"You're not supposed to be good at everything"

He or she seems very content to insult and berate others for the things they wish to do in game… but doesn’t do anything in game himself?

What’s the point? Why be so argumentative and cheerlead yourself in the argument you start?

It seems so desparate to do the whole “you’re failing! I’m winning! Blah blah blah” spiel.

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He’s more concerned about making a game that he would play (but he won’t). He’s just like all the other posters like him, Kaeryn, That worgen hunter, that one orc shaman.

Pretty basic game plan.

  1. Don’t play game
  2. Complain how others play games.

Why do you need “balance”? You are not in competition with each other. All that matters is that you were successful at completing the content, whatever that happens to be.

Then see you later.

Have you ever played this game? In addition to competition in pve, there is such a thing as pvp in WoW.

There is no such thing as “competitive PvE” no matter how much Blizzard tries to push that nonsense.

This is the epitome of many of the forum goers here. lol

I won’t even begin to do as others have done in this very thread and attempt to speak for anyone other than myself, but it just seems to be the “in thing” to do. You can even see when one person makes a comment, and someone else tries to nit pick them into an argument. That’s always entertaining. :roll_eyes:

There are some very informative posters here as well, and some that are very helpful. If you stick around long enough, you’ll learn to weed through the rabble.



Lol and when I don’t bite on the bait and engage the argument and try and keep it on topic, they stop replying to me. Go figure!

At a individual level, thats true. You’re not competing with the person next to you, specially if you’re doing auto queue content.

However on a player driven group, that changes. People often talk about being declined from groups due to their choices, but i dont think thats the exact truth, it is indeed about competition, though to a lesser degree. A hypothetical example:

If i’m selecting members for castle of natria and decide i want a fire mage for the last slot, i will naturally wait for a fire mage to apply, as i check the first fire mage to guess the odds on whatever he will be able to pull his own weight or not (which is my criteria), another fire mage applies, now there is 2 fire mages and 1 slot, they’re competing for it now. If i see that 1 of the mages is using the bis covenant and items, therefore min maxing, i will naturally pick him over the other one, why? Because he will MORE LIKELY benefit the raid more than the other one. Can he possibly fail and be worse than the other one? Yes he can, but such is the risk when you play with odds. The same type of competition can be applied to any kind of player driven group. Its not about being the top dude.

This is Timba’s basic gameplan:

  1. Spam the same thread.
  2. Snort and Roar incoherently when challenged.
  3. Achievement shame and belittle because she/he/it/xer has no argument.
  1. Complained about Azerite Vendor
    1a) We got Azerite Vendor
  2. Complained about account bound essences
    2a) We got account bound essences
  3. Complained about no corruption vendor
    3a) Got corruption vendor.

I’ve been on the right side of smart design choices every single time.


You’re actually just a slightly more experienced version of Sentenza.

You’ve completed

  1. 2 Mythic Dungeon all expansion
  2. 8 Heroic dungeons (Great job! but missing KR!)

Keep it up, maybe drop some time on the forums and increase time in game maybe?

See, utterly nothing but snorts and roars. She/he/it/xer completed a minigame and thinks it means something.

Still hasn’t addressed any point because she doesn’t have one.

I don’t need to say anything else, you criticise people who play the game while doing nothing in game.

What more needs to be said? You don’t play this game.

You have no dog in the fight if it becomes a better or worse game.

There’s a reason the ignore list exists.

It better to point out that no matter how good she gets (or how much she spends), my opinion will trump hers because I’ve got far more substance than she/he/it/xer can Sim.

Sentenza can ignore me, It won’t stop me from bringing up his lack of doing anything in game in every thread he enters. More and more people are starting to see through his thinly veiled passion for the game.

Far more substance
2 Mythic dungeons vs 2x characters clearing 12/12 mythic and 6 level 120s who have completed high end content.

So much more substance :clown_face:

Unless you’re having fun it’s a waste of time. It’s fun to tangle with someone trying to rustle your jimmies for a little while, but eventually, as you say you realize they have no substance and get bored. Same song and dance every thread. It gets old. I just changed the channel so to speak.

He has me on ignore too. :upside_down_face:

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It’s pretty hilarious, nothing says “I’ve got a strong argument” like putting someone on ignore.

You know how children do the whole “Lalala i can’t hear you” and put their hands over their ears and close their eyes?

This is the adult version of that.

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Man, I don’t even have Theon on ignore, and he annoys me constantly.
If you can’t tolerate people disagreeing with you, then why be on the forums right?