Yea true, expecially given Torga. My personal suspicion is whether the blood magic that was used may have more finality to it, but given that Torga was also buggered by blood magic that doesn’t really hold up.
Teranus did not overrule Arthas decision.
The Paladins were still all active after Arthas’ decision and officially leading Alliance military operations, so, yeah, he clearly did. Uther went to Terenas immediately after it happened and Terenas ordered Arthas to return from Northrend at Uther’s request.
You really think Terenas agreed with Arthas? Really? There is literally no evidence of that and only evidence that says he agreed with Uther.
Go away for a few months and come back to fools attempting to claim Zandalari Paladins doesn’t make sense. Good to see you keeping up the good Lore fight Divenity.
As for Blackweb you don’t get to say ONLY lore from ____ to _____ matters. It’s all or nothing there is NO inbetween. Anything else is just fan made bull crap head cannon. That being said here is some information you should really read up on because it goes back to classic. The Silver Hand lived through the events of Arthas and changed their name to the Scarlet Crusade, the Scarlet Crusade became corrupted by Balnazzar and Kel’Thuzad. This lead to the death of Alexandros Mograine, this death caused the Crusade to split into the Argent Dawn. Tirion Fordring would later rebuild the Order of the Silver Hand after his son (who was a Scarlet Crusader) died in a quest in classic. Claiming it died with uthar is just dumb, it’s like claiming the United States died when George Washington did. Or England died when King Egbert died.
This comes from hearthstone?
Oh that is priceless
It never actually ended.
" The appearance of the plague of undeath nearly marked the end of the Order of the Silver Hand. The paladins entered a dark period when one of their own, Prince Arthas, turned his back on the order. When Uther refused to follow Arthas’ command to kill the infected population of Stratholme before they could die and be reborn as undead, Arthas accused Uther of treason, relieved him from command, suspended his paladins from service and sent them away. After Stratholme was purged, some former paladins, now called Deathlords, also committed the same heinous act in many other cities across Lordaeron.
The paladins who remained in Lordaeron continued to fight against the Scourge. Under the leadership of Lord Commander Saidan Dathrohan and Highlord Alexandros Mograine, who wielded the Ashbringer, the paladins fought the undead throughout the Plaguelands. From their base at Hearthglen, they were able to gain some victories, but they weren’t able to achieve their goal: the complete destruction of the Scourge.
Worried about the Forsaken entrenching themselves in the Ruins of Lordaeron, the paladins established a base in what would later be known as the Scarlet Monastery in Tirisfal Glades. They also made an alliance with Lord Valdelmar of Tyr’s Hand for mutual assistance. However, during an attack on Stratholme, Lord Commander Saidan Dathrohan was killed and his corpse possessed by the dreadlord Balnazzar as a fleshly costume. Balnazzar started slowly working against the order’s objectives from the inside. Fearing that the Ashbringer might destroy the Forsaken before his plans could come to fruition, Varimathras had Balnazzar arrange Alexandros’s death (by manipulating his son, Renault, into killing him).
The possessed Saidan Dathrohan then reorganized what remained of the Silver Hand in Lordaeron into the Scarlet Crusade. These paladins strove fanatically to destroy evil, without any regards to the means used, and despised all non-human races. Other paladins, disgusted with the Scarlet Crusaders’ immoral zealotry, formed the Argent Dawn, which took a less extreme approach and accepted members from all of Azeroth’s races into their ranks.
Paladins in the kingdoms of Stormwind and Ironforge remained part of the Knights of the Silver Hand."
As you see, the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand was formed in Stormwind. Many of the Knights traveled to Lordaeron to combat the cult of the Damned and investigate the undead presence. When the Knights in Lordaeron died, there were still Knights all throughout the Eastern Kingdoms. Arthas lacked the authority to disband anything.
Try playing WC3. Arthas’s men were told to return home by his farther when he went to Northrend due to Uther coming to the king.
Paladin is just a label now, it doesn’t mean anything. Zandalari Paladin is just a label, it doesn’t mean anything. The purpose of the Zandalari Paladin is to get horde players to roll new toons so that they will keep playing WoW.
Paladin has ALWAYS just been a label. Many races have priests that don’t really make sense. For dark spear trolls they should have witch doctors but instead they got priests because blizzard wasn’t going to make a class that only one race on one faction could play.
What matters about paladins is the LORE and how they were made. Paladins are Priests that learned to fight light warriors and warriors that learned to use the light as priests do. That’s it, there isn’t some long special abilities or mentality they need, just be able to use the light and fight like a paladin. I know that makes people butt hurt but Lore is Lore, you can’t just head cannon things because you don’t like it.
Paladin is just a label now
That’s all it’s been since TBC launched, which is during your own self proclaimed “this lore matters” period. Draenei Paladins are not Paladins, Blood Elf Paladins are not Paladins, it’s been “just a label” for 12 years.
Been there, done that.
Then either you need to play it again or you’re lying.
You suck at internet mind reading.
You suck at understanding the lore, you don’t even understand the lore within the time period that you claim to care about… And every time someone proves you wrong by pointing out lore within the time period you claim to care about you pull some headcanon out of your backside as to why it doesn’t matter.
It’s time to stop, throw in the towel and admit you’re wrong.
Well, I’m going to go off the four people that are telling you that you’re wrong as well as your argument being devoid of supporting facts and say that you’re wrong.
Zandalari Paladins as a class will be a good addition to the game.
You do not own this forum. I have been posting in this forum long before any of you were here.
Did you have anything to say about the topic of this thread or are you just “tr…”?

You do not own this forum.
Neither do you, bub. And guess what, you don’t own the lore, which means you don’t get to decide what is canon.
I have been posting in this forum long before any of you were here.
Good one, hilarious, solid 5 out of 7.
Did you have anything to say about the topic of this thread or are you just “tr…”?
I have plenty to say, and have been for days now. Me not agreeing with you doesn’t make me a troll, me pointing out canon lore does not make me a troll. This isn’t your echochamber, and when you’re factually wrong about something we’re going to tell you so.
What makes a troll is claiming that your headcanon means anything at all, which it doesn’t.
Personal insults are the definition of trolling.
I have never personally insulted you, unless you consider telling you your headcanon doesn’t matter as an insult, which is a you problem.
You stepped on the line but may not have crossed it, others stepped way over it.
Telling me I have a problem is an unwarranted personal insult.