Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

She got trapped in a collapsing reality, that’s pretty wrong.

Since Draenor isn’t their home, that technically makes the Draenei migrants/immigrants.

There are parallels in WoD when you think about it; they fled their homeland (Argus) due to threat and persecution (the Burning Legion) and came to a new land (Draenor) to start a new life free from that persecution, bringing their traditions with them (such as their fashion and their reverence for the Light)… and then the locals start oppressing and attacking (the Iron Horde) the migrants without provocation from them.

For Blizzard to flip the script and make the migrants the threat… now THAT sounds more like the type of bad thing Gutshredda was accusing me of… but that’s Blizzard’s story plot, not mine.


She became a part of the religious cult- if you say she did nothing wrong then you are pretty much the same mud that she follows disgusting :+1:


Dude, you are breaking the pact. You don’t talk about alt-draenor.


So what was Yrel and co. supposed to do after WoD? Ignore the piles of dead Draenei - including her sister, the formerly enslaved Draenei, hug alt-Grom and say “let us never speak of this Iron Horde again”?

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Its called forgiveness!!! Not revenge , not blood for blood . Since US suffered alot from the British and European invasion in the past should we go out all war or into a conversion cult with them today, should Japan do the same to us , China to Japan, India to British ? You will end up in world war 3 , I am glad you ain’t an influential person or hold any sort of authority in life. Stay that way .


I think the answer lies between these two extremes. The whole point is that Yrel’s group are not simply fanatics and the Mag’har aren’t innocent vicitms.

By the way, strangely, the post you replied to was flagged as a real-life threat despite it being about fictional characters in this game. That’s crazy. Why would someone report a thread talking about fiction as a threat against a real-life person?


Yeah, ok. Officially done with you as you absolutely lack the ability to answer a question. You cannot convince me you are anything other than a troll at this point. Bravo on getting me to seriously respond so much to you.



Perhaps the answer lies between these two extremes. Maybe not “join or die” but the Mag’har must answer for their crimes. The whole point is that Yrel’s group are not mere fanatics and the Mag’har aren’t innocent vicitms.

By the way, strangely, the post you replied to was flagged as a real-life threat despite it being about fictional characters in this game. That’s crazy. Why would someone report a comment talking about fictional events as a threat against a real-life person?

And you don’t know anything about me apart from what I’ve said on this forum; there’s a lot you don’t know about me, no need to assume the worst.


As we have nothing to go on but the words of the person who was committing genocide against Yrel’s people and then invaded Azeroth and who got no in game redemption arc, I do not believe that she did. For all we know, the orcs went crazy genocidal again and they left that part out of their story.


As opposed to the ones they forced it onto who, in this case offered either enslavement and eventual death or death? Yeah, pretty sure the Draeni had every right to try and convert the orcs who became genocidal maniacs in TWO separate timelines.


The story we heard came from the former Iron Horde who rebranded themselves. Fun fact, we are still fighting them in Tanaan jungle at the end of the expansion so yeah, pretty much anything they say about being hounded, oppressed or persecuted is about as meaningful as the prisoners in Nuremburg whining during their trials.


Hey, no one is going to deny that. With that said, you still have the Sermon of the High Exarch, YREL’S OWN WORDS talking about how the Lightbound need to MARCH ACROSS THE GREAT DARK BEYOND AND BRING ORDER TO COUNTLESS WORLDS.

Now, does that sound more like the actions and words of a unifying force, or a conquering army?

And that bit about Tanaan Jungle is an extremely weak argument at best. We’re “still fighting” the Legion in the Broken Isles even after stopping their plans on Azeroth and even Argus. Hell, they invade from time to time! Also, I’m not entirely sure the Horde and Alliance troops in Kul Tiras and Zandalar got the message that the Fourth War is over.

Gameplay Story Segregation is clearly in effect in these instances, and it’s laughable that you’d even suggest the fact that you can still fight the Iron Horde in Tanaan at the end of WoD as your proof that you can’t trust their story. By that logic, Tirion isn’t dead, he’s clearly still in Northrend fighting the war against the Lich King.

And spoiler alert: the Lich King isn’t Bolvar. Shocking, I know.


Funny, since you denied that extensively when talking to me on the subject.


First, we are fighting the Iron Horde as we go into HFC as well as inside HFC. I am not talking about abstract npc mobs still populating the zone years later, I mean that we, the players, were fighting Iron Horde through it all at the time with ZERO word from blizz that they were no longer the enemy. It is called abstract thought, you should give it a shot.
As for Yrel, yeah, it actually does sound like the words of a unifying force as we have no evidence to the contrary other than the words of someone who was part of a genocidal enemy force bent on the subjugation and murder of everyone on not ONE but TWO worlds.
By all means, throw up whatever straw man you like, it just does not fly.


I think he may mean that you’re fighting the demonified iron horde in tanaan jungle in story, not that the fact that you can still go back and do that right now? Personally I think this whole threads point is kinda silly, no matter what the orcs have done doesn’t justify what yrel is doing to everyone else, even those who had no part in it all.


Boy, you seem to like that word as much as Thadeus. You’re also one of the only ones here that seems to agree with him.

Be honest: you guys are one in the same right? Did someone need an alt to help lend weight to the insane ramblings of a troll?

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Different accounts… already checked.


No, Haemish and I aren’t the same, we just agree on this situation.

In light of that, are you a sockpuppet for Pebrock? Or vica versa? I’ll check.


Fair enough. Just always seems suspect when a guy has been getting absolutely railed by pretty much everyone, only to have someone else come along and start agreeing with them while using similar language and words.

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