Zekvir difficulty "?" (Tier 2) mechanically impossible?


As someone who did some testing with the difficulty ?? fight. Not even talking about a numerical PoV, aka not meeting dps checks, not able to kill the egg asap, there are some severe issues with this fight that make the fight actually seem impossible from a mechanical PoV.

The very first mechanic he does, is his aoe fear. This ability has a 2 second cast time with about a 25 (ish?) yard range, that forces you to run away from him. His hitbox is so large, yet the boss will stand directly on top of you making it impossible to even dodge this fear. On the first difficulty, this ability was no problem, there was plenty of time to get out.

The second thing to note, is now the egg has significantly more hp. 15m hp, roughly. Yes this could be a tuning thing, i’m in roughly 600 ilvl gear testing this, so understanding that i cannot kill this is fine…

HOWEVER the problem is not that the egg has so much hp, the boss has TWO frontals. which he will always chain back to back after spawning the egg. As you know how cones work, the radius gets significantly larger the further you get from him. Well… you have to run to the egg, so you can drag him with you, after the two frontals, but guess what happens after the second. The AoE fear. that’s already borderline impossible to avoid. This pretty much means the egg ALWAYS spawns, making this add have a cast that MUST BE INTERUPTED OR YOU DIE.

Zekvir has two mandatory interrupts one putting a slow on you, which you can survive, as a tank, but the slow makes it borderline unbearable. The other is a massive heal if it gets off.

I love the idea of the fight and the first difficulty of this fight was actually extremely fun. Bigwigs calling out the spells, made it entertaining it felt like everything had counter play and felt fantastic. Clearing it was exciting and exactly what i wanted out of that fight! I loved it 10/10. However, the ?? Difficulty from a mechanical PoV, i have a hard time imagining any class with low mobility and not being able to take a hit being able to kill this boss anytime soon.

-Fear’s radius is too large or the cast time of it is too fast.
-The frontals being as fast cast as they are and spammed back to back prevents the boss from being moved to the egg that spawns on the other side of the room assuring that you never get to kill the egg because he’s just always casting directly on top of it.
-The interupts are probably unforgiving, but if the egg has less hp i wouldn’t care about him having interupts that are punishing as it’s part of the allure of the fight.

PS, I know the fight is supposed to take the entire season, i know that there’s time to outscale it, and scaling is definitely a factor, as i’m not fully enchanted, no tier sets, etc. I just think the cast times are a tad too fast or the radius of them are too massive preventing you from even attempting the fight on a regular basis. Otherwise the fight is fantastic and i would love to do attempt it more, but as a DK i had zero mobility to be able to not only escape the AoE fear at the start of the fight or even dps the egg at all

Edit: Edited the title to specifically say (Tier 2) As my opinions are specifically for the hard version of the fight. The rank 1 is doable, as i’ve done it and as many others.


The main problem is his auto attacks. Not even the mechanics
He hits for 2million per auto, on non tanks. Brann can no longer tank him either. So you can’t even get into the fight before dying to passive unavoidable damage. Horrible design


I’ve seen a couple people now with the mount so I think it’s possible. Not for me for awhile, my man kept his rings on when he goes swinging at my healer.

Two days ago he was doable as long as you played perfect and got reasonably lucky with Brann’s AI. It was a great fight, and a good challenge. Now Zak can 2 shot you and Brann with an average melee hit of 1.5-2million. (due entirely to the hot fix). It’s impossible now just because of this. Otherwise the fight was in a great spot.

For reference, I was getting him to about 20% and slowly getting better. After the hot fix he just runs me over with sheer melee hits.


It’s hard to say anything now after so many hotfixes.
I’ve seen a VDH do the fight when Brann tanked a lot more damage.

Yep i was progging him before raid last night, come back to it after and literally can’t survive to first egg cause autos.
Fix it, please

Before the “fixes” they did, he was actually killable and done by a few people

Several people have now edited their strategies/guides saying they no longer work cuz his numbers no longer make sense


The people that got him before the hot fix… congrats! Bran no longer is able to withstand the same amount of hits or keep agro and the entire fight is dependent on him. Unfortunately I don’t believe anyone will be completing him anytime soon again.


Yeah they need to aknowledge they fluffled up his fight, it was actually a fair challenge before.
Now, 2m autos will make it impossible the entire season, except maybe by geared tanks

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I actually got annoyed and tried it as blood

5m auto attacks for tanks lmao


tbh it wasn’t ever fair with how dependent you are on Bran. the mechanics were pretty straightforward… it just sucked wasting a run (honestly all runs) because Bran decides to just not focus the egg.

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They got it before the hotfix when Brann would just face tank the boss and all you had to do was avoid the cone and kill the egg/add.

Now Brann can’t tank, enemies fixates on the player 99% of the time and when they don’t and attack Brann, Brann falls over in 2 hits.


Tried it on 8, solo, 2 person, and 5 person.

Under geared so can’t complain too much, but the mechanics suck in an extremely annoying way.

Usually throws the cocoon in a corner, so you get camera boss issues, while your trying to burn the cocoon down you have to switch to the boss, to interrupt, and it’s still doing that frontal which puts melee out of range of the cocoon.

Spider hatching is pretty much a death sentence for one and two person groups.

It’s Week-1… you will NEVER be weaker in TWW than you are this week.

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just fyi I haven’t tested out yet but apparently tiger’s lust in your case would remove the DOT incase you can’t interrupt it in time.

Well then why the quest?

That’s what makes me madder than anything, wasting my time giving me a quest to run content with a maddeningly over mechanic’d fail state.

Spent a good hour and probably 2k in repairs to learn either this encounter got pulled out of the oven early or giving us a quest for it is a bug.

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Tell me how 30~ more ilvl will make you survive the 2m (5m as tank) auto attacks man

i doubt our hp is gonna go up that much


It’s letting you know it’s there… some people HAVE cleared it, certainly not all, or even most. I went in there myself… made a few attempts and thought to myself…

“I will never be weaker in TWW than I am this week”

and put that quest on my “I’ll get to it later” list… not all content needs to be completed on the 1st week of a new season.

The people who HAVE cleared it did it before the hotfix that made it impossible, by using brann to tank.


Well thanks but no thanks on that.

Best thing I can say about letting me know about this wonderful experience, it’s making me think about reclaiming 160 GB from my SSD.

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