Zekvir difficulty "?" (Tier 2) mechanically impossible?

Can I have your stuff?

No, but I think youā€™re getting my ignore.


Well I agree with the fact the changes they did to Zek were nonsense, went from easy to do on regular mode to actually kinda nuts

Then you do ā€œhardā€ mode and yea I donā€™t even know how youd do it now

So can I have your stuff?

What an amazingly fresh and creative response from 2004.


Aw come on the buttering you up with me agreeing with the state of zekvir (My actual opinion btw, memes aside) deserves some kinda special acknowledgement

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The point of my post is NOT about numbers or using brann to tank the fight. Iā€™m pretty sure he was never intended to tank the boss, and obviously we are super undertuned because itā€™s week one of the season. I do however think, if doing the fighting intentionally, itā€™s extremely difficult to tank the boss AND dodge his AoE fear all while trying to run across the room to kill an egg that also gets cones baited to you twice in a row. As you finally get an opportunity to fight the boss he turns around and does the aoe fear once again, essentially denying you from even attempting to kill the egg as melee.

The fight should not be designed in a way where the big aoe frontal that one shots you ever faces you, it should ALWAYS pick brann. This would make the fight atleast somewhat doable. Plusā€¦ they need to nerf the AoE fear in some form because the cast is too fast to avoid.

Again, not talking NUMBERS thereā€™s plenty of time to outscale hits, leech through, tank the autos, etc, itā€™s a MECHANICAL problem where the fight feels like you flip a coin. If the boss picks you for any of the cones during an egg you just wipe.

Additionally, your cds donā€™t even reset so if you want a proper pull you have to wait for your timers, or pull without them.

It just sucks from a mechanical pov. I really hope they revisit this and do some tweaks. Number wise i think itā€™s fine, maybe some nerfs to his autos, sure, but ultimately the mechanics need some tweaks.


Once moreā€¦ get in early orā€¦ miss out lolā€¦ I was able to solo him before these hotfixes. Nowā€¦ he one shots my pet with his auto attack. Legit, one swipe, faultline full to dead. :joy: sooo broken now.


I did the Nemesis achievement after the hotfix (which is Tier?, and the one for the quest.) so itā€™s def still doable (maybe not by all classes) but the Tier?? which is what a lot of people are referring to is numerically impossible. Brann canā€™t face tank him anymore and he autoā€™s way to hard.

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I went in on a tank spec, the damage was not too erratic and so i definitely feel like itā€™s numerically where it should be. The problem definitely felt like mechanics overlapping completely preventing you from doing the mechanics at all. So i understand thereā€™s a lot of people saying, ā€œOh itā€™s overtuned this sucksā€, i tested it from a place where i could see if mechanically things worked out. They werenā€™t. You canā€™t even dps the egg half the time because the AOEs are so fast and massive that unless youā€™re like a demon hunter or ranged dps you canā€™t even touch that egg unless you get lucky and it spawns next to you.

Edit: the fear was impossible to avoid even with me trying to pre-emptively move i still had to pop my 45s cd movespeed ability, deathā€™s advance to escape it. I could AMS it as well, but either way it feels terrible and feels like if you were something like a priest face tanking the boss idk how iā€™d escape that fear.

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I assume youā€™re talking about ? difficulty, because ?? is not numerically tuned in any way. As for the mechanics, you need to practice. They were in a good spot, and DBM already has timers for most of them.

Talking specifically ā€œ??ā€, the first difficulty was easy and fun! I really enjoyed it. I was surviving the autos and the other abilities pretty okay, sure he was trucking but i was able to get to about the second egg. The problem is just a mechanics thing, because of bad RNG and how his abilities just deny you from even fighting the egg or escaping the fear without DKā€™s AMS.

I would believe ā€œnot possibleā€ right now, but likeā€¦ how much will gear ultimately matter when this is a seasonal thing? In the FIRST season no less. How much item level fluctuation will be possible in the timeframe where this challenge will exist? Is it enough?

I think he sees many iterations, and some of them may actually or at least effectively rule out mathematical possibility for a time.

Itā€™s so hard to make an encounter where a solo player of a ā€œworst case scenarioā€ sort of class has ā€œa chance,ā€ and yet the encounter is also supposed to challenge an optimized party composition.

The other question is are the devs happy with ā€œchange spec and you can do this?ā€ Are people being stubborn to ask for every spec to have a reasonable solo chance? Hell are the devs perhaps thinking ā€œthis class can do it, and will get your warband the dub, roll one,ā€ and will players think thatā€™s fair?

This whole delve experiment is going to be a fluid conversation, I should think.

Yea closest I can get him is 20% on a ret paladin, and thatā€™s being on top of interrupts. Brann ends up dying because he stands in everything and I overwhelmed with mechanics. Itā€™s so far impossible to survive even with LoH, bubble, and every other paladin save I have. Tried as holy, the egg for some reason is impossible to kill, but the spider dies fast? Lol only as holy though. I canā€™t solo as holy because eventually Brann just dies.

I like this take. Iā€™m curious to know if perhaps a dk just canā€™t do it reliably and perhaps having to reroll to something that can is more of an option. Thatā€™s a thought that exists as well. However, they made delves sound like theyā€™re supposed to be content you can do on any class. So balance somewhere has to happen. Maybe they take the mage tower approach and change the fight based on the spec, for example, fewer interupts if youā€™re balance, or spriest, while making the boss do less damage but the egg has more hp than normal. Things like that.

I simply put out my opinion on the fight from a mechanical stance. I think the mechanics of the fight themselves are great and its a fun fight. It just felt impossible to avoid the mechanics as theyā€™re too fast

They did release delves in the same expansion as warbands. I donā€™t know how many heads this design intent would explode though.

Just un-nerf Brann, itā€™s stupid that Brann dies in 2 melee hits now. Why nerf Brann so unreasonably before the weekend before most people can even attempt this?


Edited the title to state Tier 2, because for some reason ā€œ??ā€ gets changed to ā€œ?ā€

Did you try it on Tier ?? or just Tier ?
Because in hard mode the boss hits most people for over 100% of their health even at 600 ilvl. He melees for over 5m damage. Only reason you donā€™t just die outright is the system in place that prevents one shots by setting your health at 1 rather than killing you outright.
The only spec right now that can survive Tier ?? is Blood DK with smart CD rotation by healing themselves back to full with every melee they take because even a tank gets hit for 80% of their health at 600 ilvl.

I tried outrunning the boss by stacking speed and even with 42% passive movespeed boost the boss still ran faster.

We can easily extrapolate to what HP numbers will look like by looking at PvP gladiator gear stats and at most a DPS will have between 7m and 9m health (depending on class) with the best possible gear this season, that will at most make them survive a single hit.

Itā€™s mathematically impossible without cheesing in some way or abusing some sort of mechanic or system, and thatā€™s not considering the mechanics that needs to be done and the RNG required for Brann to actually attack the damn egg.

Yeah, doesnā€™t really feel possible as Ret @ 603 currently. The egg has so much health even with cooldowns up, and I canā€™t sustain through the 1-2m autos. Almost every holy power has to be spent on heals leaving nothing for damaging the egg or boss. Plus Brann just straight up dies lol

I did it solo as shadow and discipline but it was a lot of retries, not having an interrupt is painful.

? is doable, ?? feels impossible though.