Zekvir. Did you enjoy?

I finally knocked this out today. And I have to say there was no fun to be had doing it. I felt like there’s no progressing or playing better. It all has to do with the rng between his fear and cone, and which he intends to pick after his spit.

Anyway, im just curious how many people found this fun?


Less than 4% of players have completed it.

I daresay, most of us hate it.


I thought it was fun.


I did ? for the Delve meta, but i have zero interest in smashing my face against ??. I’m sure i could do it, i have the item level and ability, but the will is lacking lol

I think the fact that it’s just a skin for a mount i already dislike doesn’t help with my motivation.


Loved it

Actually mad next season bad guy isn’t just zekvir again in a new forum


Who is the next seasons big bad?

The Underpin

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I enjoyed it for what it was. But it quickly.lost steam doing it on more classes as the whens and hows were already solved

Coloring the same picture, just a different crayon

No, I did not. While I felt a, sense, of satisfaction, I mostly felt relief at it finally being over with.

The mount skin is pure unfettered garbage, but the title is okay.


I enjoyed it. Initially it frustrated me, but I liked the challenge.


Tried it for a few hours today on my holy priest as shadow and then my mediocre prot pally. I decided I am too old for this nonsense. Out of like 30 pulls I got him to phase 2 on my priest only a handful of times.

Probably won’t go back for more.

Glad other people got it but I will have to make peace with knowing my limits and maintaining my sanity lol.


Eh. The fight feels fine in the current version, but early on it suffered from delves having negative tuning and Zekvir design overall suffers from being a single solo encounter. There’s no nuance for different class designs and the fight isn’t like horrific visions where there’s room for many different mobs that can be varying levels of challenge for different classes, so it just feels like a bland fight.

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Zekvir is either completely brain dead or will make you want to rip your hair out, depending on what class you’re playing.

He’s basically just a really badly designed Dark Souls boss. The “you get hit, you die” is there, but none of the nuance is. He is for the most part just a huge wall of raw numbers with auto-attacks that do an absurd amount of damage to anything not wearing plate.

I got him down pretty early on, but I definitely hate that fight. There’s zero fun to be had.


Whew least we know Bed of Chaos doesn’t fit this description :joy:


It wasnt as hard as mage tower as i remember it. But i wish the room didnt have so much crap in it for a better camera

Id aim down for the swirly dodge and crap on the ceiling would block my view.

But the fight was really just getting enough dmg to consistently kill the egg. Then dodge stuff.

Overall it was fine

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This, this right here is like 75% of the problem with the fight. That room is janky as hell even on a good day, but boy can it mess with your camera if you make one wrong move.


Im not sure what its like for the other classes, but the cone for my hunter was a complete nightmare. Youd get pulled out of the fight to chase down and melee the add egg, and the cone was just too large on the far side to avoid in time.


I sure did not find it fun in any way, shape or form. It was so bad that I was put off delves for a few months, and only now am able to force myself back into delves. And I only go as a tank now. I will never step foot in Zekvir again, nor will I ever ever ever do anything similar in future seasons. Never again.

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Dunno what your spec is but when I did it on mine, I’d apply the DoT to the egg from Butchery while saving Wildfire Bomb and KC for it since one of SV’s strength is being able to DPS at range, Eagle also helped a good bit. Depending on what Zek used like if he already coned or feared I’ll use Fury.

I can’t say that I enjoyed it