Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

There is lands in WoD we did not explore. I honestly wouldn’t mind an excuse to explore those lands.

I dunno about you guys though, but the reason why the world is decaying is the death of the genosaurs and those giant life primals, as they had absorbed much of the spirit of life in dreanor and pretty much integrated all plant life to them.

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Well considering the “horde” did worse to the Draenei in not one but two words, it is more of a “pot and kettle” situation. I wouldn’t blame the Draenie of AUD from taking the actions they did to ensure their survival against a militaristic faction that nearly wiped out your kind in two different realities.


That’s quite literally what they are. They kill non believers, this includes women and children.

You’re comparing people that live in caves and wear bones, to a faction that can traverse space.


Well at some point… I figured out this guy is trolling just to start a fight. He’s bringing a discussion that ended 2 years ago up. He’s intentionally peppering it with parallels to real life discussions in order to get bites. It succeeded…

My theory on what is happening in that Alternate Universe is that the Light is doing what the Burning Legion did in ours. It’s basically the Terminator paradox… no matter what we do to change a set in stone future… that future will still happen but with variances. The future isn’t a specific thing that will happen but more of a vague thing. In one timeline it was Skynet… in the paradox timeline it was Legion.


Well… to be honest… they didn’t invent the technology they used to traverse space. The Naaru did. There is more to the Naaru than we know…

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That discussion didn’t end two years ago, and my intentions were to remind people of Yrel’s side of the story and provoke discussion.


Yeah Yrel’s story made me mad too. The Orcs were terrible to the Draenei and in one of the cinematics she’s basically holding hands w them and walking into the sunset.

Yrel and Sylvanas forever!

No, peeps, I am not shipping this at all :laughing:

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OP I am surprised you didn’t talk about the orcs mentioning about their hunting of the primals into this thread.

Though I do beleive yrel will become a raid boss in the future unfortunatly.

she is the worst. She deserves no happiness.

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Yeah sure you were. That’s why you keep trying to draw parallels to real life issues. You don’t want a discussion… you want a argument.


She’s amazing :heart_eyes:


Yeah nothing like two opposing forces, decimated by a war, trying to build a future together.

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disgusting necro…

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mean like when the BE’s were on neither side and the NE’s and alliance went into lands not even sylvanas went to just to harass the BE’s after they had been in shambles from the 3rd war? Especially after they helped tyrande and malfurion through silverpine forrest.

pot meet kettle

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Good point. I wasn’t sure what killed the Primals, whether it was the Mag’har or the Draenei, so I left that out.

I’ve got to admit I was mean to a couple of the other people in this thread such as Lilus, and though he returned that meanness with interest, I apologize to anyone I’ve been mean to here.

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Yrel is nothing more then a shiney Twilights hammer cultist.


It’s all good, but just think of the tears of the horde once yrel is defeated and the lightbound orcs needs a new home to stay… with the alliance!


Ummm sure… you guys can enjoy Exarch Garrosh… that will be amusing. Siege of Stormwind coming soon…


At first, yes, along with discussion. The main goal is to point out the situation is not just ‘Lightbound’ bad, Mag’har good’ as Yrel and co have a point.

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I hope they make Yrel and the light a 3rd faction. Id join them in a heartbeat. The burning crusade is over. Hail to the holy crusade and my 10 ton hammer smashing heathens to pieces. I love that RP