Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

I’ll repeat what I said in a previous Yrel ‘becoming a crusader’

‘what are you talking about, neo-crusader yrel is the best character arc she ever had’

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As a palafin life is simple I see s potencially genocidal crusade, I join.

Tbh, I dont think that Yrel crusade call allies on azeroth, even our equivalent of murderous zealots wich are the scarlet crusade would be discusted about of the view of orcs and goat people use the light that they may aswell work with us to kill them lmao

Wow, that is a truly lazy accusation. I shouldn’t expect any more from an obvious troll, but oh well.

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Yrel deserved what Garrosh, the iron horde and the saberon did to her in the coliseum

I have a feeling that blizz is going to attempt a poorly written redemption arc with Sylvanas, or just skip it and have us supposedly be on her side with no explanation regardless of how poorly that will be received.

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I hope not. I think it’s best not to, after all, and this is to sylvannis fans, nothing lasts forever.

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you mean in favor of the inquisition? You do not know the true threat coming to Azeroth from the Alternate Draenor and Turalyon is waiting for it with open arms.

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No, we actually do not know anything of the sort. The only actual knowledge we have comes from the people who tried ensalving or murdering everyone not them on both AU Draenor and Azeroth. Seriously, we really have no idea what happened over those years in the time difference. We do know outside of the gamer that Blizzard absolutely loves to give different facts to different sides. I believe that if we actually see them again, the Alliance will get a different view than the horde got.

Honestly, they were probably just setting it up as a possible story for a future expansion.


hmm… now i see Does Azeroth Yrel exist? from what I remember it had a somewhat close name.

from what I see is that if it will have repercussions in the lore, a supremasist oppressor (like all feminist in these times) Yrel who enslaves and profans anyone who is or not against the light, and a Yrel who knew more deeply both factions or I think it’s not like that, no

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Our Draenor had no Yrel. Or at least there was not one who rose to any sort of prominence. Once again, AU Draenor Yrel has been dealing with the remnants of the genocidal, void using orcs for 30 years.


but I was talking about a supposed Yrel in Legion in 7.2 in WoWhead, I don’t know if that was it, just that it had a slightly different name in Yrelia or something like that, that’s why I knew that there is a Yrel of the Azeroth more than the Draenor or rather the of Outland.


The only thing I’m interested in this alternate reality is to either: A Druid Illidan and Malfurion DH ooooooorrrr a Lightforge or Voidtouch Illidan…
I like to see what power he turns too in order to combat this “Holy Crusade” or whatever its called… in this alternate reality. :exploding_head:

And obviously I want this for pure selfish reasons really: I want a DH third spec! :smiling_imp:

Yep I’m not hiding it… and its only me I’m not speaking for anyone with this comment but myself. LOL! :rofl:

Also yeah you can ignore me… I just had to put it out there even if I’m a minority or just one saying it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


During the patch 7.3.0 PTR, a Lightforged draenei NPC called Yrelka was datamined. She was renamed to simply “Commander” before the release of the patch and did not make it to live.

  • Her fate in prime timeline is unknown. It is possible she was either killed by the orcs or perished in Draenor’s explosion. Other possibilities are that she survived and took refuge in Shattrath, or survived Exodar’s crash-landing and is wandering around Azeroth as an unnamed adventurer. Or she may not even exist at all.



Ah. I dont know anything about that, sorry.

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that’s why I don’t remember much about 7.2 but something like that there was a Yrel in Legion, but … maybe he’s right and only Yrel never existed in the Outland, in other words the true horde it’s kill her.

For the horde.

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Well, she and her family lived in Shadowmoon Valley, so it is a pretty good bet that either the orcs or the demons killed her.
Edit: On ours, she may have even become an Eredar or Broken.

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hmm… in this case a Yrel Eredar vs Lightforged Yrel, It would be the fight of the moment in a next expansion.

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That would be cool to see.

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Those ideas sound like good fodder for some “What if” storytelling. Maybe worth a fanfic or an RP session.

I also find it strange that demon hunters only got two specs.

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