That’s just it the entire argument is dumb. Who cares if Zandalari Trolls can be Paladins. (That went over your head I guess.)
I’ve said this before, and was told the Eredar are not Draenei, lol.
That’s correct. The Eredar were the name of all people of that race on Argus and the ones who joined the Burning Legion. The Draenei were the ones who fled with Velen. So it was the Draenei who led the Burning Legion to Draenor, not the Eredar.
That’s like saying blood elves are not high elves. It was a name change, nothing genetic, or physical. The difference is less than the races of the real world.
Right, racially they’re one in the same (unless fel magics have corrupted the eredar on a genetic level which i don’t think is ever really touched on). They’re basically just two different factions of the same race.
Kind of like blood elves, void elves and high elves
I don’t think it’s ever been explicitly stated, but physical changes are readily apparent by comparing their models.
Physical changes to Void Elves are also obvious to see.
They aren’t a new race by any means, but they have definitely undergone some mutation.
If it got shaman out of the alliance, I’d support this.
The power of the Light is open to all races, and is an unbiased source of energy.
Relax with your Troll racism.
Bubble-Hearth is the only way you will escape with your life “Prelate”.
That’s where you’re wrong Blackweb. With the power of the Zandalari we will forego the hearth and stay to kill anyone foolish enough to still be there when our beloved bubble expires and we emerge with full health for round 2!
I can’t wait to post in this thread as Highlord Turalymon just because it’s going to tick off the OP.
Talk is cheap. Save it for the battlefield.
if theyu introduce Night Elf paladins, the Zandalari paladins will make more sense. “Warrior priest” seems to be the generic paladin definition now.
I think the thing that bothers me most about Horde Paladins is that none of them seem to actually acknowledge the Light for what it is.
They call it An’she or the ‘Light of the Loa’ when it’s anything but, and it just seems contrived that they can wield it just like an Alliance Paladin when they don’t even seem to know what it actually is.
In my opinion, Trolls like Zabra Hex should canonically be more powerful than a Zandalari ‘Paladin’ or a Tauren Sunwalker because they understand what it is they are calling to and thus have a deeper understanding of it than the formentioned ever could.
My biggest worry now is that with the event of Calia Menethil somehow turning into a Light Undead that the Forsaken are going to eventually get Paladins of their own. That in my mind will be the end of the Light being taken seriously and be turned into a joke as it’s wielded by a people who are not by and large misunderstood or deceived but legitimately EVIL.
Just once I’d like to see the Light wielded by a Horde race from a benevolent standpoint and who actually know what they are dealing with instead of having some contrived story to make it possible for them to use it.
Great post. I finally did the progression quests for the latest BFA update.
I encountered these would-be zandalari paladins who call themselves “Prelates”. They are as hideous as the rest of the Zandalari and they cant fight, they don’t seem to understand how to use the light as a weapon or to heal.
Zandalari troll prelates are just more false horde Paladins like the Blood Knights and pathetic Tauren pretending to be Paladins. Horde paladins are all false paladins who have no right to call themselves true Paladins. They are good for only one thing, to be dispatched so that the troll necromancers can raise them from the dead and become their true selves, shambling, mindless undead.
I mean yes you are right but at this point the lore is so butchered it doesn’t matter anymore. Just enjoy a cool non conventional race.
I wish they would embrace this mentatally more and really try and bend the rules to give as many class race combos as possible.
Undead Paladins and Human Shamans are big wants for me.
OP is a human, therefore is opinion is invalid
The Light doesn’t give you a quiz before answering your call though? It’s based on strength of belief and conviction.
I genuinely enjoy your posts in this thread especially as I read them as someone RP’ing an incensed fanatic a la the Scarlet Crusade. Please, keep them coming. xD
As to your main point, I think it’s plenty fine to see other religions/races as having an equivalent ‘warrior priest’ type class that is considered ‘holy’. Pigeonholing ‘the light’ or ‘holy’ into the exceedingly narrow quasi-Christian box that is the original human paladin concept in WoW is just … bizarre.
If you really think there is nothing ‘holy’ outside of that in WoW, I genuinely encourage you to broaden your knowledge of world religions (I mean IRL religions) to get a real sense of how concepts like ‘holy’, ‘divine’, and ‘sacred’ are applied in all sorts of situations and with any kind of deities or even just philosophical concepts as in Taoism/Zen.
After doing that, you’ll find no problem whatsoever seeing Zandalari Paladins as holy warriors of the Loa. And if that still bothers you, yet it doesn’t bother you that the Light is frequently associated with the Naaru in WoW - with Turalyon being a particularly blind devotee (Illidan in that context was much more aligned to the Light itself) - then you really are as bad as the Scarlet Crusaders!