ilvl to 630 is actually going to give you in power? Do you think you will be doing 50% more damage and healing by earning 24 more item levels?

And how about Brann? HOW ABOUT BRANN? Isn’t he supposed to help in the fight? Why does he dies within 30 seconds? Or getting perma-feared because he can’t evade a thing?

Agreed. So it should be tuned for an item level that will be available this season, instead of one we might reach in pre-season of next expansion

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Friend of mine did it as Ret Pally in 600 gear. Took him maybe 10 minutes from start to finish. I yolo’d it once and failed; put it on my list to come back to when I’m ready to focus.

It also needs to be tuned for the item level that will likely be achieved doing the content.

How high will folks doing (essentially) just Delves be able to get?

Your friend, post-Thursday hotfix, cleared hard mode Zekvir?

Theoretically, 619 (hero 4/6) is likely to be the cap by the end of the season unless they are stepping into mythic pluses

I’ve solod an 8 and while it was hard it wasn’t impossible. Gear item level makes a drastic difference. If you can’t realize that simple concept I don’t know what to tell you. That being said clearly blizzard has made changes to delves and are continuing to do so. However I’d imagine they don’t want people clearing high level delves, designed to be the hardest solo content in the game, before season 1 even starts. Your lack of understanding that simple concept is astounding. Asking to be able to clear this content with extremely sub par gear and then getting upset when you can’t is dumb. It’s okay to have a challenge and it’s also understandable to realize that a higher item level, including a 4 PC tier set, would make a substantial difference on not only your survivability, but also your DPS numbers. Obviously if things die quicker then you don’t have to worry about having that defensive cool down 9 times during a fight.

T10 rec is 623, T11 is not specified.

And given T9 is 610, I don’t think that’s the intent.

Perhaps, 636 as the ilvl expectation?

there is a curio that lets you direct who he targets isn’t there? I got one which I never tried but it seems like that is what it is supposed to do

I tried it, it’s not usable for zekvir. You have to position the arrow, good luck while trying to dodge.

What? I think t11 was what 630ish or something right? Someone mentioned this earlier. People are already hitting up to 605-610 item level the first week the raid was released. I only cleared some delves and 7 bosses out of normal raid and I’m at 603… Imagine what item level will people be out after this week of mythic + and actually learning the raid fights on heroic. There’s already people out there that have sold some of these high level delves with crap gear on so…not sure the point your trying to make. I’d imagine if you can’t clear a 10-13 delve by the end of the expansion the problem is you not the delve.

We are not talking about level 8 delves here mate. We talking about a challenge. The hard mode of the challenge. You clearly haven’t done it, so why you here talking about “It is possible”?

From 606 to 630 (assuming you get the same gear with same stats distribution) there is a 17% overall upgrade.

The aimed shot, yes. But it’s only for that one shot, then he resumes doing whatever he wants. Plus it’s pretty random on when he does it so it’s not reliably up during the egg, and the damage on it has been nerfed to hell. You’re better off with the crit chance curio.