Ok, so what does someone else’s post have to do with me. That make your insult make even less sense.
It has to do with you because it was a response to you, 3 posts above yours at the time was a response to you, wherein I said it’s not a tomato tomhato situation. when I told you for the second time why Draenei and Human Paladins don’t get their power the same way, which I then explained further because apparently the first and second time weren’t clear enough.
You and Blackweb need to understand what the definition of an insult is, because I have not done so at all in this thread. Telling you that your headcanon isn’t canon is not an insult.
How isn’t it. They both worship the same thing. Only the draenei commun directly with the Naaru.
speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse.
You use the term as the mean to insult me. I give my opinion on why I dislike the current story. But at no time have I disregarded any of the lore or posted anything that is start form a wow source.
This is like saying the three Abrahamic religions are the exact same thing because they all worship the same God though they do so by different means. It really couldn’t be further from the truth.
I could say ketchup is red and you all would disagree with me.
You just said it yourself. The Draenei commune with the Naaru for their power, the Humans get their power purely through faith in the Light itself… Naaru are not The Light, they are Light-born beings. That is not the same thing.
You use the term as the mean to insult me.
No, I don’t, I use the term to mean exactly what it means, your headcanon is not canon. You thinking that the Draenei and Human Paladins get their power the same way is headcanon, it is not canon, they in fact do not get their power the same way, therefore the statement “your headcanon is not canon” means exactly that.
You misconstruing my meaning when I say it doesn’t make your inaccurate perception of my intent reality.
No, we wouldn’t, unless you’re red/green colorblind and pointing at a bottle of that green ketchup that was around like 15 years ago.
Quit playing the victim card.
This is from wow wiki as was the whole post the first time I shared it. That not head canon. It’s blizzard canon.
I’m not explaining this again, go re-read old posts.
Your wrong and you can’t admit it. You are one pushing your headcanon.
That’s rich, coming from you.
I’m done repeating myself, I’ve explained it already, I’m not going to argue in circles with you.
In the primordial era following the birth of the universe — a result of the clash between the Light and Void — shards of fractured Light occasionally gathered in the Great Dark Beyond and formed clouds of Light from which powerful beings emerged, among which were the benevolent naaru. When the naaru gazed out across the universe, they saw limitless possibilities and vowed to use their mastery over holy magic to nurture life and hope throughout the cosmos.[6] The prime naaru were the first naaru to be forged during the great ordering of the cosmos.[7] Archmage Khadgar found in an ancient cosmology tome a passage indicating that the prime naaru
The naaru (pronounced ['na:ru]) are a race of living, sentient energy beings[1] made up of shards of fractured Light. They are perhaps the purest expression of the Holy Light that exists in the Great Dark Beyond, and have vowed to bring peace and hope to all mortal civilizations and waylay the forces of the Void.[2] They are known to travel through dimensions,[3] and are the sworn enemies of the Burning Legion.[4]
You disagree with the wow wiki source. Seems you would be the only one making your own canon.
What exactly are you trying to prove with this?
Are you trying to prove that they are The Light itself? Because this even says specifically that they aren’t with this line right here: “vowed to use their mastery over holy magic”. They would not have a “mastery over holy magic” if they were holy magic itself, they are not The Light itself, they use it just like the rest of us do.
The naaru are a dimension-traveling race of sentient energy beings, born from clouds of fractured Light after the creation of the Great Dark Beyond. The naaru use their powers to spread hope and life across the universe. Their energies empower the priests and paladins of Azeroth. The naaru blessed the draenei with this power in an effort to help them in their struggle. They are bent on stopping the Burning Legion.
again this is wow wiki not me. Of course your not going to agree anyway.
Funny, a very, very similar quote exists on several other wikis with a very important difference, I’ll highlight it for you:
“The naaru are a dimension-traveling race of sentient energy beings, with a deep affinity for the Holy Light of Creation that empowers the paladins of Azeroth. The naaru blessed the draenei with this power in an effort to help them in their struggle. They are bent on stopping the Burning Legion.”
Wow. That literally changes everything. As they now become wielders and not the holy light itself.
Well, yes… Chronicle vol 1 says specifically on page 10 that “Pure Light and Shadow dwell in a realm outside the borders of reality, but shades of their presence are found inside the physical universe. Light manifests as Holy Magic”
They can’t be the Light itself because the Light itself only exists outside of reality.
Check out pages 18,19 also 51,52,53 and pages 141,142 I found these pages to hold quite a bit on the subject of the Holy light and the Naaru.
What about dwarf paladins? Weren’t they taught to use the light? Wouldn’t that imply literally anyone can learn to use the light? It seems as if the light doesn’t discriminate against anyone that believes, and works through many beings in the universe. That would imply a loa could be used, or even empowered by the light, which would mean z trolls are completely viable candidates for paladin status.
In any case, this arguement is completely pointless. The amount of crying against z troll pallies is nothing compared the crying that would ensue if they are suddenly removed. They have also put in a good bit of work on their mount, so I don’t foresee them wasting it.
Yes. Did you click the link I had to ashbringer comic?