Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

That’s rather petty but you do you

I can’t believe a grown man argued with everyone for 12+ hrs because he got kicked from a normal dungeon.


Normal dungeons is super serious stuff.

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From just the first couple posts that I read to. Insinuating someone cant read or has no cognitive skills is a personal attack. Talking down to someone by insinuating they are a child is a personal attack.

I was using that to make the point that imposing restrictions on what people are allowed to do in the game comes with consequences. You can make that point with anything. You want to impose some kind of log in or queue ban for someone abusing kicking? How are they going to differentiate between people kicking for dumb reasons, like in your case, and people kicking for legit reasons? Are we going to have a mod checking every single log of anyone ever kicked to find out? As I said, if you think there is a magical solution, suggest it, dont just yell about it being broken and demanding someone figure out how to fix it.

You know, I feel rude for doing it but if there’s an augment bag up and I queue, which is the only time I do so, and I get a dungeon I don’t like I’ll instantly leave, take the 30 minute debuff, and get one of my other 4 tanks and queue again.

10/10 system.

Mm augment runes.

Yea don’t see them removing this feature any time soon…It actually helps more than it hurts IMO. Yea, you will get the occasion D-bag or group of them that will kick you from the group for no reason. More often than not you have to kick someone for being AFK, going offline, or doing so bad (usually a Tank not pulling right or a healer not healing; sometimes a DPS literally auto-attacking enemies) that they need to be kicked in order for you to finish the dungeon.

IMO this has more to do with the add-on that shows when drops other people get are an upgrade for you, than it does with kicks.

I usually am happy to trade if someone asks nicely. Sometimes I’ll even offer something if another player with the same armor class has lower ilvl.

What I’ve been doing the very few times this has happened lately is saying “need for scrapper mats - how much gold you willing to offer?”

That usually gets them to back off.

It is called a “Trade window” not a “gimme window”

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You can’t trade gold cross server.

and on…

and on…

If you really think these are not offensive then again you need to do some thinking. You deny you made any personal insults to others??? You clearly don’t like kids but you claim you have some. You state in mutiple posts that the guy that kicked you and others are "entitled whiny kids…

Do you realize how offensive that is?

If you are not banned for at least a week then the forum moderation team needs some restructuring badly.

We clearly see what the problem is here…

A griefer is salty that he couldnt grief a group of players and get away with it scott free. Make any story you like about players wanting your crappy purples but anyone can see the problem here.

The true solution to your issue is to ignore the player or players involved and never party with them again. There is an addon for this. If you don’t use it then that your issue. You are having issues in normal LFD? That’s bad, you will not fit in at all in mythic dungeons, LFG or any raiding as i see it. People will probably put you on ignore…

So much drama over getting kicked out of a normal LFD group, and you speak of pathetic?



Provemewrong the real MVP

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So you’re saying if the group collectively feels a player should give up his drop, that’s okay and OP should just giggle and say “sounds great! Here you go!”?

So what you are saying is that it’s not ok for him to harass you for gear but it is ok for you to harass them through the in game mail service? Even if it was a failed attempt, the fact that you tried and admit to it on a public forum makes you just as bad as the people you publicly denounce you hypocrite!

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What, you don’t remember typing out “Two per daily reset should be more than enough.” ?? (Which is what I was referring to.)

That doesn’t matter at all? If you don’t need something, at best its a crystal for you.

Not trading it to people who DO need it in small group content is considered a jerk move and can have consequences. Consequences like being removed from said small group. He made his choice, and now he’s whining about the consequences of that choice.

Sounds like a run that sucked. It happens. There is absolutely ZERO need to change the vote kick system. It works the way it is supposed to. If three of five people do not want to group with you, they can remove you. That is it. And that is how it works. So, works fine.

I don’t agree with it being a jerk move to not trade gear to someone else who is being a douche. HOWEVER, I also don’t believe there is anything wrong with a group of people deciding they don’t want someone in their group. That is how the system works. Sometimes it sucks for people kicked for weir reasons, but overall, the system is doing what it is supposed to do.


We only have this guys word that the tank was being a douche, and looking at how he is replying to people in this thread, i severely doubt this tank was the problem.


I was speaking more generally as opposed to this specific OP. I read your comment as being generally applicable as opposed to specific to this guy/girl.

I am also one of those people who believes these situations are incredibly rare and not worth development time to worry about when the system overall works fine.


Then why did you say to someone who is being a douche? Obviously if someone is treating me like crap i’ll get kicked before trading them gear. But the standard group protocol, assuming everyone isn’t being a jerk, is trade gear you don’t need.

Also, after getting kicked i won’t come whine about it but that’s just me.

It’s not about if they are offensive or not. Those examples are of toxic behavior. No one wants to play a game with someone like that.