Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Just signed up for a normal BfA run.
Tank decides he wants my drop and keeps stopping and putting up the trade window. I ignored him. i didnt say a word and keep playing the game.
He finally stops and gets right up in my characters face as if thats supposed to intimidate, I guess…not sure how thats supposed to work .
I ignored him again and kept moving to the next mob and suddenly Im kicked :rofl:

yeah…sorry. Im now on the team that says the vote kick has got to be fixed to stop the BS abuses.

edit to add…

Let me add that I did have the lowest DPS damage of the DPS players, (it was the same ive been getting in normals today and above average most of the day in other normals) so one could argue that was his motivation…and Im sure he would claim such was the case, but then why keep stopping and opening up the trade window, then kick me at that point and not when my damage was obviously lower.
Based on two of the players own DPS they seemed to be WAY overgeared for normal runs to begin with (literally 3 to 4 times that of myself and the other DPS player)…so Im thinking they were trying to gear up a third character and expected all the drops or something

Funny part?
Had he simply ASKED for it politely Id have given it to him.
It was a 340 nothing burger and Im wearing two 355’s that I bought of the AH that I actually like.


My rule of thumb which works for me is I ignore any group content 5 man or less unless it’s with guild mates. I do pretty good not having to deal with jerks that way. So warfronts, pvp, lfr is pretty much my only pug content I can stand.


So it didn’t work when they tried to VTK you?

I usually try to be cordial and talk if some need arises.
I really would have just handed it to him had he just asked respectfully.
It was MY drop. I get to do what I want with it.
but I didnt need it and all Im going to do is shred it anyway…which is where its going instead of him being able to use it because he decided to be a pushy moron

what is VTK?


vote to kick

no…it did.
Based on DPS and their behavior it LOOKED like two players were carrying the third and trying to gear him up.
No problem. Ask and they could have my drop. Im looking for a 340 shoulders now and thats all I need from normals at this point.
But no one pushes and gets what they want.
So they kicked me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Then there is nothing to fix, the VTK worked. It sucks I know but alas you had 3-4 players that didn’t want you there for whatever reason. You occasionally get buttheads but it doesn’t happen that often, the system we have works just fine.


Frankly this just helps evidence my previous comments on vote kick being used MOSTLY in an abusive manner.
He wanted my drop. He kept opening the trade window to try to force it out of me.
thats NOT a valid use of vote kick.


you and I need to part ways on this point. friend. Im GOING to keep pushing for a change and you are GOING to keep crying that the abuses are ok.
sound good?


You wrote normal but your language screams that you joined LFR. What are we actually talking about here, LFR or normal?


Im sorry…no…it was a normal random BfA dungeon. Im trying to get a 340 shoulder

aww heck now i feel dumb. I read BFA as BFD…to many battles.

I cant remember my name half the time or where I live :smile:

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I never said the abuse is ok, I just don’t see the abuse like you do. They kicked you because they didn’t want you there, that doesn’t necessitate abuse. I also said it was a jerk thing but then again I wasn’t there. I only see your side of the story and one thing I learned is there is always 3 sides to a story

  • What you said happened
  • What they said happened
  • And what really happened

If you are getting kicked enough times in random groups to come and push for a change the issue is most likely you. No offense.

by all means keep pushing for a change, good luck.


Um…this is a normal raid, normal raids don’t have vote to kick? It’s not queued content, so RL kicked you?

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nah…just a normal random BfA 5 man to get a 340 shoulder.


Ah, normal dungeon, I thought you meant normal raid.

nope. I non heroic 5 man.
I can run heroics but I want that 340 shoulders. Got an OCD thing going on I think:smile:

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I can’t help but feel that there’s something more to this story. If only because you’ve been posting non stop about abuse of the vote kick system. Kind of feels like you were fishing for a reason to have proof.



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