Is the tank a druid? Is the tank clear of any unpurgable DoTs?
Yes? Take Ursol’s Vortex and Mass Entanglement. Any pull that doesn’t have CC-immune mobs can easily be CCd long enough for you to get off a full heal every 90 seconds.
Is the healer a druid? Have them take Ursol’s Vortex and/or Mass Entanglement and get on voice.
Is a DPS a druid? Same thing.
Is anyone in the group (except for the tank) a monk? Take Ring of Peace and same difference.
Is the healer a holy or disc priest? Take Shining Force. Same thing.
Holy or Retribution Paladin? Blinding Light.
Protection Paladin? Consecrated Ground + good old fashioned horsey-kiting.
Mage? Ring of Frost.
Any of these can give a ZTroll tank with 500k health and no unpurgable DoTs a safe opening to fully heal themselves (as long as there aren’t any ranged mobs that can’t be LoS’d or CCd).
Regeneratin’ is broken. There is no other way to put it.
Lmao. If you think a Warrior or Druid tank having a 1.5 Min CD 100% heal they can time with boss downtime or when they’re channeling a spell that isn’t hurting them is “marginal,” you need a reality check.
Not to mention the fact they also get Embrace of the Loa, which for tanks is:
Taking damage has a chance to grant you 393 additional Health and 66 Armor.
OR they can opt for the self heal of ~3k damage every so often in
Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 87 Shadow damage and heal you for 100% of the damage done.
Zandalari Warrior and Druid tanks will be MANDATORY for Mythic Raiding if this goes live. No ifs ands or buts.
Yes, Brewmasters are affected by the fact Stagger cancels the channel for it, but the other 2 tanks are not. Just because one tank cannot take advantage of it does not mean the other 2 are not.
The ONE time an Alliance racial can actually be useful in a raid? The ONE time?
Battle of Dazar’alor. Council of Loa.
Stoneblood/Fireblood can clear Aspect of Kimbul’s tank swap mechanic.
Guess what? Horde get turned into Alliance for that fight, and guess what? They get access to Stoneblood.
Meanwhile, Alliance still had to be forced to bring a priest for Zul, whereas the Horde just had to bring a few Blood Elves.
Dark Irons went through multiple stat gain nerfs on their racial before they were released and they didn’t even need the nerfs. They weren’t even the top race for any of the classes.
Horde just complained on the forums and POOF, 3 nerfs in 2 days.
Haha I love this. Hit the nail on the head. People like OP constantly complain about what the other faction has, but don’t realize they have some of the most broken racials in the game right now.
In what situation is this going to save a tank? It’s only useful if nothing is hitting them. It might save a healer some mana, but it really isn’t that absurd.
The only situation this will be broken is when dueling a Zandi paladin.
You realize they still have one of the most broken racials in the game, right? Why should a racial be able to almost completely shut down entire class specs? It shouldn’t, that’s just stupid.
Seriously, does no one remember when Dark Irons first started getting unlocked by Alliance, and Horde complained cause one group fought a Dark Iron in an arena and stupidly dotting them with a team of 2 affliction warlocks and an assassination rogue, gave them massive stat boosts with fireblood, and complained they were stupidly overpowered?
Then BOOM, Fireblood got 3 nerfs in 2 days, despite the fact it wasn’t remotely broken in the least?
It’s literally the same as Stoneblood, which has been in the game since VANILLA. The only difference is Fireblood gives primary stats instead of physical damage reduction.