Yrel did Nothing Wrong (please read the reasons before commenting)

There is a whole lot of supposition in this. Like, to the point where fanfiction dot net users would arch their eyebrow.

Ah, why I said it was confusing, since that was TBC lore, and has changed since WotLK. in TBC, it was thought when a Naaru gets hurt or weakened, they become darkened. Lore has since changed to show otherwise. Since if they were that powerful when “Weakened” it made no sense.

And M’uru turned into a creature of the void, even more powerful when was “hurt” too much. Why I believe Naaru are light and dark all at once. Hard to explain, since much of it was explained in the books and through quests most just accepted and never read lol


That could actually just be a figure a speech though.



because it was a joke and i was reacting purely on your title

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The death of a million to save a billion is worthwhile.


I agree she didn’t do anything wrong!


I barely even know what she did

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Ah, you’re right. In my migraine-addled state this thread apparently blended with others I’ve seen suggesting she would be a big Alliance hero if she came back.

I think that point is still correct, for the record, that she wouldn’t be seen as a hero on Azeroth.

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I got this information from the “Light” page on Wowpedia, see for yourself, it’s under the sub-heading “Origins and Characteristics” (my account can’t post links yet).


Went on some big Light crusade and turned a bunch of the mag’har orcs into lightbound orcs/zealots. They killed the rest(or tried to). Come on Nippy, keep up.

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When in the hell did that happen?

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In the mag’har recruitment quests, if you never did those then it doesn’t exist basically. IIRC she actually turned AU garrosh into some crazy Light-worshipping zealot, it was pretty interesting

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Nillah left out that the Orcs Yrel and co. converted had previously tried to genocide or enslave them with the militant Orc supremacist union, the Iron Horde, the villains of the Warlords of Draenor expac.

There was also the were dangerous Laughing Skulls clan (not sure about the Frostwolves, though).


You’re also leaving out that the Mag’har were effectively manipulated by Gar’rosh into thinking that the Draenei, humans and a plethora of other races from Azeroth would destroy their cities, their planet and enslave the survivors. As such it’s small wonder they fought like mad men to crush the Draenei and the people of azeroth.

But completely putting that aside the fact remains that they had maintained peace for years after the end of the assault on hellfire citadel and that it was Yrel that violated it after the Na’aru turned up, lightforged a bunch of them and told them to purge the heretics.


It’s funny how WoW turns Female Characters from the Alliance side into ether Zealot Crazied, Arthas Race Murdering 2.0, or just crazy jerkwards who is bend on war.

Characters like Jaina who was peaceful and then turned into a Arthas 2.0 because Blood Elves or the fact that people hate nice peaceful female blonde characters, Yrel turned into Zealot making Draenei look like Evil Light Worshipping Monsters, and list can go on.

It’s like when will Blizzard stop making Blonde or White Hair Female Characters into forced morally grey storying writing or stop making them into something they aren’t.

I’ve read the “Hellscream” short story too.

While you’re right about Garrosh being manipulative, rather than get the Draenei’s side of the story on alt-Draenor, Grom and the Mag’har hopped on the “Orc master race!” train Garrosh was pushing.

Garrosh didn’t just paint Azeroth and the Draenei as threats, he appealed to the lusts for conquest and plunder the Mag’har already had (why do you think Grom’s clan was called WARsong?). Also, Azeroth was presented to the Iron Horde as a place to conquer and plunder; they knew the future attacks from Azeroth were retaliation for their actions and Grom and co didn’t care until they saw their future defeat.

Garrosh’s plan was to enslave or kill every non-Orc and this spread to the Iron Horde; which makes the Iron Horde sound at least as bad as you’re saying these Lightbound are… except the Iron Horde also did environmental damage.

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They “jumped on it” because they were shown visible proof that they were going to get shafted in the future and were being offered an alternative.

And again: The draenei and the Mag’har were at peace until after the Na’aru showed up.


She also killed Durotan.

That alone makes me want to separate her head from her body.


According to who? The biased Mag’har Geya’rah? The cherry-picked incomplete “Sermon of the High Exarch”? What makes you think either of those are reliable?

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Because there is nothing contradicting this and the light has been shown to not respect “no means no” in the past (and possibly present depending on what exactly happened in revendreth).