"You're not supposed to be good at everything"

Do you know why? Its because Blizzard cant balance anything. Why on earth would anyone want Blizzard to further lock people into something everyone knows is not going to be balanced? What people are advocating for.


Because it is fun and flavorful. Some Mage Towers were harder than others. Would I say we should have never implemented Mage Tower because it wasn’t “fair”? No. Absolutely not.

See, the “issue” is that “fairness” is not really something that is that important. It really, really, REALLY isn’t as important as you guys seem to think. You know what people care about? Whether something is fun and cool. That’s it. That’s really it. Covenants look fun and cool, they’re the shiny thing Blizzard is trying to sell. They’re not getting rid of them. You certainly won’t stop them, lol.

You realize that it will still be imbalanced with the desired change, with this locking it will stall that process.

Is anyone else pinning threads like these so when it turns out that it these systems are as bad as bfa azerite gear you can say I told you so to all the people white knighting for blizz on this :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I let my recurring sub cancel out the day I heard of master loot, m+ changes and sparse azerite armor back in the bfa beta in April 2018. Only resubbed the weekend before launch because of the guild (about like a 4 day gap). I’ve disliked bfa all the way until essences were put in.

I see covenants as being a possibility of being better than what we have gotten before, even if it requires obvious hurt points.

We won’t get an objective take on these issues until 3-4 years from now. There are legitimately people on this sub who are trying to say Legion was a bad expansion and WoD was a good expansion, time really has to settle in before the voice of the actual people, and not deranged raid-or-die lunatics, settles in.

What? Opening it up at least mitigates the imbalance. Locking it down exacerbates it.

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Why does everyone try and turn everything into a big argument around here? Are you guys just obsessed with seeing yourselves type?

I’m just talking about how the game currently feels when you don’t have all your extra curricular abilities unlocked, that it seems like they are keeping 3/4 locked from you in Shadowlands, and how it looks like similar problems will arise with specs feeling incomplete like they do without essences… and it seems like these restrictions are in place to stop people from being as good at certain areas of the game… and that seems like a lame reason to someone like me that just wants to play and have fun.

And right now, playing these specs WITHOUT the right external power seems nowhere near as fun as it looks with them… how is covenants going to be different than that if they’re even more restrictive than essences?

Why are those problematic opinions to have to you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well I respect your positivity but I still feel like it’ll be a flop. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if I’m wrong.

They have already changed them from the original design because people told them it was stupid. They are just doubling down on a dumb system. No one wants them to get rid of them, they just dont want to be locked down into one spec per toon. Blizz has gone from being anti-alt to anti-main.

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This is an entirely different topic that has nothing to do with what is being argued here, I’m not evne sure why you feel obligated to bring it up other than you’re whining and you think someone is listening to you. Getting off-topic on your own whine post is a great way to end up being tuned out.


Conduits =/= Covenants.

I’m being serious. You can think that having those opinions are problematic, i’m just asking you why.

Maybe i’l admit that “problematic” is the wrong word to use here.

Trust me, I am not stopping you from leaving my thread.

I’m not missing the point at all. I know exactly what you said and exactly what you meant.

That situation you’re talking about with the raid team? I mentioned that in my post. That happens. This system will make it happen more. Folks will be switching characters like crazy or they’ll be benched for someone that has the right character. This already happens and this system facilitates that mindset.

I would never personally sit someone purely because they’re suboptimal on a raid fight but I have seen it done many many times. WoW is not the game to implement these sorts of systems in.

Edit: That is, if it isn’t balanced properly. If it is… Great! Problem averted. I just don’t trust Blizzard to balance things.

Unless we’re going as far back as the Balder’s Gate games this just isn’t accurate in most cases. You can respec in Divinity. You can respec in Pillars of Eternity. You can respec in Pathfinder:Kingmaker–heck you can change your entire character in this one down to the race and gender of them. All of these games are far, far, far better RPGs than WoW and none of them limit you like this. WoW didn’t have such limitations and now they’re suddenly implementing them. It’s silly.


It doesn’t because jack of all trade, less effort specs will be better to place in group positions. By limiting access to tools you restrict the ability to create those type of characters.

Why is thinking that one of the worst and most unpopular expansions, so bad that it altered Blizzard’s reporting of subscription, is good and hating Legion, the beloved “break in case of emergency” expansion that brought us the currently 3rd most popular class (IIRC) in the game as well the beloved M+ system and a plethora of much loved content, problematic?

If you don’t live in reality, your arguments will probably not be based in reality and it has the potential to become a distraction for people who are playing the version of World of Warcraft the rest of us are.

It’s ignoring customers if those are the only customers that exist. WoW and other big games have a wide variety of players that Blizzard has to consider, tailor to etc and they aren’t ignoring them PER SAY. You can still go do mythic, you can go do high m+, you can still grind pvp to your hearts content. The differentiating factor is the way said player goes about playing it. Their player habit so to speak or player mentality come into play and thing is, No game developer will address all that.

They will anger some portion of the player base.

“Your” thread. No, you’ll just be ignored within this thread.

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Playing Deadfire atm and you can change your build by visiting an inn and paying a trivial amount of gold. You can basically do all the factions until the very end as well. People who claim restrictions and penalties are “RPG” are full of it. The more freedom the more RPG I say.