Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

personally i think skyrim belongs to the nords. the imperial legion and thalmor should let us worship talos.


That would be my bet, if the Void Lords actually focused their attention upon us we would need help given how week we have become from years of fighting each other and the various “world ending” threats.


Finally something we can all agree on! :handshake:

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Yup the aid of the legion! But I would just be sad Kil’jaedan wouldn’t be there he is one of my favorite characters in the series. :pensive: Legion will never be the same without him and Archimonde.

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If he shows back up… it may be in a Void expansion… since eventually… we are going to have to deal with that mess. And we will show them, once again, that Azeroth’s Murder Hobos are not to be messed with.


To then have them turn around and back stab us!

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Glares with smoldering intensity

Heresy… detected…

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That’s what all forcible conversion is about: people who believe that they are right and holy, while the people they are forcibly converting are unholy heathen degenerates who don’t deserve to be allowed to continue existing.

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Idk their purpose was to destroy the universe so that the void couldn’t take over it. But if we destroy the void they wouldn’t need to attack us anymore. Unless they wanna rule the universe themselves and Sargeras is just a hypocrite doing the exact same thing he was trying to stop lol.

0/10. dont reference warhammer on a forum dedicated to what started as a failed warhammer liscensed game.

That reminds me, the Army of the Light are pretty similar to Space Marines. One of them even says this quote; “Give me a hundred Lightforged. Barring that, a thousand regular troops.”

And, speaking as a Warhammer player, I think Yrel and the LB are moderate compared to Space Marines (at least they let non-humans join).

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Have yall seen just how much content they actually cut from WoD?


Some of that stuff actually sounds like it could have been really cool. I wouldn’t mind going back if they added it later.


Yup they removed a lot.

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That reminds me, the Army of the Light are pretty similar to Space Marines. One of them even says this quote; “Give me a hundred Lightforged. Barring that, a thousand regular troops.”

Speaking as a Warhammer player, I think Yrel and the LB are moderate compared to Space Marines (Yrel and co are equal opportunity recruiters - not sure Space Marines would let xenos join if geneseed worked on them too).

Precisely, a baneful disease must be eradicated.

While you have a point, it beats what the Iron Horde offered Yrel and the other Draenei first; “be worked to death as slaves or die right now”.

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if Yrel did nothing wrong then neither did the supreme wind chime when she tried to forcibly Lightforge Illidan, and we all know how that turned out.


I’m dead… I’m laughing so hard right now…

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You can hardly complain about genocide on the part of others when you glorify it yourself.

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is no one gonna mention that orc culture is just kill w/e is not yer own people and die in battle?

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