What? The biggest ability people have been talking about is a teleport.
When people say your not suppose to be good at everything, they don’t mean on a skill level. Its perfectly fine to be a very good player which would make you good in most situations regardless of your class choice. when people say “your not suppose to be good at everything” they are referring to your class auto piloting you to being good…no “class” should ever be a top choice for all content. If we are being real tho rarely is that ever the case, people like to put Havoc DH in this category but its simply not true at the higher levels of game play.
You mention Divinity a lot, but I see that game as a prime example of RP influencing the player experience and even player power.
In Divinity you can literally just select the wrong dialogue tree and that be the difference between a character living or dying. You made a choice as the player to interact in a certain way, and the game responded accordingly by following the logical fallout of that decision.
To me, it just doesn’t make sense for the player to be able to jump between these Covenants who have supposedly been waging war with each other for eternity, and be welcomed back to them with open arms every single time.
How would it make sense for you to be able to be Night Fae, switch to Venthyr for all of 5 minutes, and then go back to the Night Fae and expect them to just be like “ok, cool welcome back” ???
Because the difference between a good player and a bad player is which one pops in the right ability all the time? You have it backwards. I get wanting to experiment and all, but the good player will still be good even if they dont have the optimal ability. Anyone (that is interested) can follow a simple rotation. Not everyone can adapt that rotation to every encounter to maximize its effectiveness. It’s the reason why some people play the less used specs and still do well.
You’re right.
A player should definitely be amazing at single target, AoE, tanking, healing, crowd control, utility, and mobility all at the same time.
That wouldn’t be a boring game at all.
This is exactly why the covenants should have been cosmetic/RP stuff only.
A lot of people are afraid of changes in-game and IRL.
That is why people are anxious and are crying to Blizzard for every changes they can find, even the smallest.
People need to relax…
Keep Calm
Carry On
Bow down before the Dark Lady, Goddess of Death!
For the Forsaken!
Death to the living!
The thread is talking about balance in that all class should be equal in their ability to perform well in the DPS epeen meter rat race. Nobody is really complaining about teleport in this context.
I guess classic is doing better than we thought if they are using that particular system now. Certain class and spec will be good or some things others are not.
Segregation is back in style.
Are you still trying to tell everybody that this is about min maxing?
I am a druid, I already know this.
no, it isn’t.
It’s literally what your OP was complaining about.
You want to be best at everything, because to you, the player should bring the “diversity” not the class (or covenant).
That’s why gatekeeping needs to get out of WoW, IMO. I don’t care if they tell me the problem is me or that I need to make my own group and vet people. The fact that they have to instead of agreeing speaks volumes about them as people, that they’d rather hoard the content to themselves.
no, it isn’t.
It’s literally what you are complaining about.
feel not “do the most numbers”
How do they make you “feel incomplete” if not that they don’t give you that ability to make your character output more DPS, because in the rest of your statement it seem to be exactly what it is you are complaining about…
here’s some more help for you