Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

There have been “bad people” blessed with the Light’s powers since Vanilla. What are you talking about?


Oh well.

Thank you for your interesting point of view.

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I mean giving the Light itself a bad side, and I’m including how it was portrayed prior to World of Warcraft as well.

I guess it’s more the Naaru… they were portrayed as purely good until Xera/Illidan occurred. The light itself powered the Scarlet Crusade in Vanilla, and random Murlocs use Holy Smite and stuff, so I dunno about Light being good or bad. If we take real world religion Light is usually considered good and a sign of God’s favor or such things as ‘enlightenment’ though.

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The Light has a good and a bad side… just like every other primal force in the universe. The Light can be used for Good things and Bad things. It’s just like The Force… it is both good and bad… yin yang.

I’m just trying to understand why, after this being a settled discussion 2 years ago, people are choosing to once again justify the space nazties religious death kult, it’s leaders, and it’s followers. There were serious topic videos on The Lightforged, their practices of Subjugation, on the actions of Xe’ra and her choice to force her will upon others until she was stopped.


It’s neither… it’s just a primal force…
It’s water… you can either help someone with it (give them a drink) or harm (drown them) using it… Water is Water… it’s what the person wielding it chooses to do with it that matters in the end.


These arguments keep coming up because, from 2 years ago to this day, Yrel and co are not simply a “space natsi religious death cult”, and some people - as shown by your comment - either keep forgetting that or deliberately ignore the fact that Yrel and co have valid motivations and grievances whether our views on their actions.


I seriously hope you are trolling.

You are literally justifying subjugation for the Greater Good. You realize this right?

Because people, like yourself, want to convince people that “they are just misunderstood”. There’s nothing to misunderstand… their actions… their Convert or Die dogma is wrong. Period.


Actually I brought up their past grievances to show they’re not the one-dimensional fanatics certain fans think they are and Blizz seems to be leaning towards. And given the circumstances of the lore, it’s not a simple case of “convert or die” (and if it really was, that would be bad writing and contradict previous lore).

There are also more reasons these arguments keep coming up than what you stated (btw, it’s funny in a sad way how many people condemn “convert or die”… until it’s being done by people on THEIR side - which applies to religious people, non-and-anti-religious people and people all over the political spectrum).

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Except they are one dimensional fanatics.

Blizzard created them, wrote them to be zealots in the worst sense of the word… and you are arguing that the lore says they aren’t?

And we are done speaking…


They’re clearly not since the Iron Horde was a thing, Blizzard has a bad habit of forgetting their previous lore (compare Warcraft 3 Draenei and Burning Crusade Draenei). If Blizzard makes them nothing more than one-dimensional fanatics for yet another “fanaticism bad” story, that would be bad writing and cliché.


i ain’t reading crap and your opinion is straight up wrong.


Nah, she’s nuts.

I blame bad writing.


How can you know whether my opinion is wrong if you don’t read the reasons behind it?

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It’s NOT even their HOME they belong on Argus NOT Drainor I can’t fathom how most every Alliance player fails to see this fact. They are not Native to Drainor orcs are. How about they get off the planet and go back home?

Oh wait they don’t have a home NOT the Orc problem.


Well… Orcs aren’t “humans” and are “savages” (OPs justifications btw) so he believes they are “Saving” them from themselves… said every… nutjob… in… history… ever.

Heck I think even Jim Jones used that mumbo jumbo.

Oh and btw Corlia… in another thread…

OP… I hope is trolling… because if they aren’t… we have a seriously dangerous person in the forums…


They’ve laid the groundwork for Yrel to become what she was fighting against, so it will probably happen. A lot of us didn’t like what they did to Baine (milksop) and Sylvanas (mustache twirler) or perhaps even Saurfang , and yet here we are. Likewise I think Turalyon is in for a rough trot. It’s what happens when you get to play in someone else’s IP. Things you wish didn’t happen, often do.


If you think I could be seriously dangerous, I think you could be confusing fantasy with reality (and might be a few other things too).

Unlike colonialism in real-life, the natives (Mag’har) attacked the foreigners (Draenei) first and without provocation (Iron Horde) from said foreigners (Iron Horde drew first blood - and a lot at that). Plus both sides on alt-Draenor were pretty evenly matched in technology and population.

Did you know alt-Grom was a war criminal? Or that a lot of WoW fans thought the Orcs were getting off light (pun not intended) at the end of that expansion.

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Alliance “fans” think The Horde gets off light every time a Horde leader gets killed. Also… A lot is a non-provable statement… you only speak for yourself.

What does that have to do with the discussion about the AU Army of the Light? Besides… absolutely nothing.

Isn’t the Mag’har orcs a conglomeration of the tribes that formed after the fall of the Iron Horde?

Did you know that Grom spent the next 35 years atoning for that? Yrel and Grom also became allies… Or are you going to harp on something and ignore the rest of the history?

No they weren’t. The Iron Horde had the technological advantage due to Garrosh bringing the knowhow from Azeroth to AU Draenor. I don’t think the Draenei even had a navy (or I do not recall seeing a Draenei ship).

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Who said I’m an Alliance fan? I didn’t bring the Alliance into this discussion, other people did. This thread was supposed to just be about alt-Draenor Yrel’s faction and the Mag’har Orcs, most of whom were formerly known as the Iron Horde - alt-Grom is a Mag’har and he’s the former leader of the Iron Horde.

Alt-Grom’s actions relate to the “Lightbound” because he led the Iron Horde responsible for the atrocities that at the very least influenced the Lightbound’s formation.

So if the Iron Horde had superior technology, then trying to use the Draenei as an analogy for colonialism as I’ve seen is even more wrong. If anything, the Draenei in WoD could be seen as an analogy of migrants; they fled their home (Argus) due to threat and persecution (the Burning Legion) and came to a new land (Draenor) to start a new life and escape that persecution… but the locals start oppressing and attacking the migrants (the Iron Horde) without provocation from them. For Blizzard to flip the script and say the migrants are a threat here sounds potentially dangerous more than anything I’ve said.

I wonder if the thought this whole “Lightbound” business through beyond “let’s get another foe to fight” and “muh fanatacism”.

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