"You're not supposed to be good at everything"

Yeah, now you just get the very best class for the roll, ranged or melee. Jack of all trades will be useless completely unless they are meta.

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Conduits are not part of covenants at all. Every covenant has access to the conduits.

Soulbinds and conduits are all part of the covenant system. The access to your conduits is granted through your covenant and soulbind selection.

There is a reason they dont post on their mains.

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Exactly. Why make the game less fun for so many people when it doesn’t even matter. I’m casual, and what the top players are doing is irrelevant to me. I don’t need a participation trophy thanks.


Soulbinds yes, but conduits are available to everyone, each covenant also has trees with the same layout of conduit types as well. They aren’t conduit specific.

Some do like Sentenza who just proves the point he doesn’t do any content. I mean cmon, the least you could do it finish all the dungeons once? Yikes.

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Its all part of the covenant system though which is what the original conversation was about. No they are not going to change “covenants” but they have made changes to the overall system based on complaints.

I mean, it isnt his fault he cant get into a group because no one will take a druid.

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In a game mode? No. But people are very competitive when it comes to performance. Some people enjoy competing to see how well they can do in relation to each other. This game is permeated with competition.

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If you want to nosedive into being a Min/Max-er for epeen points, that’s on you. There’s a reason why many players roll their eyes at those playes, mostly because they are incredibly annoying to play with. Rather than focus on working with their friends to overcome the raid challenge, they are actively working against them for the epeen which most of the rest of us couldn’t care less about so long as the run is successful. No we don’t ant to ague about who gets what drop ad nauseam.

At the end of the day, this kind of obsession over minutia ruins the cooperative spirit of the game and diminishes that flavor of unique class specs because you all are constantly crying about balance. Not every class need be top of the DPS meter for it to meaningfully contribute to the success of the dungeon/raid, but here you all are making life miserable for the developers until every single nuance of game play has been homogenized into a single objective.


Thanks but no thanks.

Maybe there should be two versions of (retail) WoW: one as originally intended, and the other for esport. Keep them completely separate: you can’t, eg, transfer your min-max toon over, ever.

Now the meta players can have all the covenant freedom they want.

The problem is that the Min/Max-er only ever want their character to increase in ability to do more DPS. That comes at the expense of unique and interesting game play mechanics. We can’t have fun covenant abilities that does anythign but DPS because the min/maxer will complain about how they have no choice but to pick the ability that increases their output over some other ability that makes for interesting game play. This is why over time the developers have pretty much homogenized each class into a DPS meter chasing class with effectively the same ability kits but with different particle effects.

Class diversity is non existent because of these players.

Different people have fun in the game in different ways. The game has always been competitive, and will always he competitive.

Except that that the player who enjoys this kind of fun will continuously complain about the game until every bit of interesting game play is removed in favor of giving them more DPS.

Maybe, maybe not. In the case of covenants, they are just a bad system. Min/maxers aren’t nearly the only ones complaining about them.

Having all classes good at all content is a pipe dream for every game. Having classes excel at one particular content like lets say AoE and others okay at it is healthy actually.

Three soulbinds you can customize weekly allows for three styles of play that week, which should be flexible enough for anyone. They don’t want you changing all your conduits between every boss and I sure as hell don’t want to wait on everyone to do it. I get their reasoning- it removes a lot of tedium that would otherwise be mandatory. Same with removing reforging (in theory, though gear’s more complicated than ever and always needs to be simmed…).

People don’t seem to have anything against min-maxers when they’re using the sites, videos, and add-ons they provide for builds, rotations, advice, etc.


Its not even a matter of not being “good”. Its a matter of not being “optimal.”

You can still be good and not be optimal.