Zandalarian Racials going Live

100% heal and loa buffs going live soon, jeez LOL

Gotta get that race change money before they can fix it in 2 months.


100% heal on classes that can create a mini bubble like hunters turtle or something seems a bit OP, no ?

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Big payday comin in!!! All those race changes!!

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Kinda sad that this game has come to a mount store and 100% heal store.

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The funny thing is a lot of casuals will not have Zandalarian trolls unlocked. Blizzard could probably make a ton more money is they removed the grind/requirements. lol


Can’t wait to see how high dampening gets when you can heal to 100% behind a pillar :ok_hand:

You mean they gotta get those subs back

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Any dots break the cast so even during turtle it will break

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Spend money to race change and then Blizz drops the nerf bat hard … the same script has been played again and again . Sometimes I wonder if Blizz does it on purpose to make money from this .

Kinda obvious but gotta follow the FOTM when competitive

You will realize that Mages getting Kultirans with haymaker is far and away the biggest issue with these new races.


Imagine a ret finally connecting to a mage 5min into the game use wings in clutch moment and the mage just bump you away. They’ll just leave match

I mean they will just easily be able to set up their own sheeps now. Sure you can compare to deep freeze and whatnot but the game has changed so much since then and sheep has just become more powerful every xpac in comparison to other cc due to pruning, shared dr’s, fear getting nerfed to 6 sec, etc. Mages being able to knock someone away from los and stun them to guarantee their own sheep while having shimmer is going to be way worse than anything Zandalari have to offer.

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I read somewhere you can only change your loa once a week which is pretty damn stupid

Read somewhere that haymaker doesn’t have the knockback in pvp - fingers crossed.

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did they not bring zandalari down to like 25% for full channel?

No it’s a 6 second cast with each tick being 16.7% of the health bar and it breaks on any and all damage including self damage like cauterize and stagger.

seems okay for paladins/hunters and maybe really good for rogues/druids
not the unreasonable to shut down on literally anything else

I think paladins are the only ones who will really see a truly good benefit from this. Maybe mages / rogues if they block / cloak and vanish, and get a reset. Other than that, even absorbing ticking damage breaks the channel. So a priest with rapture who manages to get away wouldn’t be able to make use of this racial if someone sneezes on them.

I don’t think it’ll be that big’a deal all around. Like you say here, probably good for some classes. Very easy to shut down on the others. Hexes said it earlier in the thread, I think Haymaker -> Polymorph or Trap might be much more horrifying.