Yup...vote kick needs to be fixed

Pulled up from your post history

stalker alert :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

MY attitude? While hes defending a joker who tried to extort MY rightful drops. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My second account here was so my guild of FOUR players can sign up for FIVE man dungeons when the mood strikes us and so i can move crap around between factions.
Easy enough?
And speaking of trolling


I dont know that it would. Just a suggestion.
I know the 30 minute timeout DOESNT stop the abuses of tanks pulling out of the dungeon the second they see its one they dont like. Then as someone else pointed out, they just log onto another character most likely and no real punishment was levied.

Just tossing around ideas, really.
I honestly believed some would be more inclined to be concerned that someone was using the vote kick to extort drops from other playersā€¦but WOW was I wrong.

There is no way anyone can get your precious purples in the game without your consent.

If someone is abusing the votekick for these reasons, simply report them and actions may be taken to address the issue.

Changing the votekick system may work for you but does not work for many, many other people.

Your solution of limiting votekicks to 2 per day just gives griefers free reign to do what they want to in dungeons and raidsā€¦ grief and talk trash all day. We can all see why excatly you want to remove the votekickā€¦ so you can say whatever you want to people and get away with it.

Next post please try to hide your personality a bit better when trying to force game changes based on isolated incidents.

Isolated incidents you claim is now happening or will happen all the time.

Iā€™ve never seen a votekick go through because someone refused to give up their loot.

Most people would just chalk up the kick as a bad run and go on with their life, yet you insist on flooding the forums with posts about how you are a victim and the system is bad as you lash out at everyone around you.

Please seek some help for the sake of your family. Thanks.

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uhā€¦yeahā€¦I know.
instead they can have three of them working together and if you refuse to pony up your drops they have the votes to kick youā€¦and they did.

If someone is abusing the votekick for these reasons, simply report them and actions may be taken to address the issue.

I doubt anything would happen. Ive been kicked half a dozen times. Not expecting it often enough to report it other than the suggestion I did send thru the system to restrict us to two votes per day to limit the abuses.
Getting that player in trouble isnt going to make my day any better or worse. He didnt get my drops. That was enough punishment as far as Im concerned.
The system itself needs to be tweaked now.

Your solution of limiting votekicks to 2 per day just gives griefers free reign to do what they want to in dungeons and raidsā€¦ grief and talk trash all day.

thats the claim. Try it out and lets see if it works or not.
We all know that 30 minute timeout hasnt done squat to the deserters. We had one just yesterday afternoon. I got pulled in and someone was saying that another player had bailed the second they hit the dungeon.

Iā€™ve never seen a votekick go through because someone refused to give up their loot.

fair enough. Neither had I seen it until yesterday.

Isolated incidents you claim is now happening or will happen all the time.

nice attempt there, friend but ABUSE of the vote kick is what I said I see all the timeā€¦NOT for this exact reason. Try again.

Im flooding by responding to responses?
how does that work again?

Sorry, I didnt mean to ignore this. Had to do some stuff a few times here.
My ilvl at the time was maybe 300ish or so? I wasnt really paying that much attention.
Not really relevant however. This crazy system allows my 111ā€™s in trash gear to get top DPS in 5 mans and I KNOW that cant be right without scaling or whatever is doing it.

hehā€¦and still getting near the same DPS as the their third guy.
Apparently I can post in here while running a dungeon and only be a few percent off from their third player on damage.
Man Im good.
:wink: :grin:

At complaining and getting booted from dungeons it seems.


I run two characters at the same time manually on two monitors and thru heroic dungeons often enough and can easily get the second and third spot on DPS. Did it a lot when I was up for it. I still have a few good years left in these fingers.

This thread was created to share details of clear abuse of the INTENDED purpose of the vote kick feature which I honestly believed would shock people even in here.
I admit. I am thoroughly shocked, amazed and a tiny bit disgusted that not one single person here has said ā€œWOW thats an abusive way to use the vote kickā€
Nopeā€¦instead most here have defended the extortion claiming its all ā€˜working as intendedā€™
yeahā€¦blizzard INTENDED for this to be how it was used. Im sure they woke up one morning and thought just that.

Itā€™s kinda funny that you say you just wanted him to ask in a respectful manner. Then you come here and respond to people that actually are talking to you in a respectful manner with personal insults because they dont share your point of view.

With that said, you were in a normal, which means you didnt get removed by the VTK system. The leader removed you from the group. You seriously want to disallow leaders to be able to remove people from their groups? Youd have people trolling raid groups, afking though raids, being completely toxic in chat and people would have no way to get rid of them. The same can be said for removing VTK. The outcome would be far worse than it is now.

People just need to grow thicker skin. Yeah it sucks that you were inconvenienced by having to find another group, but there is no magical solution to fix every problem in the world. There is always someone who will find a way to abuse the system. You just have to choose the least of all the evils. Blizzard has done that. And if you are convinced they can do better you might try coming up with a suggested solution yourself instead of just telling the wow gods to snap their fingers and fix all problems.

If you killed a boss and got loot someone was demanding from you, then got kickedā€¦ how did you get a 30 min timer?

personal insults
Telling someone they are wrongā€¦disagreeing with them isnt an insult, sorry to inform you.

You seriously want to disallow leaders to be able to remove people from their groups?

geezus my head hurts.
NEVER said it. Said nothing even remotely close to that. Not even in the ball park.

People just need to grow thicker skin.

says someone who accuses me of making personal insults where no personal insults were made.
show me where I called someone fatā€¦uglyā€¦or whatever it is youre claiming was said.
REAL insultsā€¦not imaginary inserted ones.

omg. Lord I dont understand what it is about CONTEXT that weā€™re not getting in here.
that was using my example to make a point. I did get a timer, not that one, but thats not the point. The point is that the timer exists and people UNJUSTLY kicked will often get it thru no fault of their own.

Nope. But that system isnā€™t going to change. Thereā€™s no way to change it. The system is there for abusive and harassing people who need punished. Please explain to me how itā€™s going to filter out your kick for ignoring someone.

I can answer that, actually: itā€™s not. Thereā€™s no way to change it. The majority of kicks are for actual acceptable reasons: harassment, AFK, trolling the group, etc. Those people get punished with a 30 min debuff. It canā€™t be less. We donā€™t want them in groups so soon after and we donā€™t want them thinking itā€™s okay to continue that behavior a few minutes later.

Itā€™s a punishment system because people are jerks in randoms. Thereā€™s no fix. It is what it is. Blame the jerks, not the system. As happens in life, punish the many for the crimes of the few.

Next time, tell the guy you need the piece and just apologize. Communication can sometimes work wonders.

The same abusive behavior that says give me your drops or me and my two buddies have the votes to kick you.
that also needs a remedy as weā€™ve seen by the NUMEROUS threads about vote kicking on this very forum.

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Maybe because none of us believe the completely biased bs story youā€™re giving us full of assumptions without any proof to your claims?

You keep coming back to this extortion bit where you feel as if you were kicked because you didnā€™t give someone a piece of gear. You again have no PROOF if that was the reason you were kicked. Your whole platform of this thread is all, once again based off of assumptions when you stated you were also off on the forums at the same time of the dungeon.

Yes your DPS was near par with one of their others, so good job on that? But that also means you were slacking by not paying full attention to the dungeon which is easily a kickable offense in my eyes.

Again this thread has gone on for 296 more posts than it should of. Just take this as a loss, learn from this and move on. Instead of just ignoring the guy who keeps ā€œdemandingā€ gear from you, ask him if he needs it or something. Talk to him instead of again ignoring the bloke. I bet your experience would of been far different if that was the case.

You say you were unjustly kicked through no fault of your own. Your group seems to have thought otherwise else you wouldnā€™t of gotten kicked.

Iā€™ve seen groups decline VTKs before so obviously if you were, it was justified.


proofā€¦yeahā€¦iā€™ll get the FBI on that pronto :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What I do have proof of inthis thread is that some really think the abuses are ā€˜working as intendedā€™.
Very disturbing.

First of all, you ignored the rest of my post.

Secondly, this forum is roughly one percent or less of the playerbase. These ā€œnumerousā€ threads are a poor representation of what you believe is common, when itā€™s not.

It is working as intended. What people like you donā€™t consider what sort of play would happen in those dungeons if people were FORCED to keep playing with someone they didnā€™t want to play with. It is far better for a person to be kicked than be harassed until they leave which would be most likely the situation if the group didnā€™t have a choice.


So how do you -know- that you were kicked because of some false pretense of extortion hmmm? Coincidence and circumstance? Did you ask them if you were kicked because of not trading the gear? Well no because you already said you didnt even though you could of whispered and asked. So again, you dont know why you were kicked and can only assume as to why you were.

If youā€™re going to come in and use examples of what happened to help justify your need to change a certain aspect of the game its better to come in with facts of the actual situation instead of speculating and assuming certain aspects of it.

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WOWā€¦nothing but deflection from the fact that that had NOTHING to do with the kick. My DPS was there entire time up to that point. No kick UNTIL the tank wants my drops. Enough to stop and get into my characters face about it and repeatedly push the trade window up in MY face.
Yupā€¦no concern here about THAT fact. Just ā€œmehā€¦your DPS was slightly lowerā€ and even though NO ONE could know I made a short post in here at some point where we were standing around ā€¦yupā€¦that has to be why you were kickedā€¦not the refusal to ante up your drops :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

uhā€¦didnt know I was kicked until after I was kicked? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Tried to contact the kicker afterward and got the response I cant email that realm? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I thought we covered this a bit ago.

So then you dont know the real reason you were kicked, and there for this entire thread based off of your one experience which is now confirmed to be based off assumptions is officially completely pointless.

Moving on.


Exactly this.



Then do you have a mental condition? Not saying its a bad thing if you do, but alot of things you have worded wrong in this thread, then you begin to belittle people who ā€œread it out of contextā€ because of the way you are wording things.

Anyway you said you have been kicked 6 times in a short time, theres a saying that gets around these forumsā€¦ but I canā€™t quite put my finger on itā€¦ something aboutā€¦ common denominator?