Where? What gear are you talking about?
So you have no idea, but you’re ready and willing to just make things up?
So why should I, or anyone, believe a single thing you say? You just admitted that you don’t know, and don’t care.
How’s this: https://www.method.gg/board/content.php?172-Method-Faction-And-Realm-Change
This is the blog post Method made to announce they were changing from Alliance to Horde.
So…racials. OP Horde racials are the answer.
Not taken from me, but from the GM of the world’s #1 mythic progression guild.
Go ahead. Tell him that Horde racials aren’t the issue.
Start talking about fixing alliance racials then we can talk about nerfing horde racials.
That’s your double standard.
It’s ironic considering that land mass exist’s because of a race that has never been taken seriously and their leader is an ingame Donald Trump.
Good thing you and 99% of the player base aren’t in the worlds #1 mythic progression guild.
Also, it’s a good thing we’re how many expansions past mists? 3?
Congrats you linked something from Mists. You do realize that racials are fairly balanced right now and have been in recent history right? Yes things were broken in the past but they hardly make a difference nowadays.
But think of all the faction transfer cash they will make!
So is the Alliance version, expect it heals 20%. Just in case you missed that, it heals for 20% not 100% and has the same restrictions. Oh well outside of having a LONGER cool down. Sorry but at a 100% heal it is so stupidly OP one has to wonder why the devs even added like this.
I actually would prefer all racials to have an ‘OP’ ability but that doesn’t work in combat. The DI for example have that cool mole machine. Way more impactful than most other racials out there.
Kul’tirans have the strongest tanking racials in the game. Nerf them.
Where are these 7 pieces of heroic ilvl gear that horde couldn’t get?
Dark Iron Dwarfs have (definitely) better racials than Maghar Orcs, no one bats an eye.
Zandalari have (subjectively) better redials than Kul Tirans, everyone loses their minds.
Where were all you complainers when maghar orcs were released? Im sure all these allies were 404 when EMFH were at their prime, or when maghar were released.
I reckon zandalari’s strong (again, subjective) racials were made to balance against maghar’s rubbish racials.
Considering the quest was “kill 25 horde members, get free heroic raiding gear” I’d say we couldn’t get it, bucko.
Because the alliance only complains about horde racials when they’re strong. I’ve never once seen one of these people say anything about nerfing theirs or balancing their racials to their opposing factions levels. It’s always “Nerf horde! give us free heroic raiding gear! Give us 30% buffs over the horde!”
Well let’s be honest, they need it because no one on the Alliance side wants to play with that lame model Their stun is pretty nice and I can see their damage mitigation from hits taken being handy. But that isn’t even close to being on par with the Zandie racial abilities.
You guys love to make a big deal out of it being broken by damage, should we list all the raid fights were you can easily go 3-5 seconds without taking damage? You don’t think that kind of racial healing isn’t going to be an issue? Well let me show you this bridge you might be interested in buying…
Point is all the alliance does is complain about horde racials. Never once seen them complain about how broken their own racials are.
That doesn’t add up to seven pieces of gear.
We got two. One for that quest and one from the WF quest. For one single tier. First tier horde got the WF gear.
The amount of stuff you are trying to pull out of thin air is astounding. Didn’t you post a quit thread by the way?
Of course Alliance only players do that. They are bias.
Similar to Horde only players who cry about Alliance racials. Like humans they are also bias.
How about we start by making EMFH only work on stun…oh. Done.
So how would you suggest they fix Fireblood? My guess is that your idea of “balanced” is something along the lines of “no bonus stats!” which makes it generally inferior to just about everything horde.
I mean, if the limited self-dispels granted by stone/fire blood were actually powerful in any way, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because everyone would have already been a dwarf.
Then why are they still Horde? Why has everyone else gone horde? Why is alliance-side raiding dead or dying? Why are alliance-side M+ dungeons noncompetitive?
The sad state of alliance end-game is provable through leaderboards and logs, but the only difference between the factions is the racial abilities and the players.
The players used to be equal and now they’re not, and the only other point of balance is racial abilities.
Yet horde still dominate end-game. Why is that? We’ve been balanced in the past in spite of racials but the slow trickle somehow turned into an avalanche and now alliance v horde mythic raid leaderboards are 3 to 26 (as of right now).
BTW, it’s generally observed that the slide towards horde dominance in end-game started in MoP, which is why that particular blog post is relevant. Since that’s seen as what started the whole thing.
Probably because we are use to getting the short end of racial abilities for the last several years. I mean why do you think 90% of the competitive game play is on the Horde side? It’s not because you have a better story line…
All I have to say is that Blood Elves make up a solid 1/3+ of the Horde and they’ve been losing racials ever since they were added. They’re down to one active racial that isn’t all that hot, and their passive racials might as well not exist. So, I’m a bit leary of this whole ‘Everyone plays Horde because racials’ argument. Everyone plays Horde for the pretty elves. And now you have them too, and yours come with Hot Topic gift cards.