Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

This right here is a very good point.

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First off when someone uses “son” as a catch phrase to try and demean someone as you have so many times in thread it is obvious you are just a petulant child that is just angry no one wants to play with him or doesn’t agree with him and not a grandfather with adult children.

Every time someone disagreed with you that the system is fine, or countered your argument concerning your version of how it works you have accused them, insulted them and called them entitled.

You come to us with this wild story that you were kicked wrongly, by your own admission you said you were under preforming. You have shown no proof, pictures, video or whatever to show this actually happened and expect us to believe you without question Had you broached this subject differently people may have believed you and taken things at face value. You have done nothing in this post and any of the other “VTK is broken” but insult people that didn’t agree with you.

No one here is saying you can’t keep your loots, no one is saying you should have given your loots. Unless you have documented proof that someone in your group said “give me your loots or I will kick you” that would be extortion. You behavior here tends to make people believe that there is way more to this story than you are trying to tell us.


I see people bring this up a lot and I’m sure in some cases there really is more to the story but sometimes there really isn’t.

The thing about skepticism is that it can be right or wrong.

The OP has caused the skepticism so yes what I said is applicable.

And as long as we weren’t there skepticism is all we have so in this case it is neither right or wrong.

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OP almost constantly throughout this thread made false statements so yeah some healthy skepticism is justified in his case.

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I wouldn’t call that skepticism, I’d call it a rational thought process. It’s very well documented that people will remember the same events differently and relay them as they remember them which isn’t necessarily how it actually happened. It doesn’t mean they’re intentionally being misleading though.

Now in the OP’s case, I happen to be very skeptical and believe that they are intentionally being misleading. For what reason though, that’s anyone’s guess.

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Not really, I saw you ask something that wasn’t really relevant to his story trying to put him on the spot. I’m not saying that he is either telling the truth or not because we don’t know but the skepticism is on your end.

It’s entirely possible that someone really did vote to kick just because he didn’t trade him something.

I’ve seen vote to kick reasons be things like “gnome” or “panda” when those players didn’t really do anything wrong or talk in chat. People kick for petty things all the time.

Fair enough but I don’t think what I said is wrong.

If you think there is more to the story and there isn’t, which is the case sometimes, it’s pretty cut and dry. Not really logic to argue against.

Same goes for believing something that isn’t true too.

Show me please when I said something that wasn’t relevant?

“So it didn’t work when they tried to VTK you?”

Pointless question because it obviously wasn’t what he was referring to.

Oh but I know why you asked it, so no need to try to explain that.

he said it needed to be fix, imo opinion if people weren’t able to kick you then it would truly need to be fixed.

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TBH, I am hesitant to believe the situation even happened. OP is known to regularly start/participate in the most anti-blizz/anti-wow threads possible.

It wouldn’t surprise me if it was made up so he could create/participate in yet another one.


Right but a quick read through his post easily confirms that he wasn’t complaining about someone trying to kick him and it not working. So it was a pointless question. Sometimes it works when you try to use semantics but in this case it fell flat.

As for the rest of the thread I’m sure he made some silly comments that warrant speculation and maybe I’ll read through it now.

I’d suggest reading it with Advil because the majority of his responses will leave you with a mighty large headache

Aw man, I already have somewhat of a headache. I don’t know why I’m reading GD today because trying to sift through some of this nonsense doesn’t help matters anyway

Well honestly if this had been his first post i can agree that i might have been a tad bit snarky, but if you were to look at any other post not just this thread concerning the OP you might understand a little better, it may have been unnecessary on my part and not making excuses for myself but.

he doesn’t have a very good track record I could have started a little better but i couldn’t help myself.

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Fair enough. I mean, nah I get it.

I know I’m being picky too. It’s one of those days.

lol same here and I was having that moment to when i first replied :slight_smile: but I will always own my downfallings :slight_smile:

It is unfortunate that the Vote/Kick system has become the main tool of the miscreants. Certainly, it does some good work, but it also does the work of the rude and classless as we see here.

I get that no one can visualize a better system. So, asking for it to be “fixed” may sound ridiculous. What does “Fixed” even mean? What are the components of a “Fixed” system?

But just because none of us (myself included) can imagine a better system, that doesn’t mean we need to endorse extortion and bullying by proxy.

I don’t see a reason to be content that villains are using the vote/kick system to get what they want, even if that is just handing out 30-minute bans for lulz.

To ostrich down into “working as intended” or “nothing to fix” is a sad commentary in itself. Perhaps shift those blinkers for just a few moments.

Blizzard doesn’t want the responsibility of dealing directly with their paying customers and we all then become complicit to that lazy and negligent stance by claiming it is correct and there is nothing wrong.

I, for one, cede that the Vote/Kick system is rife with ill use and emblematic of Blizzard’s half measures are good enough approach.

I can’t immediately imagine a better system, but the wicked dealings of vote/kick reprobates don’t become correct just because we fail to see them for the abuses they are.

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Oh ok
Paid my pre orders and subscriptions for 14 years now and I taking up space
y ty