Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

I know. I just pretend I don’t.

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Yeap, we don’t have to be the devs to see how dismissive and arrogant he is in this thread. I seriously doubt he just STARTED acting like a jerk when he started posting here, which makes me also seriously doubt his story.


“Not trading it to people who DO need it in small group content is considered a jerk move and can have consequences.”

Was just responding to that is all. Not picking your statement apart or anything. I read that as a general statement and think that it is true in some respects but not all. Like when the other person is being a douche about it. But I also agreed with your note about it having consequences either way. Even if the other person is being a douche. If you say no, there can be consequences. And those consequence may be removal from group. Which I think is fine. I thought I had quoted that line in my initial response, but it appears not to be the case.

See that’s you applying context to my point that doesn’t exist. Had i said it was ALWAYS considered a jerk move, i could see your confusion.

Killing someone is considered a jerk move to say the least, but if you’re saving someone from being murdered by killing their attacker things change.

A guildie was just kicked from a group on the last boss in a M+. Wasn’t a high one like a 5 I think. Said his deeps was fine and didn’t know why it happened. I think in those cases it can really be frustrating.

if anything needs fixing its the deserter debuff make it 10m or 15 no reason for 30 min…

Glad to see personal loot fixing all the loot drama.

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The deserter debuff only happens if you get kicked before the first boss is killed. Not too many people experience that unfairly.

iv been in groups that just kicked a person randomly so i still say the 30 min is a but long…

before the first boss ? If you kick after the first boss kill, you don’t get that 30 minutes, you get 15 min - minus the amount of time you were in that dungeon.

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I will occasionally run heroics for gear to disenchant. I do my part in the group and often save the group from wipes that a healer that actually needed gear from heroics wouldnt be able to. I dont ask anyone else for their gear regardless of it not being an upgrade for them. Why should I be obligated to give up my loot every time someone else wants it as an upgrade? I need it too, just for my profession, not gearing.

You may consider that “jerk” behavior, but I feel it is jerk behavior to think your need is more justified than mine and that I’m obligated to hand over my loot and leave empty handed when I put in just as much work as everyone else to get the group through the instance.

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If it was an upgrade for you, and not for them, then they would be jerks not to trade it. A shard for you is not an upgrade. You’re not obligated to do anything of course, you can choose not to. But it IS a jerk move and if they choose to remove you for it, well then you got removed.

Honestly your entire mindset is why personal loot is such a problem. It’s not your loot, you didn’t earn it alone, you did it as a group. But personal loot has changed the player base to think everything is about them. It dropped for me so it’s MINE, and screw everybody else!!! And truthfully, people always try to use disenchanting as an excuse but if that’s what you’re doing, there are a dozen world quests that GUARANTEE loot to disenchant. No one farms dungeons specifically for enchanting mats.

I would have voted yes.

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Well we are just going to have to disagree on that. I would also say that kicking someone for not handing over their loot is unjustified. I guess this is just a matter of opinion. But I think we can both agree that just accepting the kick and finding a different group is the right solution, not complaining about it and trying to rewrite the rules.

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I find it odd you acknowledge the rules allow this kick, but still think it’s unjustified when the entire premise of “justified,” is based on the rules/laws of society. Justice isn’t right or wrong, it’s simply whether it follows the established code setup to control society.

So by that reasoning, all laws are legal And justified. Civil rights movement, anyone?

Just because an action conforms to established rules does not necessarily mean it is actually okay, and should not be improved upon

Yes, all laws are legal, by definition, and they are justice.

They can still be wrong, or even evil, and need to be changed. Words matter people…

To me, the rules allow this kick because, as I said above, changing them to disallow this would also make it extremely hard, if not impossible to combat trolling, toxicity, and afking in groups. You cant try to police everything individually and it is better to prevent more problem causing behavior and just inconvenience people who weren’t actually in the wrong. That doesnt mean the act itself is justified though.

Justified: having, done for, or marked by a good and legitimate reason

I’m not sure why you are nitpicking a single word. Especially since it is being used correctly.

It’s not though. The legitimate reason here is that they are allowed to remove him for any reason they want. This literally could not be any more clear cut.