My guess is alliance will QQ. Another horde racial will get nerfed to uselessness (orc stun resistance doesn’t stack with pvp talent?) and Kultiran racial will be considered more op and viable after time.
Posting on a lvl 20 so we can’t check your achieves or experience either. Nice. But to the OP, Regeneratin’ is not OP, it’s pretty useless in pve because you’re taking damage constantly, and in pvp, unless you’re a rogue, it’ll be very easy to interrupt it quickly.
What? Should we just shut up and let ZTrolls be bonkers-levels of OP? Last I checked, when we got access to a single piece of ilvl 400 gear that the Horde didn’t, there’s no way that could possibly stand because it was unfair.
But now that the shoe is on the other foot, everything is okay and we’re just complaining to complain?
Regeneratin’ should never have been allowed to hit PTR in this state, much less go live. I mean, just use the Forsaken racial Cannibalism as a yard-stick and apply some simple logic.
Cannibalism: 10 second channel for 35% heal. Requires a humanoid corpse. 3 minute CD.
Regeneratin’: 6 second channel for 100% heal. Requires nothing. 1 & 1/2 minute CD.
There is no comparison here. Regeneratin’ is 100% busted just by that measure.
When you add it on top of the pile of things that the Alliance has no answer for? When we’ve already got population and engagement problems?
ZTroll racial abilities were put together by a moron who has no place whatsoever designing anything, and everyone who is letting them go live in this state is culpable as far as I am concerned.
I wouldn’t have have been so insulting, but you’re correct in the non use of interrupts. I use mine as often as I can but there are times someone else using an interrupt would make a kill a lot quicker and easier.
Players got lazy and forgetful when interrupts weren’t really needed. Never should have made things so easy to kill while leveling. No one needs to interrupt. By the time they get max level they don’t have the habit of using them.
That way, it takes THREE tics to outheal Gift of the Naaru, but if you properly use the racial, you get the full heal off, and it retains half the cooldown of Gift of the Naaru.
If you have a DoT of ANY kind on you and you cast Regeneratin’ it will literally be interrupted before the first tick and incur the cooldown without having done anything. If you’re being attacked in PvE or PvP it will incur the cooldown without having done anything.
It WAS nerfed on the PTR and now takes 6 seconds to fully heal you. It’s interrupted by stagger, all DoTs, and is interrupted even if you have an absorb shield.
I would much prefer to have a more reliable heal over a heal to full, as a monk.
It doesn’t seem so crazy to me. It’s likely intended as more of a leveling tool than anything.
Maybe it ought to be a cast time that heals for nothing until the six second cast completes, but even that may not be necessary. Let’s see how things play out.
The void elf kit was pretty hyped up too but it didn’t turn out to be as amazing as people would have you think.
That’s because they went out of their way to make the VE teleportation racial work like Blink but suck. Sure, it’s got its use in PvP, but it’s utterly worthless in PvE except in some very, very specific circumstances that pretty much aren’t ever going to be truly useful.
Because they nerfed EMFH into oblivion for you.
I’m wondering if this is going to get the rest of our raiding guilds to finally swap. More and more of them go horde every tier.
No, people have tested the Ztroll Racial and it’s actually amazing.
The only reason people are saying “IT’S BALANCED!!1111!!” is because it sucks for Brewmasters.
Sucking for one spec does not make it balanced.
It’s amazing for every other tank class and will make it literally mandatory for every single mythic raiding guild to race change horde to make every single tank zandalari.