You're all actually playing watered down Retail WoW

Good God, if they remade that in a modern engine with authenticity (as EverQuest Next was supposed to be at first) I’d be there from day one.

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When then genre evolved, into mindless mechanics carried by gear to actual mechanics carried by gear and skill.


You mean Retail? You’re being sardonic… right?

This. Is. Classic.

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Not at all.

Yeah as i said in my first post.

I somewhat agree with the OP in the sense that Classic is terrible for the competitive player.

That’s because it wasn’t designed for the competitive player, hence why it’s so broken when viewed through a competitive lens.

Vanilla raids were hard then because they were designed around players running whatever build they wanted. Run the raids with optimized raid comps and of course they’re going to be a cakewalk. The difficulty curve of vanilla is gradual; endgame is not going to get that much harder than it is now. It will get more demanding, but not by much. The bar for them is incredibly low, because vanilla was designed to be an RPG, where you play your character: not just have them be a means to get your name to a high spot on a leaderboard.

Classic is a terrible game for the competitive player, who will likely leave the game a little after phase 6 has been around and they’ve roflstomped naxx a few times and are disappointed is not as challenging as they heard it was, but it is a fantastic MMORPG.

Blizzard capitalized on the competitive crowd starting with TBC, making huge, sweeping changes to game mechanics and how they approached endgame design. That’s why they grew where other MMORPG’s kind of stagnated.

Of course, in designing for one audience, they gradually ostracized another: those who were part of that aforementioned, older MMORPG audience, who didn’t play the game to compete with anyone other than themselves.


spoken like a true champ that never mythic raided / M+ push / 2k+ pvp.

as opposed to everything in classic including raiding being laughably easy ( and tedious)?

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Go play battletoads if you want a hard game.

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Retail is a bloated, shiney object, watered down, hand-holdy version of its former self.

It is tho.

op just sad and crying that no one is playing retail anymore

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Some people say cucumber tastes better pickled.

I play WoW for my MMO/Social game fix, which Classic does best.

If I want to play something hard/competitive/with good gameplay there’s about 10000 games I’ll play before any form of WoW.

Blizzard alone has 3 games that are better to play competitively than WoW. And Blizzard hasn’t made a good competitive game since Brood War.

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I don’t like BfA but let’s not pretend that no one is playing it. If you add up the downloads of the most recent update to the three big DPS meters, there’s 1.2 million unique downloads on Curse alone.

1.2 million unique downloads for a single type of addon.

Not everyone updates it all the time.
I don’t think China uses Curse for their addons.
Not everyone uses a DPS meter.

When the number of subs was announced to be at 5.6 million during WoD, the number of downloads for DPS meter updates at that time was about 1.8 million. There’s probably 3.5-4 million people actively playing BfA.

Retail is a junk game with junk systems made to keep you effortlessly chugging along.

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People DO still play retail for sure.
What do you think about this?

WoW subscription doubled after Classic release.

Yeah, but that’s a little different from now. The realms are a WEEE bit less populated now, yeah?

I enjoy it, they are where they should be numbers wise now. Doesnt feel like a can filled with sardines.

Oh I’m sure it is.
I don’t play BfA though. Would you say that the population is down on BfA? Compared to pre-Classic launch.

I only really login to check the price of the token but the population of my dead realm seems up significantly from the time of Classic launch. There were NINE! people in Stormwind when I logged in the other day, I usually see one or maybe two.

It’s still a dead realm though, and it’s beyond stupid that they haven’t merged the dead realms yet.