Zandalari regen.. racial

Then you are pretty bad at the game if you dont know that mistweaver uses mana


I assumed you were speaking of mw and bm. No duh a healer uses mana.

Aspect of the Turtle and win, cry more kid

A healer is going to make use of a self-healing racial? Like they can’t already easily heal themselves to full health?

After mana nerfs healer would rather use a racial than spend mana


They cant use the racial with the enemy attacking them.


Horde think a 100% heal in 6 seconds isn’t OP but the KT knockback racial being usable in PVP somehow is. They are deranged.


Fortunately healers always get a solid 6-10 seconds of people leaving them completely alone.


Knockback isn’t made useless by any form of damage, is it?

I bet a racial knock back would have had a larger impact in arena than the zandy racial would.

It’s made useless if you walk away from it considering it has a wind up time to it. It’s made useless if you just don’t stand near the edge of something, lol.

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Id rather have that KT racial. That thing is gonna be stout in M+

KTs are really going to shine in m+.

We will never get to see now will we? Cause Blizzard will disable it because it’s an Alliance racial.


Yes. The entire reason its being disabled is purely because its an Alliance racial.


I am not saying I agree with it, but I do think the racial should have some other effect in PVP if the kb wont be there. Like for pvp purposes only, being instant cast


So should i be making a post crying about it and pretending to be a victim? Isnt that how things work around the forums when i think something someone else got is better?

Alliance bias thread inc


Yes. And you need a few others to assist you.

Considering there have been like 4 or 5 threads about the racial created today alone…and apparently just posting on someone else’s thread is too hard.


It will be put in place to attract people to be the Zandalari troll.

It will then be nerfed at the start of the next expansion.

This is one of their guiding principles:

Makes new things a bit OP to give players a reason to try it out.


I’m sure everyone will be changing to Zands, and in a few months the population will be half ZTs, with every raid being nothing but-

Oh, or they’ll cap at maybe 2% of the population if they’re lucky, not even being as popular as void elves.

People keep making a big deal of it, but the counter is so easy and there’s so much periodic damage in raids that I don’t think it’ll ever be quite as powerful as people hope.

Keep a pet on them, dot them up, etc…

When it comes to pvp, I’d still take the DI racial before it, for world pvp I’d take the nelf racial.


I just don’t see how the racial will be broken outside of doing completely trivial content…or such a specific niche use it will very rarely happen.

I will regularly avoid more damage using goblin rocket jump, than I could hope to heal using the regen racials. And rocket jump doesn’t take me out of commission for 6 seconds.