Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

Kind of mentions it here . Doesn’t use the words Iron Horde but it does mention that the Defeat of the Legion on Draenor was done with the help of the Mag’har orcs. Mag’har orcs are those that didn’t drink of Mannaroths blood like the Warsong and the Frostwolf and the Laughing Skull clans.


Your whole thread is one bad trollish strawman


Thanks, I’ll sleep better now you noble soul!



the same orc whoms alternate timeline self is specifically mentioned in that as being lightbound now

Also its mentioned the lightbound killed Durotan (and its assumed Draka) for not joining, so again its "we forgive you for your actions before even though the frost wolves clan never joined the iron horde, but join or die. "

seems pretty evil


If I have one pet peeve in debate, it’s quote-mining.

For the sake of argument I’ll allow that free-will is being taken away in the way you say it is despite there being forces in WoW that don’t exist in real-life.

Since the forced conversions the Europeans carried out on various groups as they settled in the New World go against the teachings of the religion in question, for one thing, I’ll say both sides in some of those were pretty bad (eg; the Aztecs and Mayans weren’t innocent victims).

After the way you’ve been talking to me, do you think I’d want to admit you’re right even if you were?

OP is also making the very bold assumption that Yrel would be an Alliance champion if she made it to Azeroth, which is fine, she’d probably be welcomed at first, but several of the Alliance’s races don’t follow her brand of Light™, so she’d have problems when she meets a Night Elf, Worgen, Gnome, Pandaren, Dark Iron, etc., and heaven help if she meets a Void Elf. They’re super going on the “convert of die” list.


I knew you were being sarcastic, I was jokingly upvoting your comment.

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If forcing your religion on a group is the only way to ensure your own survival then it is valid tactic. The orcs, not under the influence of demon blood, attacked and slaughtered a ton of draenei. After learning all the horrible stuff orcs did on Azeroth, both pre and post demon corruption, there’s good reason to think history will repeat itself and the draenei will once again become the focus of unwanted orcish aggression. So yeah, long story short, Yrel did nothing wrong other than ensure a likely threat was neutralized.


The assumption was yours. I never said anything about Yrel’s faction being allied with the alliance or coming to Azeroth. To be fair, I think you’re probably right about Void Elves.

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Yrel and her views is basically is the WoD version of the Scarlet Crusade in my eyes, While they were trying to do good their was no middle ground, You’re either with them or against them…

If this was a true rpg their could of been a choice to accept their views and mission or go against it… but we know WoW isn’t too good on the RPG side of things.


You would have a point if the orcs hadn’t shown in our universe and in the AU to be unpredictable, dangerous, and savage. The actions of the draenei were correct to try and elevate the orcs while also instilling actual moral virtues in them.


That would be awesome in an RPG way if we had the choice to aid Yrel and co or fight them.


yrel is a mistake that should be erased.


Hahaha…she’d be alliance related.

Alliance plot armour is strong and they got the package for everyone. Horde only got the plot armour package for Sylvanas.


At this point, I honestly don’t care, because all you’ve done is avoid questions. Each time you get shown clear evidence on the matter, you literally turn into Lebowski:

I really am becoming more and more convinced that you’re nothing more than a troll as nearly everyone in this debate (on both factions in case you want to try to pivot to that as an excuse) has repeatedly tried to point out why what Yrel is doing is wrong, why Xe’ra showed that perhaps the Light as an entity isn’t as merciful or kind as we’ve been led to believe, and yet your entire argument has essentially boiled down to “Nuh-uh!”

I’ll humor you one last time however and ask you to answer this:

Sub out Yrel and the Lightforged for the Alliance. Sub out the Mag’har and Grommash for the Horde. Ignore any atrocities and war crimes from either side. Clean slate, we have a peace treaty, nothing underhanded happening in the background, all the old prejudices have finally disappeared thanks to a new generation. Places have been rebuilt, and threats such as the Scourge are handed with both factions providing troops and assistance as needed.

Let’s say that treaty has no issues for 30 years. All of a sudden, something happens. The land is becoming tainted by some unknown force. The Alliance assumes the Horde are dabbling with demonic powers again despite assurances that they are not. Tensions rise, various Alliance leaders think the Light is their only salvation. Naaru have shown up on Azeroth and want people to follow them unquestioningly. Anduin is now getting sudden visions that the only way to save Azeroth (and the universe) is to convert everyone to the Light. Various Alliance leaders convert, but the Alliance gets fanatical and starts to forcibly convert people.

The Horde feels something else is at play, but they can’t investigate as xenophobia is on the rise. Something isn’t right, and things are potentially pointing towards the Light perhaps not being what it seems. The Alliance won’t listen as that flies in the face of their now fanatical beliefs, so they literally start a war to convert or kill all the non-believers.

In that scenario, can you honestly say The Alliance did nothing wrong?


Blizzard never learned from tv, movies or comics.

When you start whipping out alternate realities because you wrote yourself into a corner…it does not go well.

So…we took only this 1 thing, huh? Why not other things.

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Says the blood elf.

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I didn’t bring up Xe’ra or the Alliance, other people did and I responded. This thread is about defending Yrel and her group, not the Alliance or Xe’ra lightforging Illidan. Get your facts straight.

I made several arguments. Disagree with them if you want but don’t pretend I didn’t make them.

Your Alliance and Horde analogy is a strawman because there isn’t a clean slate with either situation, so your example falls flat.


I guess maybe I shouldn’t have dreamed up this scenario of Mag’har and Lightbound. It seems some people think it was a bad idea. I was flattered that Blizzard used my idea though. Making Lightbound forcibly convert others to the Light makes the Light look bad, and I shouldn’t have made the Light look bad, I guess. I don’t know. Thank you for this thread and your opinions about it.

Also villain-batting Yrel was kind of a stretch. She was a goody-goody, really.


Giving the Light a bad side wouldn’t be such a problem if it’d been that way from the get-go rather than a ham-fisted retcon with potential ulterior motives, but that’s not your fault.