Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

Thadeus you need to take off your biased goggles off man. For reason that have been stated multiple times already, Yrel is very VERY clearly being depicted as an antagonist regardless of what sparked it.

“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”

That’s what’s going on here with Yrel and the light. The light is not the good all end all that we once thought it was. I mean look at the scarlet crusade.


If it brings about good as opposed to evil and degenerative practices, there is nothing wrong with it.


You know, as a former Alliance main, I’d actually laugh at that XD


The Burning Crusade 2 coming soon. The Fel still exists in our Universe.

WoW lore is roughly following the same progression as Warhammer 40k lore does.

There will always be a Black Crusade in W40k… just insert a number after it.

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Lets hope so. BC, WoD, Legion had the best themes. I just wanna play some fanatic paladin and smash people with my hammer in a cool thematic world. They still need to add that Paladin hammer from WC3. God, will I be strong then.
Scourge expansion would do fine as well, but please no Shadowlands.

I also think fanatic Yrel is super cool. Just dont kill her off please. More like a horde/alliance thing but as a fanatic holy crusade.


Yeah no. Forcing your beliefs on anyone and killing them for not following is never ok. That’s no better then what the Mag’har did to them. I hope she comes back in a light themed expansion as a villain and we kill her.

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That’s the way it should be. If something exists as a metaphor for evil, the idea of killing that thing permanently verges on utter nonsense. Thankfully, Blizzard didn’t actually do that. The Burning Crusade is definitely NOT over.

Sargeras will be free again wearing Illidan like a meat puppet. This is almost certainly a thing that will happen. I look forward to seeing what form that takes, since the Burning Legion has always been a high point for this franchise (Reign of Chaos, Burning Crusade, Legion).

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Well it is slightly better, there was no “join us or die” option with either versions of the “Horde” that tried to wipe them out.

  1. I want a Scourge faction playable.

  2. Sylvanas’s actions on Azeroth may have caused a apocalyptic event to happen on Azeroth… no one is keeping the Scourge controlled now because no one can (the Helm is destroyed unless we find a way to put it back together… and since Ner’Zul is coming back…)

  3. Is LB Yrel in our timeline now? I thought she was in the AU doing her Grand Crusade there… in our timeline The Army of the Light isn’t a bag of mixed nuts like the AU’s is.


Sargeras is basically Horus from 40k. He’s done… but another will rise to take his place and cut a burning path to our door… only for us to remind him “politely” that he picked the wrong ones to blank with.

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They’re saying Yrel and the LB will enter our timeline in the future, maybe as villains of another expansion.

Off topic, are there any Scourge left? I thought we wiped them out after Sylvanas shattered the Helm and they went on a rampage.

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There will always be The Scourge. It’s a plague that has no cure… some scientist will go playing around with a infected corpse and boom… apocalypse starts over again.


When they first mentioned the “time skip” with SLs, I was betting on this occurring. We come back to our world 10 years into the future having finally fixed the SL only to find that the Lightborn seeking refuge from their dying world used the might of the Narru to reopen the dark portal and entered our world. Finding it weakened from years of global warfare, they quickly took over and now the Alliance and Horde are barely holding on.

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Ok yeah maybe true lol. But still doesn’t make it ok maybe the whole planet should just be destroyed then nobody wins lol both sides pay for their evil ways lol. And then no more arguing! And another way to guarantee us never going back there again!


I don’t think Sargeras is done. Sargeras as a character has barely been explored at all in-game. We’ve basically just been introduced to him formally even though he’s lurked in the shadows for a long time.

If some random OC like the Jailer can get a whole expansion dedicated to him, I feel like Sargeras is going to come up again. In fact, prior to the release of Shadowlands I speculated that the Jailer was a “test run” to work out the story-telling kinks of how do you tell an expansion around one larger-than-life villain.


Or… there is no Alliance and Horde left. (there is the rumored merging of the factions thing).

And then I get to kick Yrel’s cloven hooved backside around our universe… from one planet to the next… for eternity.


I don’t think we have seen the last of the Legion and Sargeras either.



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Oh no definitely not! He will probably come back when we need his help to defeat the void lords.

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True. That reminds me, Sylvanas pretty much turned Lorderaen’s capital into Azeroth’s biggest stockpile of Scourge plague.

imo we may not completely agree on Yrel on the LB, but that plague-blighted area needs some serious purifying.