Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

I enjoy the challenge vs raiding AND m+. Gives me time to drink coffee between pulls. :+1:

M+ is the one with the timer. you can drink coffee in raids.

I bet that wasn’t Blizzard’s intent, but I am not Blizzard so who knows. But I would be willing to bet they didn’t intend for it to be that easy.

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I didn’t even full clear it - i just did what was necessary :nerd_face:

We’re very aware that we’re early season item level. We’re also aware of what late season item level is like, and people are vastly overestimating how much power that gives you. The problem is that the current numbers tuning does not feel possible, even if we had an extra 10 or 20 item levels. The incoming unavoidable damage from autos is immense and half of the classes can’t even deal with both of the interruptible abilities.


The main issue is Zekvir has a cast you need to always interrupt and so you need Brann to interrupt it when yours is on CD.

It’s a coin flip on whether or not he even tries to interrupt the cast at all. And that’s as a mage.

I can’t imagine how priests are supposed to do it.

lets also not forget that delves were advertised as solo content for casuals. most casuals will not see 600 ilvl let alone 639.

which begs to question? who was this content really made for?


when i first got my game boy and given the game super mario land , I thought it was the hardest game especially for my age . after a year I was speedrunning the game without losing and lives . in other words git gud and stop complaining

Great take. You clearly haven’t read anything in this thread. Your highest delve is an 8. You haven’t killed the easy mode Zekvir. This is about the hard mode Zekvir, which you haven’t even unlocked yet. Why do people like you feel like commenting here?


because i am tired of seeing delve posts after a week , and people being just lazy and feel that blizzard should just assign menial quests to make you feel better instead of actually putting the work . many times i wonder why people bother playing this game if they think it’s so unbearable

What’s tiring is people yapping about something they have not experienced and know nothing about. It’s like someone reading the headline for an article and suddenly having a lot of expert opinions, but they neglected to actually read the article.


Everyone since there’s a Tier of difficulty for all levels of skill.

The first one I seen finish it was a Unholy DK, a Tank DK and a Tank Demon Hunter(they have crazy self healing too).

The bit about table not being able to survive one hit is wrong. My prot paladin is only at 570 ilvl, and he has 5.4 million health unbuffed. So, A+ on the confidence, F on the content and execution.

Watch the next blue post come out and say.

In the process of fixing the bug where brann was gaining the stats the mobs were supposed to gain at higher delve levels, we made a new bug where the zekvir gained the 125% dps gain brann was supposed to gain.

This is just another math failure. Easily fixable, but blizz needs to be much more careful deploying these patches, as each mistake causes multiplicative levels of player frustration.

I remember that part in super mario land where you would take unavoidable damage upwards of a third of your health even through a defensive. Favorite part of the series actual, one of the best tab-targeting MMOs of the era.


Crazy seeing people in here thinking it doesn’t need massive changes. It was tuned by Blizzard with the overpowered Brann. When they adjusted delves, this challenge was hit MASSIVELY, it is not even in the same realm of a challenge.

Streamers did this when it was “easy” and it took them 2+ hours of banging their head against the wall, saying things like “I think this is impossible guys”, all while Brann was tanking the fkin fight and doing 70% of their damage… lol.

Blizzard will 100% adjust this fight, it is not meant to be scaled this way, they know it.

If any of these people acting like it should be this way show me a video of them getting past the 30% mark with current tuning I’ll eat a shoe lace and upload it.

Obviously bugged and unintentionally hit with the insane numerical changes and we have blizzard’s most devout “Its suppose to be hard!” players screaming it shouldnt be fixed. incredible.


I ran some numbers to help emphasize how actually funny this is at the moment, since people want to be contrarian just to be different.

While I doubt any of them understand math at this point, here’s some numbers for anyone with basic algebra knowledge looking for something tangible to see how impossible this is at the moment.

At 606 I am sitting at:
48,049 agi leading to ~800k dps
237,759 Stam = 4,755,180 health
21,750 armor which comes out to 16.58% DR (vs even enemy, which Zekvir is 2 levels higher as most boss elites are)

If I look at my theoretical stats from armor at 639:
55,763 agi which sims at 1.01m dps
324,370 Stam = 6,487,400 health
26,413 armor, a ~21.5% increase on the 16.58%, which comes out to 20% DR VS same level, which greatly gets reduced by these elites. Not wanting to do the exact math on this at the moment, you’re reducing all of roughly 660k off of a 4 million hit at this armor rating.

So, for all of you people going “The end game gear will fix it”

My tier set is useless for my spec, at least until they shift damage from out kit to it on Tuesday. Current sims reflect this. My tier gives less that 3% gain.

At 639, I will:
-Barely be able to clear the damage check just for the egg, and that’s with zero down time, being on top of the egg the absolute millisecond it spawns.
-Still get 3-5 shot by his auto attacks (base that I was seeing 2-3 million damage pulled down to 1.6-2.4 million by armor)
-Nearly one shot by his crits (4-5 million damage crits. Totally fair)
-Unable to resist the poison very quickly (one kick, unless Brann isn’t useless. That DoT does ~2 million damage a tick. Vanish is required to meet the DPS check, thus can’t be used as utility. Cloak is 2 min CD. He casts that spell twice before it’s off CD.)

And this is while sitting in max ilvl gear.

Do the math people. This isn’t doable with their stealth nerf to Brann.

Edit: I was being pretty generous on the side of winning this fight when doing the numbers. Reality is more than likely that he will still 2-3 shot you with the way the 2 level advantage gives him a damage advantage/crit bonus over you. You will be crit, more often than you’d expect. And you will be laid flat.


Why are you simming 1 mil at 639? That’s extremely low even for no buffs.

I think it’s doable as shadow. Just got it to 35% at 607 ilvl. Will try again with tomorrow’s brann levels and maybe I get the curio I wanna try out.

Yeh Brann is an idiot now, not target swapping, running into frontals and running into the AOE fear. The boss, the damage, the fight seems the same, but damn Brann is dumb as now.

I don’t have videos and I don’t care if you believe me or not, the only person that matters who believes me is me, and I know I did it. But yes like Khalamete said, when it was doable.

Even then, seeing how many people were complaining prior to not being able to do it, I proved like many others who have videos, that it could be done.

The Mage Tower re-release in SL was what I would call a challenge, especially the guardian druid one. Not so much a challenge now, but it was certainly a challenge when it came back in SL.

And yes I got that guardian druid one done then too, within the first 3 days before any nerfs came out. The date is on my account when I got that one done, so I know a thing or two about a challenge, and you are right, this one now is not possible as it is as of today, Brann is just too useless to do anything for you.