Zandalari regen.. racial

Is blizzard seriously going to let the only spec in the game with a real full immunity bubble use regen while in without consequences?

Other specs can easily have it interrupted by damage and pallies can you use it in divine shield.

Do you realize how godly prot pally will be …


it get canceled even with bubble, look for before you complaint about it


Wakanda Forever… I mean Zandalari forever. I will be creating a new paladin on the 12th.

Where does it say you cant use it in bubble or gets cancelled

It’s. Been. Nerfed. To. The. Ground.

Quit complaining. It’s not even that good.


How is it nerfed when you can regenerate in divine shield uninterrupted?

I mean, they already have Lay on Hands… And whenever one bubbles, they usually heal themselves to full anyways.


Not true. My pally goes oom before i csn heal to full. This racial is severly broken with divine shield

Hm… my Paladin begs to differ.

And also, you complain about Prot Paladins? Well guess what? They get healed by the healers anyways.


wrong…if you use bubble…you can’t use lay of hand immediately…due to Forbearance…there’s 30 seconds penalty…


I think their racials are fine. The paladin bubble isn’t going to make or break the class for the zandy racial.

In pvp, people usually focus another target, escape out of combat while they are healing so they can heal too, or they get mass dispelled and interrupted. I feel like it will be the same for the Zandalari racial. Standing still for six seconds is a long time, plenty of time for their opponents to get away and pretty much start the fight over.


Please read my post again. I never said the player could use Lay On Hands while bubbled. It’s why after mentioning the 100% heal (LoH), I then said:


Again… still op… this racial so dumb


But you’re not proving it.


they already nerfed it but keep whining if that suits you


Play a priest and mass dispel the bubble. Enjoy


Plenty of reasons have been given why it isn’t. You’re going to have to make a solid argument as to why it’s overpowered.


It’s nothing in pve, but in pvp mana regen is a problem and classes like rogues , monks can go behind a pillar get dispelled and regen to full with no mana spent. Also paladins can buble and heal to full then still have mana to heal allies ,warriors >leap > heal for 50% which is already strong, ferals and balance drudis have mana problems so just run behind a pillar and regen to full and comeback. Hunter under turtle can literally heal to full.


So your telling me you are going to sit there not only long enough for them to run away, but for a full 6 seconds with out touching then while they stand still and Regen?

Sounds like your letting them do it vs stopping them.

Edit: I’ve also never met a monk or rogue who used mana.

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Well of course they are, its all about the money. They want those race transfers after all, and level boosts. I can see a ton of zand hunters now.