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Ah, yes, the dastardly Alliance. Those nefarious fiends. Frequently up to something and never minding their own business when all of the sudden the orcs go all “Surprise! It’s Murder Thirty!”

Well you can’t go and miss Murder Thirty. That be a travesty. As an adventurer that is our job description, after all.

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“ThEy PuT OrCs In CaMpS!”

After they destroyed their own world, then came to Azeroth trying to do the same thing >.>

“They learned their lesson, let them roam free” has proven to be a bad strategy in the last decade or two.

don’t give them any ideas they may use them.

Honestly, though, the pandaren intro difference between Alliance and Horde is… a thing. In retrospect, a major red flag towards future writing of them.

On the Horde, the Alliance is keeping the pandaren working past their designated lunch break doing more work than they planned. On Alliance, Horde has kidnapped children and given them to demons to watch to blackmail their parents into working. Morally grey.


I’ve never been gladder to have my sub run out.

A moment of silence for all the murlocs I killed.

:pray: :dove:

Haven’t the Horde been the aggressors since vanilla?

what’s worse child slave labor or coersion through force?

maybe both factions are morally dark.

… We’re talking about fiction, right ? About enjoying cool, charismatic characters and stuff ? … Actually whatever, forget about it


She has a point. The Burning of Teldrassil was hurtful not just to the actual Night Elves, but to many of their players as well.


There is nothing cool or charismatic about having everything you love about your favorite race utterly destroyed beyond repair =)

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Not always, but there’s definitely an issue where Horde warcrimes get cranked up to 12 and Alliance warcrimes get put quietly into context as “not that bad, actually, if you think about it”.

My best guess is that, for whatever reason, they like to write the Horde as EXTREME and HARDCORE. The Alliance usually gets a bit more… subtlety is the wrong word in this game, so I’m going to go with nuance. Which is probably also the reason that the Alliance is “boring”. Sirens blaring is way more exciting than proceeding at a reasonable pace.


Just like there is nothing cool with having ones favorite faction dragged through the mud, to be bad guys for the umpteenth time with no option to opt out of it.

Call it even I guess


I’ve joked about it before and I will again, but the issue is that while both are morally grey, the Alliance is mostly off-white, shading to dove, whereas the Horde mostly starts at charcoal.

Because kidnapping kids is proooooobably worse than an unread contract that, woops, stipulates you’ll work through teatime.


And yet a lot of Horde players openly admit to siding with Sylvanas =)

I sided with her just because Saurfang is a complete hypocrite.

Openly admit to it? More than that - If rumor is to be believed, they practically willed the choice into being when it was not initially intended to be part of the game.


Yea I know, the Horde kind of lost a quarter of its racial leaders in BFA, so please keep telling me about how your narrative experience was ruined by the consequences of the story LMAO

And I’ll 100% do it again because that Baine/Saurfang disaster of a storyline was disgusting and I’m never giving it any credit by picking their route


His death is also the founding mythos act for the Horde 3.0, now with 662% less genocide. So take him or leave him, he did have a big impact on the horde going forward.

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