Yrel and “Lightbound” Deep Dive; Not 100% Right. Not 100% Wrong

Wonder if it’s the same people

Literally he’s trying to shoehorn the Garrosh did nothing wrong crowd to be Alliance posters? Never doubt Horde posters to reach new lows.


So now this board has both sides of that religious spectrum trying to paste their viewpoints into Warcraft.

Look forward to my sub running out now lol.


Thats just Baal, he projects his own issues on others.
Namely his own racist tendencies in this specific instance.


Says a Horde poster.

Nah he admitted to being an Alliance main accidentally in another thread (one of Kyalin’s), after claiming to be a Horde main when he first started posting.

(Of course, he’s a sock puppet for someone, we just don’t know who)


Oh, don’t worry. That was disputed within my first 10 posts, and Baal along with a few other cronies, people lie Erevian, decided I wasn’t a Horde poster back then. :smiley:

Of course, why do you even care? It doesn’t change what I said, and just adds a level of depth for what I said about childish gatekeeping. Dare you to reply.

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Luxio is a Horde Sylvanas fan too.
This convo between the two of you is like the Spiderman pointing meme.


Willing to bet Luxio will pull the age ol’ “I like both factions equally, but I only like Horde” reach for validity.

Imagine being so insecure you think someone new is someone else you’re fussy over in disguise.

While chumming up with people like baby Micah lol


Well there have been people who have accused me of having multiple Horde characters and even a Horde main, and they are not wrong.

What’s your point exactly? It doesn’t change a single notion to what I’ve called out.

You should go ahead, and bow out. Atleast you’re good about that.

Also, it’s pretty funny that you’re trying to call me out for being on my Horde main, while calling someone out for trying to save his precious red background from any tarnish, while admitting you’re pretty much posting with a Blue background for no reason, because you only like Horde?

Oh wow, I did not notice that it was the same OP. Weird.


Happens to the best of us, hard to keep track of everyone clocked

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So… the lore labels them as Lightbound?


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Don’t think you should be call anything lame-o after defending the NEFPA matriarch in a thread over a year old. :rofl:



Is that supposed to be as bad as the ban-dodger you guys are nodding along with, even in this thread?

Worse actually.


You wish. Your boogeywoman actually wasn’t as bad as your friendly ban-evading buddy. The thread you’re concerned with me posting in is without a doubt proof.

You can defend the ban-dodger if you want. That sounds like a funny thing you’d do.


If you say so…

Uh huh. I’m sure you’ve been through the entirety of their post history and seen the wonderful contributions to the story forums they’ve made on ALL their toons. Yes, even ban dodging ones like you’ve pointed out with Erevien.

Heck, the thread in question was done by the NEFPA matriarch using one of their many sockpuppets.

Find a post of mine defending Erevien.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

Now, will you go back and realize that the thread you posted in defending the NEFPA matriarch was started by one of their ban-dodging sock puppets?
