"You're not supposed to be good at everything"

Doesn’t the player determine whether or not they are good at everything, and arbitrary restrictions won’t change that?

I don’t play much WoW, or at least haven’t over the years more of a FF and formerly SWTOR guy… but I’d like to… however, reading these forums have been a trip with all the bickering and finger pointing going on about who belongs in WoW and who isn’t welcome anymore because of x new system.
And I hear people say what’s in the title a lot…

Won’t players that were not good at everything still… not be good at everything even with all these restrictions? What’s the point in removing options from us that just want to experiment and have fun for the sake of trying to lessen the gap between good and bad players?

Edit: my lord you people bicker like children.

my concern comes from the fact that I have just recently started playing the game again. my class feels far less fun than the videos i see of people playing with all the essences and corruptions and what not; i do not have those yet, which concerns me that shadow land covenant abilities will also make specs feel incomplete and less fun if you don’t have them. that’s how azerite seems to be, that’s how essences seem to be, why wouldn’t these abilities also be like that?

if specs aren’t going to feel complete without the borrowed power, why do people like me that just want to have fun and play my specs and run around yoloing care at all about these restrictions that seem to be in place to force the gap between top players and bottom/mid level players to shrink? it’s taking away our fun because people obsess over numbers on both ends (people seem to obsess that their numbers are lower too, it isn’t just people obsessing to get their numbers higher. it seems some are very spiteful that there’s just aren’t as high)


The people that say [“You’re not supposed to be good at everything”] doesn’t want you to perform good based on gameplay and self improvement, they want you to be systematically nerfed based on the content you play. Why? Idk, i just think thats stupid.


All we can do is guess about the Secret Plan™ based on their actions. I think it has something to do with shadowlands performing a mass personality change on the playerbase. Only a guess though.


Developers of games also decide how they want you to play a game.
You can do most of what you want, you can switch in SL, you can BiS your heart out. This idea of ‘Doesn’t the player determine…’ anything for that matter is just entitlement at it’s core because you are fundamentally trying to change how someone else WHO CREATES the game, wants it to be played.

There are restrictions in A LOT of games. WoW having some so that you don’t change every few minutes to whatever you want to do is really ON YOU. Not the game. You are effectively going against the games core intended design.

Yeah the truth sucks but that’s what it is.


You are confusing player skill with core class/ game design. A player can be good at st, aoe, pve or pvp, etc.

But classes were not originally designed to be good at everything. Some had utility, some had cc, some had burst, some sustain, etc.

Homogenization was not a popular change to this game. Why would you bring a shaman, when a mage has better cc, utlity, sustain, defensives and an immunity if they do the same dmg. And the mage can also lust. That is where we are at now, because players want their class/ spec to do it all.


Not all specs should be equal at every role.

Not all classes should be equally good at the same things.

The problem isnt power levels at different tasks, the problem is that changing your specialization shouldnt be yet another hoop you need to jump through.


Imagine playing Tekken where one character exceeds in all categories than the others on the roster. You would be a fool to play anything but that character or if you were extremely good the lone character that could counter that character in niche circumstances.

Literally false choice selection going on in that situation. And by being weak in certain aspects you open room to play with characters that are better you in one area, while you cover them in other aspects.


i dont know what to say to this…this is seriously next level white knight…all of my what? how in the world is this entitlement?


That’s why there are tier lists for fighting games. People know who the OP characters are.


It isn’t white knighting, it’s basic logic. This idea of thinking you determine how to play SOMEONE ELSES’ game is ‘entitlement’. Go check what the word ‘entitlement’ means and learn how it applies to the context of what I’m writing so it makes more sense to you.


Yes and certain characters that are too good get banned from tournaments, just look at meta-knight for smash.


oh i misinterpreted i thought we were talking about players determining how they play the game not determining it for anyone else my apologies

Not even close. But nice try.

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There will always be a tier list in a game where characters/ classes are different. But to ask that a character/ class be good at everything, all the time is insance.

A tekken character doesn’t get to have S tier anti air, throw, poke, mobility, ground, and air games, etc. That’s not op, its broken.


You are a weird one, that’s for sure.


What is interesting to me is how differently effective I am on different healers. You’d think: same player, similar results but nope…

I do like experimenting and learning. But yes, I dislike the “grinding required” just to experiment. The game just doesn’t need to have 20 hours of bs time for every 1 hour of fun.

This is a bogus thing Bliz had put in place to try to lengthen our “play time” - but at the expense of our “fun time” The logic is wrong, period.

…what? Change every few minutes? What are you talking about lol

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Over exaggeration but the idea/point is the same.


How is wanting to try out other specs and builds but them being more or less handicapped the same point as wanting to change every few minutes?


Well that was just uncalled for. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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