Zekvir difficulty "?" (Tier 2) mechanically impossible?

On ??, even when I’m tanking Brann just ends up dying anyway and being useless for both interrupts and killing the eggs. When Zekvir overlaps the egg and his AoE fear such that I can’t still melee it, there’s just no chance to kill the egg and it’s an instant wipe.

Mage towers the first few weeks were INCREDIBLY rough. You had to play them perfectly perfect to even have a chance, and some classes were near impossible without certain pieces of gear.

If we were a bit into s1, I would be worried. But we are still week 1 and its supposed to be really hard. They might have over done it or its just not supposed to be completable now. No telling.

But because of how many mage towers I did and the point in time when they were doable beyond being an immense sweat… I’m not worried about this. Yet.

I’ve done ? twice on my ele shaman(602 no tier all basic enchants) since I’m thinking I might be farming zekvir later in the patch since amusingly enough his delve is the fastest clear. The second time was post hotfix and I think the biggest difference was brann not really doing any damage I think on my first kill he was on par with my character and on the post hotfix kill he was on par with my ancestors. Also I don’t have the numbers for my first kill but I think it was in the 1-2 minute range, in fact I sort of know it was since half the fight I had earth ele carrying me, while the second was in the 3 minute-4 minute range.

?? does 1-2 million damage on auto attacks while I’m using defensives and I’m not having that the instant dodges that can only really be dodged with mobility moves is enough already.


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Gear doesn’t help much. They auto attack to dps, 2 million every 1.5 seconds.

Let’s imagine you are a caster DPS, you have 3 defensive (w/ 1 min, 2 min and 5 min CD), healing potions and the purple potions that recovers 3 millions w/ 5 min CD. You fully geared with 636, let’s assume its 10 million HP.

How long will you stand and how many damage do you pump while stand still?

Adding those mechanics, you have to move to dodge the frontal, fears … How many damage do you pump in that case?

That’s why impossible.

Mechanics might hard, but people can find some sort of solutions. But that auto attack is unreasonable.

I did all 3 hunter ones and monk ones (except healer) week 1
it was hard, but i never died to auto attacks. It was always mechanics

I only did 2 the first week, but I did around 20 or so altogether.
Some classes were super rough due to stats and such. Like feral and unholy were miserable because of rune regen and ferals energy gen. So you fell behind on imps.

Bear really needed luffas so you could keep your thrash uptime.

For some reason, ret was my hardest. I did it for sin pretty fast.

But the point was some were really hard week 1, others were almost impossible without certain legos or stat soft caps. So they became much easier later in the season.

Yeah i get it needing to be hard. I just think autos being the main reason it’s not doable is bad game design, since most classes can’t handle that damage.
It was a very fun fight pre hotfix, i wasn’t letting brann tank myself, and got it to 20% or so as windwalker before i had to go for raid

This was the point of the post i made, it feels like the abilities he has just just overlaps so much that it feels borderline impossible to even attempt doing the fight.

same, I did all priest and hunter ones week 1 and it was a mechanics check.

Yea, the ?? seems largely improbable, if not impossible, with the current tuning. I never tried it prior to the “buffs” to it so I cant compare the fights then and now.

Normal Zekvir (?) I think is appropriate. It isnt too over bearing with the auto attack damage, the add health is in line with a Tier 7-8 delve mob, and even if it hatches its not the end of the world but it is a bit worse.

Hard Zekvir (??) autos for far too much to be sustainable without Brann cheese. I doubt most people can solo a higher level delve and NOT use brann as a punching bag or kite enemies in order to slowly whittle them down because of mobs doing huge hits. 2 million basic attacks are going to be neigh impossible for any DPS class. Gear doesnt make that better at all, maybe you can take 1-2 more total hits but you will still run out of sustain/fail damage checks just to live.

Couple that problem of AA damage with Brann also doing far less damage in addition to not being able to cheese tank and you are just SOL. Gear will make the eggs easier to kill for sure, and gear will allow you to progress the fight maybe 20-30% faster. Gear is NOT going to help you outlast the fight, you will lose the war of attrition.

For reference, It just took me 2 pulls on ? difficulty at 602 ilvl, and I died because I got stuck on an edge. Mechanically (at least for a ranged hybrid), I would say ? difficulty is a joke and the greatest struggle is a camera angle messing with you. ?? difficulty is impossible not because the mechanics are “hard”, its impossible because gear wont let you live. Even if it took 10 minutes to chew through all 190 million HP that would be fine, but its simply impossible to live.

I could go further and mention interrupt CDs, defensives, hybrid healing vs. not, but there is no need imo because it all leads to the same place, ?? difficulty being entirely impossible without some exploit level cheese as it currently stands. I would love to see a video of someone doing ?? level post buff (if they can) to see what i am doing wrong.


As Havoc DH, I’m just glad I got Zekvir T1 killed post hotfix, last night. I didn’t even know about Brann’s nerf! But as soon as I entered T2, I got through one rotation of abilities until the cocoon and realized, it’s flat out impossible. It will be interesting to see how much further I can get through it every week, that is, if gear actually makes a difference.