Zandalari racial - Regeneratin'. How could this even be considered?

Regeneratin’ - Regenerate 25% of your maximum health every 1 sec. Lasts 4 seconds. 1.5 min cooldown.

Meanwhile, Dranei’s racial,
Gift of the Naaru - Heals the target for 20% of the caster’s total health over 5 sec. 3 min cooldown.

Hmm, good job Blizz! Perfectly balanced. :ok_hand: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


we’re literally in the first build of ptr and its so obvious this won’t stay the way it is.


I thought they checked their games to keep balance.

Well it is still in the test realm. So I guess they are in the processes of checking it.

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Since when has Blizz listened to feedback from PTR ?

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You can’t use it in combat or instances it sucks

Loa are stronger then the Naaru? This does not jive with my RP!

The biggest slap in the face is that Regeneratin’ CD is half of Dranei’s. What a joke.

Is this confirmed? If so, it certainly puts a damper on it. I too thought the cool down was very low for such a huge ability.

But if it can’t be used in combat/PvP than yeah it’s not as OP as originally thought.

Usually they’re suppose to be the ones to do their homework while designing the concept. Not let us remind them.

What I’m curious of is why the cool/more aesthetically desirable races get the turbocharged racials. It doesn’t make good sense to me; those races are gonna get played even if their racials were garbage. Why not give less played races the crazy racials to try to balance things out a little?

Well, it’s a Horde racial ability, so it’s going to have a certain resistance to change.


its just alpha, its just beta, its just ptr its just 5 months after live they will fix it in the next patch they will fix it in the next expansion don’t worry …


Fair enough.

I’ve been with WoW for a long time and knowing their patterns there’s a very small % chance it’ll happen until more voice rises. Seeing the condition of their company is right now this is their best time to really listen to their audience and not for once twist things their way.

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God people, stop saying its JUST PTR.
Just call it imbalance and let blizzard figure it out.

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I bookmarked them using it in combat out in the world. Haven’t seen it in an instance yet. But it can certainly be used in combat at this moment.

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im on my last thread right now im about ready to walk away and never look back to wow.

Oh? Did you find a new home or taking a break from mmorpg completely?

They have to release it busted so they can sell a bunch of race changes. Once they make a few million off it they will nerf the racials to get people to race change back. Pretty easy to see what’s going on here.