"""Ysera isn't Nelf content"""


It’s strange that “Elune’s Wrath” and “Elune’s Fury” have two different models when wrath and fury are synonymous with each other.


Dreadmoore is still obsessed with hating on night elves i see.


The post really just says something about a potential Elune and Ysera connection, nothing that this is anything new. Whats even your point here?

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This post doesn’t look like Night Elf hatred to me. Why do you say it is?

Literally the title my dude.
Why do you think all those extra quotation marks are for?


Is it hating NE’s though? Or just mocking them?

Green Dragonflight has always been heavily connected to the Night Elves and the Emerald Dream. Many green dragons take on NE visages, including Y’sera.

The arguement that Y’sera content isn’t NE content is a pretty baseless arguement, only NEFPA say this.


Legion happened, Shadowlands happened (WQ: My sister’s pet), this happened and Zahir is still denying that Ysera is Night Elf Content.


Anyone who is saying that Ysera’s story isn’t NE related content is kind of delusional? Particularly recently, considering Night Elves were involved in both her death and rebirth in Ardenweald.

Green Dragonflight stuff may not ALWAYS involve NEs but like 90% of the time they do. Not sure where this argument comes from.


“Night Elf players should be grateful for what Blizzard gives them, even if it isn’t remotely what they asked for.”


They should just quit lying when people point out that they are catered to just because they don’t like it.

Case and point, zahir says there’s a “”“potential”"" connection rather than just admit Ysera has been firmly in the nelf corner since WoW’s launch, at least. After all, she only loved one race enough to bind them to Her Emerald Dream and allow them free reign.


It’s not night elf hatred—it’s a callback to this thread and others like it from the beginning of Shadowlands:


Zahir and zerde have one thing in common, both are known liars who will twist the lore to fit their agenda


If through the greens NEs get content then its NE content.

If Greens get content its not NE content because its about Greens.

The former is what Dread is implying.
If in Dragonfail i see stories about the greens, their origin, their characters and their challenges then I wont consider it NE content.
As much as the current story direction makes me unhappy its still NE content. It reeks of a team desperate of trying to make something, anything work without having to commit to anything but thats a different topic.


To be absolutely clear, the NEFPA spent several threads stating that Ysera was not Nelf content. But all recent Ysera content – going as far back as Legion – is intrinsically tied to night elves.


Ysera on her own isn’t NE content.
If she does something to further NE content then its NE content.

Its not hard man. This is really simple stuff like what object is blue or green.

Omg. And what did the police say?


You are partially right, but if the greens story is about helping the NE’s with thier World Soul Seed and fighting off the Emerald Nightmare, so it has a fair chance to grow uncorrupted with the help of Elune… that is NE content even if the NEFPA’s say it isn’t.


If someone blends that stupid seed into a hearty almond milk so I can eat my cereal with I would not complain one bit.
But if the story advances what the NEs need to accomplish then fine.

I don’t like it but it is NE content but just greens for their own sake then I dont really consider NE content.
If Tyrande shows up to give a pep talk before proceeding to just stand there for a whole expansion. I don’t consider that NE content.


Just greens themselves are not NE content but thier main antagonist is the Emerald Nightmare that overlapse a lot with NE story.

Just like the Blues overlap a lot with the Kirin Tor. The Blues often overlap Jaina’s story but it’s not always Jaina content. But if Jaina plays a huge role in the Blue’s story it is.


Why is the conversation being changed to the green flight when it’s about Ysera