Zandalari Still not Nerfed

This thread isn’t about causal content so I’m not sure why you are here.

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All the horde keep talking about how good alliance racials like shadowmeld are but yet they are still playing horde.


Because if they allowed you to change it at the drop of a hate, then even the DPS could swap it out for traits better suited for certain fights. Much like armor traits, they want you to make a decision based upon the role you most frequently play.

Well, let’s put it this way, in group content I play on other, non-BE alts, and no one has a purge, we still clear the content. So… yeah.

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They’re playing horde because racials don’t matter for 97% of the player base. It’s personal preference.


Do we plan on having Brush it Off nerfed too? It’s a permanent DR, so it’s already largely a better racial than any other option either faction has for a tank race.


Hey, alliance players. How many weeks did AoO exist?

How many times did it award a 400 piece before they changed it to 385?

No, actually the person I quoted in my post (which is conveniently missing in your reply) was discussing that. They claimed that alliance raiding and mythic + is dead or dying- because the alliance population is dwindling- because of negligible differences in racial abilities.

If we weren’t playing Horde we’d have to play Alliance and, ugh, I’m sure you know what that’s like. /shudder


If we’re not playing horde for the racial why would we play Alliance for the racial with the added bonus of paying extra for the priviledge. But that’s not all! We might also have the chance to hear some truly epic whining ingame from our fellow players! Doesn’t that sound great? Yeah… I’m playing horde thank you very much.


And 97% of the player base is there because you had a serious racial ability advantage for years. Enough that pretty much every top tier alliance raiding or pvp guild transferred and once they did anyone who wanted to be part of that style of play did as well.

Your correct that right now the racial abilities are not really the issue, that damage was done long ago and there is no way they are going to fix it now.


It’s almost as though racial abilities have little to no bearing on most players’ choice of faction. Weird.


That’s because they’re not being compared to Maghar Orcs. They’re being compared to everything the alliance has.

The Alliance cannot compete with ZTrolls they way they currently are on the PTR. Embrace of the Loa is okay (at best) in a vacuum, but when you combine it with Regeneratin’ and even just a little bit of brains they’re grossly OP to just stupid levels.

I made a post about it up above regarding how powerful Regeneratin’ will be just in M+ dungeons.

That racial is stupid.

On the bright side, the PTR mod dropped in and said that it’s going to be adjusted on the PTR soon.

I’m hoping for some extremely heavy-handed nerfs to Regeneratin’, and maybe a few buffs here and there to Embrace.

And keep in mind that Embrace of the Loa can afford to be a bit worse than most other racials because you get to pick and choose which one works best for you so long as it’s been at least 5 days since you picked a new Loa. That pick and choose nature is being flat-out ignored by everyone who’s claiming that it’s a bad racial.

A bad racial is EMFH when nothing can stun you, or Escape Artist when you’re taking pulses of slowing frost damage every 1-2 seconds.

Those are bad racials. By comparison, Embrace of the Loa is literally never bad.

The difference between Alliance and Horde racial abilities is that the Horde gets caught up on figuring out which racial is the best out of a selection of good racials, and anything that’s not obviously a front-runner sucks.

Meanwhile, the Alliance gets to try and figure out which racial is going to be completely useless the least often.

That is the usual disconnect between our factions where racial abilities are concerned.

Current EMFH? Only useful if there’s a big stun.

Ancestral Call? The only reason it’s a “bad racial” is because it’s not as good as Blood Fury. I mean, when is more damage a bad thing, exactly?


Its called having played on horde since before this whole racial debacle. Wanna know why? Cause thats where my friends played. Wanna know why they played horde? They liked the storyline from Wc3 more. Don’t try to act that everyone who plays horde does so for racials because you’d be wrong. I’d point also that the population between horde/alliance is not that different. so begs the question why aren’t you alliance players doing the higher content more then?


Only a fraction of the player-base plays for racials. Though nobody wants overpowered racials really. Hence why Kul’tiran’s need a nerf and Zandalari’s needs to be made not useless.


…Are you serious? 8.1 came out you guys got free heroic raiding gear every week which was 385 ilvl. New raid tier comes out you started getting 400 ilvl gear.

385 was heroic ilvl and you guys got it every week until the new raid tier came out.

Re-read this a bunch, maybe then it will sink in.

Prove it.


You really need to use some common sense. What they were saying is those playstyles are nearly dead on the Alliance side due to anyone serious about pushing high end content is on the Horde side. Just look at the Mythic+ contested Blizzard hosts, they are almost always filled with Horde based teams.


No one said it needs to be changed at the drop of the hat.

It disadvantages hybrids from using all their roles. There’s absolutely no good reason to create another barrier there.

A mage, warlock, rogue, or hunter wouldn’t be disadvantaged by the cooldown at all. A druid, paladin, or shaman would.

Keep the CD. Increase it to 7 days or per-reset, for all I care. But don’t make hybrids pick the “least bad” Loa while pures can happily pick the DPS racial that works for all their specs.

Alliance has the strongest tanking racial, they have some of the most broken PvP racials. Stop being a hypocrite and realize alliance racials need nerfing as well.

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Ask Method? They were Alliance until BC and made no attempt to hide why they faction transferred.