Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

It’s wrong to write off Yrel and co. are mere “fanatics”. We have nothing to go on that it was the case but the words of the faction who tried to enslave or genocide Yrel’s people and then invaded Azeroth… all without provocation from either party. Outside the Iron Horde, the Laughing Skulls clan are violent xenophobes despite never joining the Iron Horde, and only allied with the Frostwolves out of desperation. The Draenei have good reason to call the Mag’har savage after all that, this isn’t a simple “join our religion or die” situation. Plus, the Ogres’ Gorian Empire and the parasitic Botani both scorned peace as a whole.

The Iron Horde leader Grom got no in-game redemption arc, so for all we know, the orcs went crazy genocidal again and they left that part out of their story. Plus Geya’rah - the Mag’har we interact with the most in the recruitment scenario - is clearly bitter and prejudiced, and that “Sermon of the High Exarch” book lacks a lot of information (eg; it never mentions the Iron Horde). So pretty much anything they say about being hounded, oppressed or persecuted is about as meaningful as the prisoners in Nuremburg whining during their trials.

Even the worst case Draenei choice of “convert or die” was a better option than what the Iron Horde gave the Draenei; “get worked to death as slaves” or “die now”. In light of that, it looks valid for the Draenei to try and convert the orcs who became genocidal maniacs in TWO separate timelines (and without demonic corruption in this one). And unlike many religious conflicts in real-life – the existence and abilities of the touted higher power are not in question in-universe.

It’s unknown why alt-Draenor is deteriorating, the Orcs and Draenei blame each other in a “he said, she said” situation. But we know some Orcs gave the demons a way onto alt-Draenor, and the Iron Horde was practicing rampant deforestation and industrialization, while there’s no evidence that the Draenei or the Light caused the deterioration.


Forcing your religion onto someone, for ANY reason, is never okay. Especially if the other choice is death.


^ This
I hate to break it to you, but Yrel has become the very thing she fought against.
For what it’s worth, I’m not happy about it either.

With that said, I think I’m more concerned about Turalyon.


Forcing your religion onto someone, for ANY reason, is never okay. Especially if the other choice is death.

What about every other reason I cited? The death world, the past experience. Yrel and co aren’t wrong about all that.


Let me quote myself for the answer:


She’s gonna get clapped bro. Just get ready for the butt whooping she’s going to receive in the next expansion. Nothing lewd intended.


I really wish they just left AU Draenor alone. There was no reason to go back to it. Especially when they took a character like Yrel and turned her into a monster. They should have pulled Maghar orcs from Outland.


Did Yrel try to force her Religion on to others? Yes. Immediately invalidates anything else you have to say.


Did anyone actually read the reasons I gave, or did they just read the title of the thread?


I read it. I don’t have an issue with your stance. The Maghar orcs joining the Horde and attacking the Alliance kinda proves Yrel has a point.


No it doesn’t, that’s an oversimplification of the situation.


So they should’ve just killed all the orcs?

I mean, they’ve pretty much proven with the whole BfA thing that they’ll start genocidal wars on the thinnest of premises and then completely deny all responsibility when it starts going against them. Or as the goose meme goes, peace was never an option.


Not bloody really. The second you become a fanatic and start forcing your views on others is the second you become a villain. The Light has been shown VERY CLEARLY to not give a damn about free will in the whole Xe’ra versus Illidan spat.


After 30 years there were no hints of wars happening, just recent conflict with the Lightbound.


They may not know why Draenor is dying, but even more that’s no reason to attack the mag’har. You can’t just declare war without solid proof they’re actually guilty. Both sides just turned to each other because there was nothing else to look at.

The planet is likely dying because the timeline is fading away. Alternate universes are not meant to exist. We severed the connection after we packed up and left. So it’s doomed to fade and disappear eventually.

I don’t think Yrel is evil. It’s just extreme things are happening and the Light Mother naaru offered a potential solution, the only answer they had. Regardless if it was right or wrong she went with it to try to survive.

But the draenei and orcs became friends after the Iron Horde fiasco. They fought together against the remaining demons. Betraying that alliance and persecuting and converting the orcs without justified cause is not right. The draenei would have never done that if Velen was alive, they were in the same position after all with the Legion hounding them. So Yrel and the other Exarchs all crossed a line.


Did no one notice the orcs you were helping during that last stand were using a lot of void magic? The light is not going to coexist with the void, the mag’har were unknowingly inviting ruin onto alt Dreanor with their use of it.
There were Naaru personally involved in that assault, which should highlight how serious they considered that threat.
We also only see that portion of the story, we are never told how this all started, what sparked it in the first place, but I doubt it’s as simple as ‘follow my religion or die’.


Did you not see what the naaru tried to do to Illidan? They’re obviously setting something up about light not being all good. Yrel is a part of that. Same with some of the new scarlet stuff goin on i can’t remember the details on those


According to the very one-sided Mag’har, Geya’rah.

And you’re saying the Lightbound/Yrel aren’t one-sided? Light doesn’t automatically = good.


I saw Xe’ra try to replace Illidan’s fel magic with the Light; all that talk of “mind control” and “taking away free will” is nothing but fan theories at this point.