Zekvir. Did you enjoy?

Yeah, it was decent content.

Whats the title?

Initially was frustrated, learned the fight and it’s nuances and got everything I could out of the experience. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to the next one.

Hopefully it’s a bit tighter tuned or it’ll die on day 1 in the gear we already have.

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It was pretty fun. I enjoyed ?? Zekvir a lot.

I cleared it before nerf and had fun doing so, but I also think its horribly designed. Zekvir fails on a few accounts the big ones are that as a one size fits all boss he has mechanics that punish some classes way more than others, in particular having two important interrupts feels mean spirited even if most classes have a way to negate the damage one. Aside from that I wasn’t fond of the rng on egg spawns and spell queueing as it made the difficulty of the fight feel variable. Brann was a net negative aspect to the fight as well, not just because he enabled some cheesy kills at the start of the season, but also when the fight was tuned way up in response, he was a nuisance that could not be relied on to do interrupts or drop potions on time in addition to just getting feared on repeat in phase 2.

5/10 mage tower was better. 5 might be high, but I like solo player challenge content, so I don’t want to discourage it.

Wasn’t gonna bother with the ??? Difficulty. So I had fun just beating him once on normal.

Before the nerf being post brann fix pre egg hp change?

Attempted him at ?? today…


More like 96% are left of bell curve in the skill department.

Or really far less since a huge amount of those numbers are surely not even active accounts and/or have the expansion and/or even know about Zekky.

Not that any of us will have that, but the better statistic is how many players have attempted hardmode Zekky. Probably the closest number would be how many have cleared easymode Zekky but not hardmode Zekky.

Zekky is not even mage tower level skill expression difficult. Maybe it can be argued he’s close to mage tower for select specs who had an insanely easy mage tower (both DH specs, any agatha spec when the command center or whatever building that had overworld adds randomly spawn to help you since it worked in her lair), etc) but overall any given mage tower challenge demanded more from a player than Zekky does.

People are just whiny and bad. Stop lying to yourself that you’re a good player just because you smash world content and can go through LFR fights and usually not die. Those are not impressive achivements or testaments of skill. Instead of blaming “bad RNG”, instead acknowledge you played poorly and think about what killed you and WHY it killed you. That smash too hard to dodge? Why? Were you slowed by spittle? Why wasn’t it cleansed off you? Was you too far and the cone too wide? Why were you so far from Zekky and he not in the middle of the room? The egg? Why didn’t you expect the smash and position Zekky so the smash is baited off to the side allowing you to run to the egg and out of the smash at the same time?

Zekky is a flowchart of a fight where your primary aim is to be returning to a favorable/default state and setting yourself up for the next egg and barrage of mechanics. It isn’t even a lot to keep track of. 1 interrupt that 100% is on you (Brann as DPS won’t even try and int it…he’ll always go for a spittle instead) and a handful of pure 1 shot or you are practically guaranteed not to survive if you get hit and somehow dont die mechanics that are all a variant of “don’t get hit by the cone/ball”.

when I wad 610sh, I wiped 10-15 times and said wtf is this rng in the guild chat. The next pull I killed it. It wasnt that bad heh.

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Less than 4% have either “Hunting the Hunter”, or “Let me Solo Him”.

Less than 20% have “Nemesis”, which is what you get for clearing Zekvir ? only.

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I just finished it, and it took me about 30 or so pulls. I enjoyed how as I learned the fight more I kept getting closer and closer to finishing until I put it all together and killed him, was a great experience for someone who hasn’t been able to raid this expansion because of having a new born and not having time.

Is that a warlock? If not… it is now. I am using that from now on :smiley:


Yeah, that weird point after they nuked brann but left the scaling as is so the egg required a whole lot of damage to die each time.

Not fun at all, especially since such intensive long fight caused me few health problems past 7 - 8 minutes, making the fight even harder.

When i beat him 2-3 weeks ago, it wasn’t satisfaction but relief and a furious urge to smash my keyboard on the one designing this fight as i was close to a heart attack (i’m not joking)

Too much problems plagued this fight and i hope that the next one will have a better design.
I’ll try him in S2 but i’m not sure that i will be able to handle another Zekvir?? health wise.


Attempting a fight 30 - 40 - 100 times is boring, frustrating and I’d rather play something else.

So I stopped and haven’t been back.

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

it wasnt fun and it was bugged too. didnt have any chest(s) in the room after i killed him.

apparently it was because i had a bonus delve loot buff thingie on… lame.

He’s shown up for me a few times… and then leaves before I can kill him. He does drop some sort of body part or something for me to loot though. I think. I dunno.


No. For a casual friendly progression track, adding a nonsense boss with absurd mechanics felt like a huge miss.

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