Zekvir difficulty "?" (Tier 2) mechanically impossible?

I think this hints at a more systemic issue the game has with melee ranges. The first jaw dropping problem is the inconsistent hit box size. Some large mobs it’s sized to it’s ground indicator, but a lot of them you have to run inside the mob.

On top of that, they took away most / all range extending abilities. The game doesn’t play slow and tactical anymore and with melee having to do most of the interrupting while constantly moving around and getting spammed with “Out of range” is making combat an awful experience.

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They’ve made the mage tower. They know that to be challenging solo content it needs to be tuned to every spec and their abilities.

And they went through extreme teething issues making both horrific visions and Torghast work.

In the first month of torghast there was one boss that while a snooze fest on my feral was nearly impossible on my outlaw. Horrific visions were the same way with massive differences in difficulty depending on spec.

But they keep adding specs and never locking down the dungeons or spec designs to be able to tune anything. so here we are.

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You’re not wrong, but mage tower was not one encounter. It was a handful of destinations delineated among classes and roles.

Mage tower was also never built to be assaulted by like a best case scenario group comp, which Zekvir is designed to at least present a challenge to. It can’t be “find a group if you want a chance,” but it may be “maybe you should roll X class to solo.” Warbands and such.



They put in a baseline gear. A control to be able to fine tune the experience.

So they know what it takes. The question is why do they keep trying to create similar solo experiences with these one size fits all solutions?

And on top of that they’re playing with fire by rewarding this like end game group content. Do they get it balanced with the rest of the game? Or, do they invalidate either Delves or the rest of the game by creating a clear path of least resistance?

At least with the current mage tower, I don’t need to gear up the alt I run it on since the gear scales down anyway. I don’t want to have to gear a blood DK (a spec I’m probably not even good at) to have even a chance at the void airship.


I solo’d 5 mask visions on my bm hunter, even sold some 5 mask runs for gold but they were a massive pain on my priest lol


did 5 masks solo once for achievement then was like never again

Ya, super simple with cat. Very hard on other specs. Started off impossible with heal and tank specs if I recall, then became super easy on tank and heal specs. And torghast went through similar issues.

The secondary issue this causes is everyone talking past each other on the forums. Add in the ego stroking “I did it, get gud” and you have this wonderful situation of everyone being right with mutually exclusive results, from their single spec point of view.

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Wasn’t this nerfed in today’s “fix”?

Zero issues killing him 15 try’s

As a lock I don’t even have enough kicks to complete this fight. I need to rely on brann to kick when mine is on CD and he doesn’t always kick lmao.

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Proof? If you killed it 15 times surely you can record one, post hotfix.
I find it really hard to believe anyone can do it at current tuning

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As a 605 ilvl Blood DK the ? Difficulty is a cakewalk as of 9/14/24. The ?? Difficulty is impossible because neither I nor Bran do enough damage, nor can take enough damage to get through this encounter. If Bran were still doing the amount of DPS he were doing over the last few weeks, I would have easily completed the ?? Difficulty.

Here is a link to me Soloing ? difficulty as a Blood DK. The ?? Difficulty is seriously next to impossible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39PNEz7pscw

I’m just farming Tier (?) as a form of revenge and stealing his loot repeatedly.

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Thanks, i figured ? would still be doable. Have had 0 success since the hotfix trying to do ?? though. shame, i got it down to 20% before raid last night

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congratulations being one of the few class/spec that this is true for

The assumption I’d have is if ? is “ilvl 600” then ?? is much higher

I’m under 600. But yesterday I was consistently getting him to like 50% and today barely scratching 90 on ?

It’s a bit silly to me that the quest literally says “we’re not strong enough tae take him on just yet.” Like don’t give me the quest then, foo

I hope you didn’t play legion lol.

Mage towers say hello.

Mage towers were doable, i never felt like the auto attack damage was killing me doing those. It was all mechanics
This however is awful. The auto attacks are the main mechanic killing me. how does that make sense?

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