Zandalari racial - Regeneratin'. How could this even be considered?

If ptr feedback mattered BfA probably wouldn’t have been released in the state it was in. I doubt any significant turning will occur.

Guess what? we aren’t in PTR anymore, and nothing changed. Screw blizz. I am done with this game. I really was looking forward to classic, not sure if I should support Blizz in any manner now.

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Any damage interrupts it where as GotN isn’t.

But, see ya, I guess.

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Welcome to the club. Luckily it’s only a few months to go. The amount of horde bias on retail is ridiculous.

they changed it actually.

  1. 6 second channel
  2. breaks on damage
  3. healing is backloaded so earlier in the channel doesn’t heal as much

I don’t know how this thread from the PTR forum appeared here, but I should add that on top of all the nerfing they did that Lisun mentioned, the “breaks on damage” includes any DoT ticks. It’s not OP, sleep well tonight. Good lord.

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GoTN is actually much, much better, it’s not even comparable.

I honestly do not know if that’s a typo or simply broken healing.

From the Looks of it Zandalari troll will bring ruin to the Battlegrounds.

In battlegrounds I’ve managed to use Regeneratin’ a couple times, only successfully on a mage who was able to blink away and a paladin in a bubble. It was neat.

Meanwhile some Kul Tirans dominated the Lumber Mill by stealthing and punting people off the cliff. Also Eye of the Storm just…Hordies being flung into the abyss all over the place. Haymaker is underrated.


Just need to channel it for a second and it does more the the Draenei racial.


Because everything interrupts it… hmmm a healing spell how can this even be considered. Outraging over things that aren’t even as bad as they seem. I’ve died more on a caster to haymaker than I’ve had the chance to ever get more than a seconds worth of that racial off.

They want you to impulse buy faction/race change, its so obvious its an Activision decision.

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How could they consider giving a bandage as a racial after they took away First Aid from everyone? I dunno.

Bandages with no cd were op. That’s why FA was brought back as an underpowered racial. At least Zandalari look good.

It’s basically an out-of-combat heal. Gift of the Naaru is actually better because it can be casted on others and isn’t a channeled cast that can be interrupted.


And you’re crying about the racial as it was 2+ months ago.

Good job. :clap:

This response aged well:

Basically the same as on PTR and still now on live…

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Well it’s a small buff, they needed to give them something because they are FUGLY and really don’t look good in any xmog gear.

its cannibalize without a body, get over it.

You mean like how the Human racial took away any need for them to have a pvp release trinket making it so they could have 2 dps trinkets or the night elf racial that allows players to stealth during combat which gives both rogues and druids a free stealth to get away with? Or maybe when the dwarven racial made them completely immune to fear? I could keep going if you’d like.

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