Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

You are splitting hairs over an argument that is mostly opinion based and half is agreed upon by both of us

No, it’s not right to bully people for loot and act as if your need is greater than theirs. Yes, the rules allow it, but only because a mod cant be expected to investigate every single kick that happens, and after it has already occurred it no longer matters anyway.
No, just because there is no punishment for it does not mean it is approved as being reasonable behavior by blizzard or anyone else for that matter

I’m not splitting hairs. I agree assuming his story is true, this kick wasn’t RIGHT or even REASONABLE, but it is completely JUSTIFIED given the rules we operate under.

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If the entire group earned it how is it okay to you that someone would leave with nothing? The method of rolling on it and whoever is more lucky doesnt support that any better than personal loot does.

When I do dungeons for enchanting mats I do while doing world quests. There isnt an infinite amount of them to give you loot and occasionally having a change of scenery from WQs to dungeons makes it feel less dull. While I’m in there I’m usually getting cloth to make more blues to DE.

Just because you dont do it doesn’t mean no one does or should.

Actually it does.

Before you COULDN’T roll need on anything you couldn’t equip, and you were expected to roll greed or pass if you just wanted to be GREEDY. Heck disenchant was ALSO an option and had the LOWEST priority. That should tell you something.

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You’ve been playing the game for at almost a minimum of a year (according to the dates on your achievements) and you’re just now experiencing abuse in LFG vote to kick systems? I’d say that’s pretty darn good, one instance of abuse in a year.

You are overreacting because you’re upset. I get that, but if this is the first time in almost a year that you got angry enough to decide that you don’t like something, then I’d say that’s a decent track record. Let it go.

So what if two people actually need a piece of gear and one of them has already received a piece earlier in the instance? Where is the loot rule to stop him from rolling on another and instead let the guy who hasn’t gotten anything have it?

There isn’t. If both people need it, both people need it and luck decides.

Well not really. I added no context, and that seems to be the problem. Adding the context would be taking into account whatever you said before that. Which I did not do. That statement with no context means it is a jerk move to deny loot to someone who needs it. It is a flat statement. No context. And I don’t agree with that flat statement.

But now that is just me arguing for the sake of fun. So, completely off point and not relevant really.

Well yeah, hence it being a “law” meaning at that time they are legal. Until someone of higher authority says otherwise. You are confusing something being justifiable “To you” with being justifiable under the rules. Under the rules, the removal is perfectly fine. And given the ramification of changing that rule (essentially what we had before vote kicks), I tend to fall on the side of the existing rule being fine and justifiable. I believe the amount of abuse under the system is an order of magnitude lower than the number of times it is used properly. My only evidence being hundreds of runs and only ever seeing vote kick used, outside of removing AFK people, once and for a person who refused to tank because a hunter accidentally pulled ONE mob.

It’s doubtful that limiting the number of VTK a player can issue in a day would do anything except make trolling more prevalent because players would lack the ability to remove trolls from their groups. And you didn’t mention any other potential solutions to your perceived VTK “abuse problem”.

Except, we have absolutely no way of knowing what their actual motivations were for kicking you from the group. For all we know, they kicked you because of your low DPS. It may not have even been the player pestering you for gear that initiated the kick either. Or they may not have liked your transmog, or maybe they didn’t like that you weren’t talking to the group & engaging them. Or you may be right. Really, it could have been for any number of reasons and, may not have been an abuse of the system at all.

The fact is we don’t actually know why they kicked you, you’re making assumptions based on your perception and calling it fact which is a flawed way to claim that you’ve got an example of “VTK abuse”.

Exactly my point. Its luck based, just like whether or not you get gear with personal loot is luck based. And someone who wants a piece of gear for DE can still roll need. The rules dont force them to hit the DE selection.

Even though in both scenarios everyone participated in getting the group to the end of the dungeon not everyone is going to get loot for it. And also in both scenarios one person can be a “jerk” and take something that they need while denying someone else their share. Group loot no more supports fairness and sharing than personal loot does.

That is actually the exact reason for one. The system is agnostic as to reason other than three fifths of a group does not want you there. They don’t want to play with you for whatever reason. The reason does not matter. It can be because your character is a girl. Would I personally do that, no of course not. But, the system is set up so any group has a means to remove someone they don’t want to play with. For any reason. I would bet the vast majority of cases are things the community at large and Blizzard would see as a “valid” reason. I would also bet the abuse instances are less than one percent of the total. In that scenario, I would take the agnostic system any day.

And also keep in mind the people kicking for fun do have a consequence. If they do it enough, they can’t kick any longer for an extended period.

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Because it is a jerk move. But sometimes two wrongs do make a right. You’re being petty and vindictive, but that can be fun.


Of course, but that’s you lying about “needing it,” to steal it. When there IS a clear option stating you intend to disenchant it and the game gave that the lowest priority. (Oh and people rolling need on gear they didn’t need was an immediate vote kick)

You cannot defend this action buddy, you’re wrong, and selfish.

I don’t know if the term ‘crying’ is being used correctly here…


And incidentally, I am only arguing with you for fun. I tend to agree with your overall stance after reading through all of the pages.

Not only do i get griefers kicked, i add them on account-wide ignore afterwards and make a note why the are ignored.

I also report them ingame if they are saying things that violate the TOU.

You calling people whiny entitled kids, morons and things like that would warrant a silence and i feel that is where you are heading.

Just to let you know, I am one player that pushed for votekicks and silences ingame a long, long time ago, because the system was failing and griefers had their way.

It works perfectly fine, always has and always will.

It is not perfect but better than nothing. Blizzard feels it works fine and i am betting they will not change it anytime soon.

…also for an fyi there is a limit on how many votekicks can be performed in a given time, and a kick immunity to curb abuse.

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By Blizzard’s implementation, Person Loot Rules apply and the person receiving gear is under no obligation to trade that gear. Just because some special snowflake wants what was awarded to you, you do not have to give it up.

The person who does not get the item in dispute needs to understand that this was the will of the all powerful RNG, who have determined that the person who received the trade-able drop was in desperate need of whatever dust, crystal, scrap, gold or residue they will get from disenchanting, scrapping or vendoring that item.

Sorry, but the special snowflake must melt in his own tears, because Blizzard knows RNG is fun.

actually your attitude has been quite horrid throughout this thread to this point. I have no doubt your attitude in the group contributed to the kick regardless of what you say here. People always present their side of the story and conveniently leave the whole story out


I’m sure there’s more to this story than what’s being told.

We haven’t heard from OP in a while.

Think he gave up or Blizz gave him a little mini vacation to calm down