Zandalari Troll Paladins are an Abomination

I guess I missed it, I’ll scroll back through. How long ago did you post it? 10 here it is. That’ll save you from having to scroll thorough all the others.

Lol, thank you. I like reading about this stuff, though the war of the ancients is by far my favorite.

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Percivall by your logic humans are 90% water, thus we are water so how is it possible for a human to drown? Draenei worship the Naruu who are being of light AND shadow. The books say they are only made of light but CLEARLY this isn’t the 100% truth because we have seen void Naruu before in game. Also don’t just read what someone else put on wow wiki and use it as a fact. There is a reason schools don’t use Wikipedia as a credible source, anyone can write their own OPINION of a text, claim it’s fact and it will get posted.


Wow chronicles v1 pages 18,19 pages 51,52,53 and pages 141,142. I haven’t been able to read the entire book as of yet. I picked it up for my kindle last night.


He are a just a few of the sites I was reading from last night. Sorry but I can’t share them as links on the forums. Were do you go to reference as a source

Naaru can fall into the shadow. But blizzard themselves say that is very rare. The void and Light are both separate but connected as from what I have read so far.

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First read the Chronicles again, Light DOES NOT turn into void, it stats that area’s that did not have the light were of void. That is not the same, the Naruu can change from light to void this means they can’t be pure light. This is something the Velen has to explain to Turalyon when he learns on Argus that a Naruu can become a being of void.

As for sources I read the source. WoW Chronicles, the novels, in game quests, cinematic. Gamepedia and WoWwiki are both unreliable as people can post lies and pass them off as fact. A good example that was used for many years on this forum was that undead can’t use the light thus they can’t be paladins and people would always link WoWwiki, however now we have lightforged undead in the before the storm novel. However there was A LOT of things in game that showed it could be done.


I didn’t say it did.

If trolls can be paladins, why have any race/class restrictions at all?


Connect doesn’t mean much, Life and Death are connected. Water is connected to stone as both are made of matter. Connected doesn’t give us much to go on. What we do know is almost all life is a mix of Light and Void, the Naruu as well. The ONLY life so far that isn’t based on a mix of both Light and Void are the Void Lords and their mini spawns the Old Gods. In theory there should be beings that are made of pure light but we do not know of them yet. Remember the Void Lords are so powerful they can not exist in our reality, it stands to reason the same would be of a Light creature that is their equal. This is when it starts REALLY going down a rabbit hole… In Legion Khadgar claims Elune, the night elf god created the Naruu, how he learned that I have no idea.

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You tell him to use the Chronicle’s as a source. Then disagree with what’s in the Chronicle’s. Lol

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So you never post before reading the books and reference to them before commenting correct? Not everyone is going to be able to have a every book on their person at all times. Your argument that they should is ridiculous.


Yeah he clearly stated he is reading it, but hasn’t finished. You really just wanted to disagree more then add anything to this thread.

Remember the naaru who took on void form in Shadowmoon Valley in WoD?

Looking for an interesting, fun and informative way to learn some wow lore?

Read “Warcraft - World Of Warcraft - 5 Book Collection Set (The Shattering, Thrall Twilight of the Aspects, Arthas Rise of the Lich King, Stormrage, Voljin) by Christie Golden (2016-05-03)”

I especially liked Arthas: Rise of the Lich King.

hey… we kill Jaina… /wave


  1. How is this relevant to the topic of this thread at all?

  2. No you don’t, the fight ends at 5% and she gets away.


That’s a very close-minded, hateful statement. Perhaps you need to pray brother.

My prayer is for the destruction of every vile, evil race of the horde. The horde has brought Azeroth nothing but destruction and death.

I cannot count the number of undead trolls I have dispatched with my hammer. Those trolls were cursed to undeath by other trolls, many of them Zandalari.

Goblins might be worse than trolls. Goblins are a blight upon Azeroth. If all of the goblins in Azeroth were exterminated, they would not be missed and Azeroth itself would celebrate their demise.

And the irony is that without the horde, there would be no human Paladins. The Light works in mysterious ways, brother. It tests us and allows us to come up with beauty amidst the chaos. I don’t think blaming the Horde for all our “problems” is the way to go. They challenged us, and - I think - we met the call as righteously as we could.

However, I can’t agree with the recent actions against Darnassus. One more way the Light tests our resolve and devotion, perhaps.

Light be with you, and you with Light, friend

(Largely IC post!)

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Ya be thinkin’ of Farraki when you think Necromacy. Ole Bwonsamdi call da spirits back to fight ya. Dem shamblin’ corpses more da speed of ya brotha, Arthas. I glad ya be cleanin’ ya mess up, but while we on a topic of dead lets talk bout da Amani losing dere home cause ya mons was greedy for magic.

Ya hands as dirty as any otha mons. Alexandros spared Zabra, but if ya try comin’ ta me home, an attack me people. Den know dat dis Prelate an his Loa gonna trash ya.