Zekvir. Did you enjoy?

I enjoyed ? but I did not enjoy ??. In fact I never got it done even though there are countless posts on here just letting everyone know that if you simply get good it’s a cake walk.


I had an odd sort of fun, as I got close to doing it I had that “just one more try,” feeling.

Could it be better, less RNG, more balanced for all specs/classes, for sure. Can’t wait to see the season two boss

Pretty much where I’m at, and I hope that in being better designed the underpin can be more of a baseline challenge. Otherwise it’ll likely die in the ilvl we have now.


I think this is probably a good sign. Challenging content isn’t supposed to appeal to everyone.

It’s optional. It exists for people who want to challenge themselves. You never have to do it if you don’t want.

It’s a W for sure.


Tried it once, died in two seconds, and noped out of it forever. Sticking a fork in my eye would’ve been more fun.

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Wonder did that already happen considering your character has an eyepatch… :face_with_monocle:


Q here lost the eye to an overly curious ferret after a campsite bender.


I’m not a high-skill challenge-seeker. I’m not the target audience of this content and that’s ok.

I did manage to squeak through the basic fight once, but I have no intention of attempting the advanced fight.

In my ideal world this would be something I could someday outlevel, come back and stomp on, but if challenge-seekers need exclusive rewards, so be it.

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Honestly, I would argue part of the reason mage tower was as beloved as it was, was that it could be out geared. In general blizzard has some weird difficulty threshold they are aiming for all advanced pve content that goes several steps too far for many people, it’s very prominent in this expansions mythic and m+ scaling, and noticeable as a trend as well.

It’s not for most people. You’re supposed to see someone with the mount and know exactly the thing they had to do to get it.

I think you are confusing what I mean. Difficulty for difficulty’s sake is not good for the game; you see it with the reliance of addons for assignments on the actual mythic bosses. You see it with the utility checks for groups in m+ where having interrupts, stops, and defensives in abundance is a big deal for stopping bursts of damage. Most importantly you see it in how much high-end content gets nerfed from release. Blizzard felt compelled to do sweeping nerfs to the raid despite having mythic gear go even further beyond its usual ilvl, and a system that increases damage and healing biweekly.

How are people supposed to “see someone with a mount and know exactly the thing they had to do to get it” if the thing they had to do it is so annoying and arcane that very few even want to bother trying? Mage tower was challenging content, but also more of a “did you play late legion” check.

It also doesn’t even go into things that are difficult and fun because of it and things that are straight up annoying difficulty like pass fail checks wiping a raid. An easy example of this is looking at how a number of patchwerk style fights are beloved because they challenge your group to optimize, but aren’t mechanically crazy vs a great number of more mechanically intense fights that are hated because they had some aspect of “one person wipes the group on repeat”, “a chunk of prog is lost to setting up weakauras”, or “the fight is just outright unpleasant to play and doesn’t let immobile classes function”.

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I completed easy zekvir. I wouldn’t say I had fun necessarily, and I don’t even recall why I did it. It’s one of those fights where there’s just so much going on that you have to do it over and over until you’re used to the amount of stuff going on.

The s2 challenge boss looks better just because it’s an open arena, rather than the hall closet you have to fight zekvir in.

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No, but I got it done because lol.

The Legion Mage Tower scenarios were better but also suffer from some specs just having it easier than others.


Just killed him on ? . I tried early on in release to get him, I just couldn’t do it. So I didn’t bother for quite some time. I got busy levelling alts, the Anniversary etc.

Did I enjoy? Once I realized, yes, I’m going to kill him, I did haha

I’m glad that’s over. I’m actually happier now that I finally have Relicblood of Zekvir 4/4 lol

Did it on a Ret Pally. My Brann was level 56. I think I may get him levelled some more today if I can,

This. Right here. This is probably the most annoying part for me.

And I just realized you need ?? to get the Void form for the mount, I think I’ll pass, I know I can’t do that one.


I didn’t enjoy it, but I will forever enjoy riding around with the skin. They made so many of my other mounts trivial (some I spent months trying to get). Hopefully, this one will never be trivial. Ugly as sin, but unique.

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I can’t say I’m overly interested. I haven’t done a delve past 8.

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I enjoyed the challenge of it and sweating over it super hard.

It wasn’t that hard. I crushed him as fury with a healer Brann after maybe two dozen attempts mostly because of my own stupid mistakes. The thing about it is the vast majority of players just aren’t very good at the game and are either not given direction on how to get better or just have no desire to actually improve at the game. I smack him around in T11s when he pops up because he’s so predictable.

Wasn’t a fan.
A class agnostic cognitive load check can’t have much if anything interesting or unique like, say, Kanrethad.
There’s a quest that builds up to the encounter, it’s a duel between two Warlocks for supremacy atop the Black Temple that plays into how your class works, and you get to enslave a damn Pit Lord.
Here, at most, you cleanse a DoT with Teleport.


I only did ? this morning. I found it to be frustrating at that level - like, if you don’t move within 1 ms of seeing he is doing a fear you’ll be feared. I did manage to finish it in one go on my prot paladin but my bm hunter never got it. (I have more “oh !#@?” buttons on my paladin).

I’m kinda dreading doing ?? … not sure if I want to bother.