Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

Just because Illidan killed Xe’ra doesn’t make her wrong and him right. But that’s not what this thread is about.

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I guess you support the Crusades due to previous Muslim atrocities?

The Orcs like to share their culture… a lot.

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They have so much culture that hurts…
specially the bleeding kind

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So do Yrel and the LB.

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God damn. I want to play some of that content. The failure of WoD is absolutely the biggest disappointment in the entire franchise bar none. The failure of WoD, unlike say BFA, isn’t that it did things wrong, it is what it didn’t do. Activision greed trying to cut the expansion down to a one year content cycle… what were they thinking? Ugh. It’s frustrating just to think about.

I hope that one day as part of a feature of a patch they create context for us to travel back there and visit Farahlon for instance.


Good to meet someone else who knows the Crusades weren’t simply “Christian fanaticism”. While I don’t agree with everything done there, the Crusaders had good reason and a valid point (even the famous/infamous Knights Templar were founded with the intention of protecting pilgrims).


Yrel is def in the wrong. Was it due to the orcs? Sure. But her going all “the light is the only way”, is a big no no.

Heck, even Illidan zapped X’era since it was total BS. Thing is, we know nothing of the light or the void yet. We just know they are all controlling and all encompassing, and probably going to be part of an expansion at some point.

And I say this, being addicted to their female waggle butts. But being hot does not mean it’s right.


Yrel’s sexiness has nothing to do with my support of her, though I can understand where that idea might come from lol

Illidan didn’t know squat about the Light, he zapped Xe’ra because “edgy” and he’d rather kill or die than give up his fel fix (not sure that makes Xe’ra right, but Illy wasn’t).


Agreed. This sadly happens all too often in our world. A good example was the Spanish Inquisition -


NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!


No, I’d have to disagree on why he killed X’era. It wasn’t being edgy. X’era was literally trying to transform him and turn him into something else. Literally brain washed all the lightforged as well. The Naaru, we still know so little about them. What we do know, is they are either pure light, or pure void… Neither being good for anyone or anything…

We also know they have unimaginable power to be used. It’s creepy and scary… And if we know anything with WoW Lore, that power tends to come from somewhere, and everytime, not a good somewhere.

Side note, she is damned sexy. Why I made a lightforged, knowing I’m a sexy waggle, but deep down, a wicked creature, even if the light is seen as “pure”.


There’s no evidence that Lightforging = brainwashing. We know in the lore that Lightforged Draenei have non-Lightforged kids, Lightforging was voluntary in the Lightforged Draenei intro quest…

and Lothraxion the “holy dreadlord” might be a mole for the forces of death, plus he and Turalyon talked Xe’ra out of killing Alleria for he Void use (Xe’ra wasn’t much of a fanatic if she could be talked into mercy).

imo I think the whole concept of giving the naaru and Light a bad side is edgy; taking something associated with goodness and hinting it could be bad, with Illidan killing Xe’ra while spouting nihilistic or individualist rhetoric as the most egregious example.


Considering Yrel tries to kill us within the first 10 minutes and doesn’t even try to explain herself, so unless I’m recalling wrong, I’m all for lobbing her head off.


Basically Yrel is drawing uno card on Garrosh


I think Yrel interacted with the Alliance PCs rather than the Horde PCs; only Horde PCs can do that scenario.


Lightforged was definitely brain washing. The light in general is. Play through the Paladin quests, from TBC through Legion. Praise the light, the light is all powerful, even though unknowing where it comes from. Light give me strength to shatter these bonds…

And you could tell the Lightforged was brainwashing. Since they didn’t lose their powers when X’era was obliterated, but they lost the singular drive in their eyes, and the light glow in them after X’era Death.

And ya, the Naaru are just creepy. Maybe it’s me, since was one of the few who suffered on M’uru back in the day. That dark… void… POS! Who we couldn’t kill until they removed that stupid spell pushback on transition!

TBC is what made me see near the end, how wicked they truly are, their lore hinting at it. A’dal in Shattrath, compared to M’uru in Sunwell. Total opposites. Naaru original lore being weird as well.

" The naaru are a dimension-traveling race of sentient energy beings, born from clouds of fractured Light after the creation of the Great Dark Beyond. The naaru use their powers to spread hope and life across the universe. Their energies empower the priests and paladins of Azeroth. The naaru blessed the draenei) with this power in an effort to help them in their struggle. They are bent on stopping the Burning Legion."


She made a cult thats what she did wrong and its a convert or die death cult.

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So its ok when someone like her does the kill everyone not like us, but when blizz literally takes the horde lore and chucks it out the window to do the same thing its horde bad.


Except they kind of are; the Draenei and the Mag’har were living in relative peace until some Na’aru showed up and lightforged a bunch of them and they began their illustrious crusade to first convert the savages for their own good and kill those that don’t comply.

Like that’s basically the whole damn thing.


Characters know where the Light comes from in-universe; until this Shadowlands retcon with the First Ones, the Light was the first of the cosmic forces, then the Void emerged and the clash between the two caused the Big Bang that created the Warcraft universe. It’s even hinted that Elune made the naaru when her Tear unlocked the core of “everyone’s favorite naaru” Xe’ra jks

Saying good stuff about the Light doesn’t make it brainwashing. There was nothing to even suggest that until Lothraxion came along - though he could also be a mole against Light for Denathrius.

Only Turalyon lost the glow after Xe’ra’s death. And he tried to kill Illidan after Xe’ra was dead… but was able to disagree with Xe’ra while she was still alive; ergo, it’s not brainwashing.

I feel for you doing the pre-nerf M’uru fight. That was harsh. Though M’uru then was the product of outside influence (Kael, who’s currently in Revendreth), I can understand a bit of where you’re coming from after that experience. That paragraph about the Naaru from the wiki doesn’t sound sinister to me; they sound noble and helpful from that.