How is that possible when all of the Knights of the Silver Hand except Tirion we’re dead and he was in exile?
Maybe because they weren’t all dead.
Because they weren’t… The founding members are not the only members of the Silver Hand…
I do not consider any lore since Cataclysm concerning Paladins to be canon.
Good for you, it is canon, that’s not your choice to make. Blizzard decides what is canon, your headcanon means exactly nothing.
And again, they weren’t all dead, the founding members of the Silver Hand were not the only members.
And if you don’t consider anything after Cata canon, you’re still wrong, because in pre-cata lore, Saidan Dathrohan, one of the founding members of the Silver Hand, formed the Scarlet Crusade BEFORE being killed by Balnazzar.
Well, I guess you’re automatically right then.
The Silver Hand died with Uther.
No, it didn’t. Your headcanon is irrelevant, and from this point forward I’m going to be reporting you for trolling every time you try to claim your headcanon matters.
You don’t get to decide what is canon, the Silver Hand died when Blizzard said it died, which is when it split into the Crusade and Argent Dawn.
Tirion was the only founder of the knights of the silver hand to survive. There were lots of paladins they trained still alive. Some knights didn’t like the zealous direction the Ashbringer was leading the knights of the silver hand, so they left and formed the Argent Dawn. The remaining knights rebranded themselves the Scarlet Crusade. This is all lore between Warcraft III and vanilla launch.
For someone so headstrong regarding paladin lore, you have a very flimsy and incomplete grasp of it, even the pre-cataclysm parts you like. And you’re probably like leader of a paladin guild on an RP realm which is a shame given your lack of lore knowledge.
Archbishop Faol was the founder of the Silver Hand, Uther was its first member along with 4 others including Tirion.
And Saidan Dathrohan was one of those other 4, he founded the Scarlet Crusade.
The lore is sometimes incomplete and sometimes contradicts itself. I go by the lore from classic to lich king.
Yes, when Faol and Uther deided to train paladins, they reruited four others and they were all the founding members of the order of the knights of the silver hand.
Great! Because this lore is from september 10, 2008.
You’re wrong, even in your headcanon space of calssic-LK lore you are wrong, just accept it and move on.
Not necessarily required for Zandalari Paladins. There are quotes from the Prelates on wowhead that make a note of a few that still have a connection to the light despite the death of Rezan and that the ones that lost their connection view them susiciously. That being said, we don’t necessarily need a replacement for Rezan.
I never said he wasn’t. Whatever any member of the Silver Hand did after Uthers death was not as a member of the Silver Hand because the order no longer existed.
Anyone remember how the Silver Hand officially ended?
Important to note that Loa don’t really die, Rezan will return eventually, this is pretty clearly stated in the quests following his death.
Also he isn’t the only Loa capable of empowering them that is currently living, the Zandalari Paladins in Hearthstone follow Shirvallah.

The lore is sometimes incomplete and sometimes contradicts itself. I go by the lore from classic to lich king.
Some people believe the earth is flat. Some people believe government is run by Lizards.
People can believe whatever they want but it doesnt make it factual, especially when there is more than enough text in game that proves the lore you’re referencing to be a selective slice of what’s cannon.
While that’s entirely true, I assume Blizzard is probably going to make Vol’jin the new loa of kings sine he’s been leading Talanji in uniting her people behind her after the events that played out in the campaign. I could certainly be wrong as it is lore yet to be revealed but there’s something going on with vol’jin that has allowed him to evade Bwonsamdi and elevated him beyond the status of a mere mortal.

Anyone remember how the Silver Hand officially ended?
If you’re referring to Arthas trying to suspend (not disband) the Silver Hand, you’re wrong, because surprise surprise, he didn’t have the authority to do that, only his father, the King, did.