You're all actually playing watered down Retail WoW

Glad op posted on his classic account to legitimize his po…

wait a minute

Why is it the main ones who proclaim retail is easy are always the ones who only have done LFR.

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you can die on the hill thinking that retail is some how difficult, but it’s not.


grats you just beat mythic raiding and dungeons.

…if you have any semblance of a brain… you can be best at retail… it’s stupid easy.

also maybe my other account is locked with no forum access, cause i have to point out to the baddies such as yourself that you literally have no clue what you are talking about.

also little hint. achievement points mean nothing… all it shows is that you are a true neckbeard gamer.

Vanilla could be played by primary school children, hence all the dumb millennials walking around ‘Duh, muh nostalgia’ all the time.

Laughs in Everquest.

He’s not talking about achievement points. He’s saying prove you have the achievements.

When 10s came out in BFA most people were already geared enough to do them.

They were time gated to not give out better gear than mythic raids before mythic raids were released.


legend of the red dragon would like to have a word.

This still holds 100% true.

Why do retail players always come here talking about difficulty? Nobody playing classic actually cares about difficulty.


Did you miss all of the threads from Classic players begging Blizzard to buff BWL before it’s released?

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small small % of the community, even if they did, it would just be artificial difficulty.

what about, you know, the truckload of mechanic that aren’t something you just avoid? handling stacks on wrathion, splitting raid in 2 phase on skitra, damage shield on maut, soccer boss, DPS window on destra’gath and… well, you probably don’t know what i’m talking about cause you have no idea.

…if you have any semblance of a brain… you can be best at retail… it’s stupid easy.

right, which is why it take the best guild in the world hundred of pull to get the bosses down… compared to 1-shotting everything on release day for classic… but hey, that 3 button rotation is tough.

also maybe my other account is locked with no forum access,

or maybe it’s just complete BS.

also little hint. achievement points mean nothing… all it shows is that you are a true neckbeard gamer.

it show wether or not you completed the content, at the very least.

really? cause that’s what we keep see’ing… bunch of blind zealot who never went past retail’s LFR thinking anything in classic is challenging

Your referring to a very small minority of people, and by small I’m talking a drop of water in the ocean small. They only ever come out when retail characters start threads about difficulty.

you mean they no longer come out… cause people praising how difficult classic lvl’ing is will get laughed at… or how hard ‘baron 30’ run were…

you still have delusionnal people who think naxx40 come close to retail’s heroic raid…

but the amount of ‘‘go back to retail’’ whenever someone point out of of classic many, many flaws is staggering.

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You just described vanilla.

Vanilla literally is retail without QoL.

So calling classic the same thing means nothing.

If you are going to make a troll post try better.

If you are serious. Well you are just a joke.

You should check out thomas trueblood’s versions of shakespear. Literally condensed versions skipping the unimportant parts.

Aka. Hamlet the highlights.

In classic is: GET GEAR. WIN GAME.

That with the lack of mechanics and difficulty of encounters makes getting gear not a struggle at all.

Got the gear? Ok, time to spam Frostbolt.

Lvling in classic isnt nesisarily “hard” (unless you are on a PvP server) but it is alot less handholdie than in retail.

I’ve talked to retailers that gave me a list of what they thought were “flaws” and they were all things I actually like about classic. We tell people to “go to retail” because classic isn’t for them.

yet, this forum and reddit are filled to the brim with endless QQ about classic feature… premade Vs pug in Bg, 1 hour + queues, honor system that reward bots more than skill and so on…